General Flynn completely exonerated

Roger Stone, set to report to prison next week, asks judge to postpone sentence because of coronavirus

Roger Stone, who is set to begin his prison sentence in less than a week, is asking a federal judge to allow him to stay at home for a few more months, citing the coronavirus pandemic.
Stone's old age – he is 67 – and medical conditions make potential exposure to COVID-19 life-threatening, his attorneys said Tuesday. They asked that Stone, who's supposed to turn himself in next Tuesday, be allowed to surrender on Sept. 3.

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Judge will grant him a delayed imprisonment, then Trump will pardon him right before he leaves office in January.

"American Justice".

Again, $$$ and connections.
I suspect Flynn spent a huge sum on the best lawyers available to provide his "innocence". Presume his own money, but who knows.

The kind of money available to a guy like this throws shade on the justice system to "normal" people. If you haven't ever witnessed this inequity, you haven't been paying attention.

The money angle is interesting given he had to sell his home to defend himself.

It's funny how all the malfeasance that led to this is ignored. The FBI made so many mistakes and outright bad faith moves to end up with an admission that fair minded people would look at this and say justice is done by dismissing this. Instead because he's linked to Trump it's viewed as some grand perversion of justice which it is not.
Roger Stone, set to report to prison next week, asks judge to postpone sentence because of coronavirus

Roger Stone, who is set to begin his prison sentence in less than a week, is asking a federal judge to allow him to stay at home for a few more months, citing the coronavirus pandemic.
Stone's old age – he is 67 – and medical conditions make potential exposure to COVID-19 life-threatening, his attorneys said Tuesday. They asked that Stone, who's supposed to turn himself in next Tuesday, be allowed to surrender on Sept. 3.

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Judge will grant him a delayed imprisonment, then Trump will pardon him right before he leaves office in January.

"American Justice".

Again, $$$ and connections.

They've been letting violent offenders out for the Covid - but letting Stone out delay prison is the problem...LOL.
I can't imagine that Sullivan will request an en banc hearing.

Can be done by the dissenting judge as well. And given that he called the decision unprecedented, it seems quite possible that he'll ask. For en banc to be granted 6 of the 11 would have to vote for it. Seems quite likely we see an en banc here.
The money angle is interesting given he had to sell his home to defend himself.

It's funny how all the malfeasance that led to this is ignored. The FBI made so many mistakes and outright bad faith moves to end up with an admission that fair minded people would look at this and say justice is done by dismissing this. Instead because he's linked to Trump it's viewed as some grand perversion of justice which it is not.

I don't deny the shenanigans. But, I'd say this: He committed a crime (lied to FBI), got caught, and now is getting off essentially over a technicality. Maybe in the grand scheme of things, justice was done in some respect, as I'm sure he paid a sh*t ton of $$$ to his attorneys.

If you or I lied to the FBI, I think we know how that'd end up.
Can be done by the dissenting judge as well. And given that he called the decision unprecedented, it seems quite possible that he'll ask. For en banc to be granted 6 of the 11 would have to vote for it. Seems quite likely we see an en banc here.

Reading Wilkins' dissent, I don't really see him moving for anything further. He didn't argue that Sullivan's actions to this point were correct. Instead he simply wanted to wait for Sullivan to issue his ruling, and he gave no indication that said ruling should be anything other than a dismissal. As the majority noted, Fokker didn't give Sullivan any other choice.
Because they were trying to trap him in a lie so they could threaten/charge him with lying to the FBI.

It’s pretty obvious at this point.

Edit: not remembering a phone call verbatim isn’t what I consider lying.
I’m trying to lead the horse to water.
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Kinda hard to promote that rendition of events when Flynn, you know, pled guilty. It was only after the set up had been put in place that he undid it, with the help[ of co-conspirators in the WH plus Barr.
Research why he plead guilty....
Maybe you don’t have kids and not understand.
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Reading Wilkins' dissent, I don't really see him moving for anything further. He didn't argue that Sullivan's actions to this point were correct. Instead he simply wanted to wait for Sullivan to issue his ruling, and he gave no indication that said ruling should be anything other than a dismissal. As the majority noted, Fokker didn't give Sullivan any other choice.

Any judge on the DC Circuit can request it go to a vote. There are 7 Dem appointed judges. It's gonna happen.
Newly released notes confirm President Barack Obama’s key role in surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn, the incoming Trump administration national security adviser. The handwritten notes, which were first disclosed in a federal court filing made by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, show President Obama himself personally directed former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to investigate Flynn for having routine phone calls with a Russian counterpart. He also suggests they withhold information from President Trump and his key national security figures.

Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation
Newly released notes confirm President Barack Obama’s key role in surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn, the incoming Trump administration national security adviser. The handwritten notes, which were first disclosed in a federal court filing made by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, show President Obama himself personally directed former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to investigate Flynn for having routine phone calls with a Russian counterpart. He also suggests they withhold information from President Trump and his key national security figures.

Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation
Let’s be sure that you and @RockyTop85 acknowledge all of the irony here based on the original investigation then.

The DOJ has withdrawn prosecution based on what they say are the facts of the case. The comical trail of errors here executed by the cleaned out KeyStone cops are well documented. Now the great hope is a Democrat amongst the 7 appointed currently will save the day.

Yeah ok... irony 😂
Any judge on the DC Circuit can request it go to a vote. There are 7 Dem appointed judges. It's gonna happen.

I'm really struggling to see the point. And I'm not some kind of Trump apologist. The whole situation is nakedly political on both sides. Of that there is no doubt. But at some point the separation of powers has to mean something. The judiciary cannot exercise powers that are inarguably bestowed upon the executive.
I'm really struggling to see the point. And I'm not some kind of Trump apologist. The whole situation is nakedly political on both sides. Of that there is no doubt. But at some point the separation of powers has to mean something. The judiciary cannot exercise powers that are inarguably bestowed upon the executive.

There's an argument that once he's pled guilty, all that's left is sentencing, which is a judicial, not executive, function.
Glad to hear they are treating it in an apolitical non partisan fashion.

If an en banc rehearing happens, I'll go ahead and go on the record and predict (1) it'll reverse Rao's opinion, and (2) at least some of the votes to reverse will come from GOP appointees.

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