George Floyd was actually an evil man.

Candace is great - amazing how easily she dismantles the media narrative being sold

Agreed but she sometimes takes it a little too far and she is abrasive. I know I get abrasive on the board but she is trying to change minds. Sometimes it's hard to get past the condescending tone.
It's easy to see how having a black ex-con working security in a nightclub with a white police officer could become a toxic mixture.
Even more perplexing to me that a night club would hire a violent felon.
That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
As you get older, I hope you will see the folly of the bold. Even if he got some justice-karma in your eyes, shouldn't the punishment fit the crime? I may be wrong on this, but I understand he paid his debt for his crimes years ago.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below

I’ve looked this up before and couldn’t find that she was pregnant. Didn’t see that in the link either.
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I wouldnt go that far. He went to prison which lets be honest, is much of a deterrent for people like him. But he faced the justice system and did his time. He didnt deserve to die for a $20 bill but it should be a lesson to everyone about the dangers of committing crime. Sadly for the people that need to learn the lesson the most it will fall on deaf ears.
No definitely not for the 20. Or really anything aside from putting a gun to a Pregnant ladies stomach.
It's hard to tell whether or not you are suggesting that George Floyd's criminal history justified the actions of the arresting officer, Derek Chauvin, who detained Floyd while pressing his knee against the back of Floyd's neck for 8 minutes, while Floyd was hand-cuffed and lying flat on his stomach. You approach that train of logic, but then preface your feelings just enough to stop short of saying it. I don't think that anyone should be placing halos around the head of George Floyd, or trying to promote Floyd as a martyr, but that doesn't excuse the excessive use of force during the arrest by Officer Derek Chauvin.

George Floyd had passed a counterfeit $20 bill, and he was also (by some accounts) in possession of illegal drugs. Fine. Detain him, arrest him, and take him to jail and file charges against him. Don't press your knee on the back of his neck for 8 minutes, which was long after it should have been apparent that Floyd was no longer resisting the arrest. Officer Derek Chauvin showed a clear lack of regard for whether or not George Floyd survived his detainment. There is nothing in George Floyd's history that would excuse such conduct by Officer Chauvin. Regardless of what Floyd had done in the past, he still had rights which Chauvin violated.

Both can be true or is that an impossibility? It doesn't justify the killing or the martyr like treatment that is a lot weird.
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It's the same psychological phenomena wth Trump/Obama/Steve Jobs/etc devotees.

We need our heroes to be wholly virtuous and our villains wholly scandalous.

Let's be serious about this. In the grand scheme of things 1) Floyd was killed like his life didn't matter with over 8 minutes of public suffocation on video and 2) few people knew about Floyd's criminal past which included a shocking robbery of a pregnant woman and an extended stay in the big house. It's also very questionable if he was even staying out of trouble up until a few weeks ago.

So the left worship of him as a deity with pens, tshirts, car magnets, murals, face coverings, dozens of memorial events, 100's of protest and eternal fandom is disturbing. The response isn't measured and should be based some of the information about his background. The over reaction is similar to the 2016 election. Nothing more.
I read George Floyd's criminal record today. He's got quite an extensive criminal history, which isn't shocking and doesn't make someone evil. What makes someone evil is breaking into a young pregnant woman's house, sticking a pistol to her stomach in order to rob her. And then ransacking the place to search for drugs. That is beyond terrible what he did to that woman. And I'm not sorry that he's dead. He got what he deserved just not when he should have gotten it. In case you care to fact check me the criminal report is down below
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Let's be serious about this. In the grand scheme of things 1) Floyd was killed like his life didn't matter with over 8 minutes of public suffocation on video and 2) few people knew about Floyd's criminal past which included a shocking robbery of a pregnant woman and an extended stay in the big house. It's also very questionable if he was even staying out of trouble up until a few weeks ago.

So the left worship of him as a deity with pens, tshirts, car magnets, murals, face coverings, dozens of memorial events, 100's of protest and eternal fandom is disturbing. The response isn't measured and should be based some of the information about his background. The over reaction is similar to the 2016 election. Nothing more.

You have to realize how dismissive and foolhardy your last sentence is.
It's the same psychological phenomena wth Trump/Obama/Steve Jobs/etc devotees.

We need our heroes to be wholly virtuous and our villains wholly scandalous.

I’m sure some people look at Michael Jordan a bit different as a person after the Bulls documentary.
Let's be serious about this. In the grand scheme of things 1) Floyd was killed like his life didn't matter with over 8 minutes of public suffocation on video and 2) few people knew about Floyd's criminal past which included a shocking robbery of a pregnant woman and an extended stay in the big house. It's also very questionable if he was even staying out of trouble up until a few weeks ago.

So the left worship of him as a deity with pens, tshirts, car magnets, murals, face coverings, dozens of memorial events, 100's of protest and eternal fandom is disturbing. The response isn't measured and should be based some of the information about his background. The over reaction is similar to the 2016 election. Nothing more.
It's not about him, it's about what he represents.
Same with Trump.....people don't love him, they love what he represents.
The people that hate Trump largely hate what he represents.

But I still find Trump to be a horrendously despicable human.
It's not about him, it's about what he represents.
Same with Trump.....people don't love him, they love what he represents.
The people that hate Trump largely hate what he represents.

But I still find Trump to be a horrendously despicable human.

Fair. Provide 5 facts about George Floyd that are important.
It appears Chauvin, an officer of the law sworn to protect, along with 3 other officers was worse. Which scares the community more?

Not that it makes a difference but it is my understanding that two of the officers had been on the job 4 days. Is that true?
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So, we give people like you the right to publicly execute those deemed unrepentant? Careful, you Christians are sounding more like your Muslim brothers all the time.

They’re trying to paint the guy as a saint who had completely turned his life around after years of criminal behavior and drug use and was maliciously targeted simply because of the color of his skin. It just isn’t true.
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The cop executed a man who was in handcuffs face down on the pavement crying for his mother. Shouldn't that be considered evil too? What punishment does Chauvin deserve?

It now appears Floyd was calling for his mother partly because he was high as a kite though he didn't deserve to die like that. As I mentioned earlier two things can be true. It's the complexities of life that make that possible.
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