George Floyd was actually an evil man.

I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below

Why bring this up? Heโ€™s dead. He cannot defend himself?
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below

The cop executed a man who was in handcuffs face down on the pavement crying for his mother. Shouldn't that be considered evil too? What punishment does Chauvin deserve?
Chauvin wanted to kill him. It's the only explanation. I hope he goes to prison.
Guilty people still have rights. Evil people still have rights. In the United States of America, we do not grant law enforcement officials with the power of judge, jury and executioner. At the very least, in the video, Derek Chauvin appears completely indifferent as to whether or not George Floyd will survive his chosen method of detainment.
We don't need to demonize or canonize the man. He's dead.
Sounds like he did a good enough job of that himself.

He didnt deserve getting choked out i agree
This doesnt deserve a separate room
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I thought I read or saw where they had a past....maybe worked together at a nightclub as security. There's more to this story than just a bad "racist" cop.
Apparently chauvin worked inside security and Floyd worked outside. They still would have had contact.
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I thought I read or saw where they had a past....maybe worked together at a nightclub as security. There's more to this story than just a bad "racist" cop.
If they did in fact have a prior history of personal animosity towards each other, then that only makes things look that much worse for Chauvin.
This has been mentioned but it will get more attention as a thread starter but liberals will avoid it like the plague. Yeah George Floyd should not have died the way he did. We shouldn't wish that on anyone but he had done some horrible things and that was the worst of it.

What gets me is the hero worship liberals are giving him. The extended memorial like he was Dr King. It shows that society has so few leaders to look up to in the black community. Most people know little about him and/or don't care.

One of the reasons Candice Owen's has not been on FoxNews about these protests is she went off the deep end on this issue because she couldn't take it anymore. I am sure she received death threats from the mob. I hesitate to post her response but here it is.

Candace is great - amazing how easily she dismantles the media narrative being sold
I never realized the amount of open racism on this board. Makes me ashamed to be from the south.
It could be helpful if you gave some specific examples of which posts you considered to be examples of racism. Otherwise, you are just painting with a broad brush, and everyone assumes you're talking about someone else.

...and racism isn't regional. It can be found anywhere.
It could be helpful if you gave some specific examples of which posts you considered to be examples of racism. Otherwise, you are just painting with a broad brush, and everyone assumes you're talking about someone else.

...and racism isn't regional. It can be found anywhere.

Maybe the original post on this thread.

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