George Floyd was actually an evil man.



God Save the Heup
Sep 3, 2012
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
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I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it.
I can't wait for the responses to this one. For maximum effect, you need to post something like this earlier in the evening.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below

This has been mentioned but it will get more attention as a thread starter but liberals will avoid it like the plague. Yeah George Floyd should not have died the way he did. We shouldn't wish that on anyone but he had done some horrible things and that was the worst of it.

What gets me is the hero worship liberals are giving him. The extended memorial like he was Dr King. It shows that society has so few leaders to look up to in the black community. Most people know little about him and/or don't care.

One of the reasons Candice Owen's has not been on FoxNews about these protests is she went off the deep end on this issue because she couldn't take it anymore. I am sure she received death threats from the mob. I hesitate to post her response but here it is.

It doesn't matter. It really shouldn't matter at all. The only reason it's even relevant to mention is because outrage porn likes to crank everything up to 1000. It's not enough to believe he shouldn't have been killed. You need to believe the second coming of Jesus Christ was murdered right there on that street.
We already knew he wasn't a pillar of society. Whatever mistakes are acts committed in the past had no bearing on the way he was killed. Who's to say he hadn't turned the corner and after paying his debt to society was on his way to turning his life around? We don't, because he was killed.

With that being said I'm a little uneasy with the martyr treatments he's been given, his name and image in murals. I would have to think that troubling for his victims.
We already knew he wasn't a pillar of society. Whatever mistakes are acts committed in the past had no bearing on the way he was killed. Who's to say he hadn't turned the corner and after paying his debt to society was on his way to turning his life around? We don't, because he was killed.

With that being said I'm a little uneasy with the martyr treatments he's been given, his name and image in murals. I would have to think that troubling for his victims.

Well the actual report for one. Considering he was attempting to pass a counterfeit bill and was under the influence of numerous drugs.
Well the actual report for one. Considering he was attempting to pass a counterfeit bill and was under the influence of numerous drugs.
So he was hooked on drugs and either knowingly or unknowingly pased a bad bill. That doesn't mean he wasn't attempting to turn his life around. Addiction is hell.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below

We all are. All men have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Under the right circumstances, all men are desperately wicked and capable of things that are quite unbecoming. The Bible says " a mans heart is wicked above all things."

Certainly some men have stronger morals than others. I am in no way defending the sins nor crimes of Floyd. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. He certainly had many different problems throughout his life doing the right thing, that seems certain. We have to be very careful when judging another man, not his actions, but the man himself. That is not our place, it is Gods and His alone. Nor is it our place to say he deserved to die, unless he has been convicted in a court of law of a crime punishable by death such as murder. That is in accordance with the Laws of both Men and God.

Just my 2 cents, from a lowly sinner like me.

Go Vols.
We all are. All men have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Under the right circumstances, all men are desperately wicked and capable of things that are quite unbecoming. The Bible says " a mans heart is wicked above all things."

Certainly some men have stronger morals than others. I am in no way defending the sins nor crimes of Floyd. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. He certainly had many different problems throughout his life doing the right thing, that seems certain. We have to be very careful when judging another man, not his actions, but the man himself. That is not our place, it is Gods and His alone. Nor is it our place to say he deserved to die, unless he has been convicted in a court of law of a crime punishable by death such as murder. That is in accordance with the Laws of both Men and God.

Just my 2 cents, from a lowly sinner like me.

Go Vols.

This is why Sharpton's mockery of the way Pres Trump was holding his bible is Pastoring error 101. Beware of false prophets in the pulpit. It's called a pimp in the pulpit that was holding a political rally being welcomed by others in the ministry.
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So he was hooked on drugs and either knowingly or unknowingly pased a bad bill. That doesn't mean he wasn't attempting to turn his life around. Addiction is hell.
When I was in the Air Force a Taco Bell on base gave me back a blatantly fake $10 bill. I took it then immediately said it was fake and they called the military police on me. I was like wtf?? Had to explain my story to the MP's about 5 times before they told me to get lost. Never got my $10 bucks back either.

That being said, his bill must have been hella fake looking because I've never EVER been anywhere that checks a 20 to see if its real. Guess its a sh!thole hood store thing. But luckily that won't be an issue at Cup Foods every again, where Floyd died. The owner said he will never call the cops again for nonviolent crime at his store..
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
I wouldnt go that far. He went to prison which lets be honest, is much of a deterrent for people like him. But he faced the justice system and did his time. He didnt deserve to die for a $20 bill but it should be a lesson to everyone about the dangers of committing crime. Sadly for the people that need to learn the lesson the most it will fall on deaf ears.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
It simply doesnt matter. No one deserves to die like that. Slowly suffocating while begging for your life at the hands of someone who is supposed to be serving and protecting. If he's committing a crime then arrest him and take him to jail. It didnt have to be like that. Police are not executioners. It's an especially bad look when white mass murders are often taken alive with minimal force. Dylan Roof was brought Burger King by police in jail after he murdered 9 people.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
It's hard to tell whether or not you are suggesting that George Floyd's criminal history justified the actions of the arresting officer, Derek Chauvin, who detained Floyd while pressing his knee against the back of Floyd's neck for 8 minutes, while Floyd was hand-cuffed and lying flat on his stomach. You approach that train of logic, but then preface your feelings just enough to stop short of saying it. I don't think that anyone should be placing halos around the head of George Floyd, or trying to promote Floyd as a martyr, but that doesn't excuse the excessive use of force during the arrest by Officer Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd had passed a counterfeit $20 bill, and he was also (by some accounts) in possession of illegal drugs. Fine. Detain him, arrest him, and take him to jail and file charges against him. Don't press your knee on the back of his neck for 8 minutes, which was long after it should have been apparent that Floyd was no longer resisting the arrest. Officer Derek Chauvin showed a clear lack of regard for whether or not George Floyd survived his detainment. There is nothing in George Floyd's history that would excuse such conduct by Officer Chauvin. Regardless of what Floyd had done in the past, he still had rights which Chauvin violated.
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It's hard to tell whether or not you are suggesting that George Floyd's criminal history justified the conduct of the arresting officer, Derek Chauvin, who detained him while pressing his knee against the back of Floyd's neck for 8 minutes, while Floyd was hand-cuffed and flat on his stomach. You approach that train of logic, but then preface your feelings just enough to stop short of it. I agree that we should not be placing halos around the head of George Floyd, or making him a martyr, but that doesn't excuse the excessive use of force by Officer Chauvin.

George Floyd had passed a counterfeit bill, and he was also in possession of drugs. Fine. Detain him, arrest him, and take him to jail and bring charges against him. Don't press your knee on his neck for 8 minutes, long after it should have been apparent that he was no longer resisting the arrest. Officer Derek Chauvin showed a clear lack of regard for whether or not George Floyd survived his detainment. There is nothing in George Floyd's history that would excuse such conduct by Officer Chauvin. Regardless of what Floyd had done in the past, he still had rights which Chauvin violated.
Chauvin wanted to kill him. It's the only explanation. I hope he goes to prison.

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