General Flynn completely exonerated

I don't deny the shenanigans. But, I'd say this: He committed a crime (lied to FBI), got caught, and now is getting off essentially over a technicality. Maybe in the grand scheme of things, justice was done in some respect, as I'm sure he paid a sh*t ton of $$$ to his attorneys.

If you or I lied to the FBI, I think we know how that'd end up.

agree with this - BTW, Andrew McCabe got off easier than Flynn for his lying to the FBI
If an en banc rehearing happens, I'll go ahead and go on the record and predict (1) it'll reverse Rao's opinion, and (2) at least some of the votes to reverse will come from GOP appointees.
Guess we will see. Call us jaded at your attempt to sound impartial but at this point what you got to lose? It doesn’t turn out like you like then you just play “well gee I figured they would be impartial” card 🤷‍♂️
Whether a motion is granted is a judicial function as well.

Do we really want judges denying uncontested motions on substantive grounds? I mean, if there's a procedural issue, I get that. But what does it say for due process that a man can move to withdraw his plea and the State can choose not to contest the motion, and an unelected judge (or judges) can simply say "nah, I think you're guilty anyway. Not only do you get sentenced, you don't get a jury trial, either."

I mean, screw Flynn, Barr, and Trump. If seven months from now Biden wants to go after Flynn for a Logan Act violation, I'd see no issue with him doing so. But this motion right here needs to be granted, and Flynn's current case needs to be dismissed. To do anything else is f***ing terrifying.
Do we really want judges denying uncontested motions on substantive grounds? I mean, if there's a procedural issue, I get that. But what does it say for due process that a man can move to withdraw his plea and the State can choose not to contest the motion, and an unelected judge (or judges) can simply say "nah, I think you're guilty anyway. Not only do you get sentenced, you don't get a jury trial, either."

I mean, screw Flynn, Barr, and Trump. If seven months from now Biden wants to go after Flynn for a Logan Act violation, I'd see no issue with him doing so. But this motion right here needs to be granted, and Flynn's current case needs to be dismissed. To do anything else is f***ing terrifying.
At this point the prior admin hangovers simply cannot let this slip away without a fight as Flynn is the only meaningful feather in their hat. Nobody else is relevant. They lose Flynn then this 3+ year **** show is for naught. And conversely the incumbents don’t want to concede them this feather. It’s all political and Flynn is a pawn caught in the middle. But to your point at the moment the proper course of action is to reset. If Biden wins and wants to pursue again then that’s their prerogative down the road.
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I get the distinct impression EL is upset that we are now down to George P as the only person the Muells got on charges connected to the Russia probe. The giant nothing burger is getting bigger.
Yep. And even that was BS. He is clearly an experienced hardened political operative 😂
Let’s be sure that you and @RockyTop85 acknowledge all of the irony here based on the original investigation then.

The DOJ has withdrawn prosecution based on what they say are the facts of the case. The comical trail of errors here executed by the cleaned out KeyStone cops are well documented. Now the great hope is a Democrat amongst the 7 appointed currently will save the day.

Yeah ok... irony 😂

Please. The dropping of charges was concocted and timed to give Trump's base something to be in an irrational frenzy about. Pure and simple.
Hope Trump appoints Flynn to the FBI. He will clean house. Karma is a bitch.

I’d rather see him get his original gig and complete the mission he’d stated #1, and in my mind is bigger than than the FBI....audit the intel agencies.

That’s the reason they set him up and took him out so no doubt Clapper, Brennan, and the rest were pissing panties to hide from an audit. Draining the Swamp begins right there....jmo
I'm really struggling to see the point. And I'm not some kind of Trump apologist. The whole situation is nakedly political on both sides. Of that there is no doubt. But at some point the separation of powers has to mean something. The judiciary cannot exercise powers that are inarguably bestowed upon the executive.
You lost me at naked. What were you saying again?
Please. The dropping of charges was concocted and timed to give Trump's base something to be in an irrational frenzy about. Pure and simple.
The dropping of charges is correct course of action based on your keystone cops laughable ineptness in setting him up getting exposed.

Your last possible real feather in the Russia fiasco is slipping away LG. Suck it up buttercup and move on.
Is Trump a traitor?

In the sense that he willingly altered US foreign policy in order to benefit himself, yes.

I'm not convinced he is a knowing stooge, i.e. that he's being blackmailed or paid in some way. Under all the circumstances of 2016 and since, however, I think its a reasonable thing to wonder about.

Time will tell. He sure has gone to great lengths to find people that will wall everyone off from that. And anyone who won't he inmediately fires. All of which adds to the index of suspicion.

But in fairness it could just be his knee jerk reaction to any threat to his ego. So maybe just a massive character flaw as opposed to knowingly acting as some sort of agent.

As I say, time will tell.

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