George Floyd was actually an evil man.

It was still about robots and even though "bring the rain!" was a great line, we're still sorting cast...
Robots > doing things humans dont do because are Lazy

Being Lazy = Air Force. Pretty easy tie in I think.
Regardless of one’s criminal record they don’t deserve to be murdered.

But Floyd wasn’t murdered. He was dying of drug overdose, his lungs were filling up with fluid was why he couldn’t breathe. He’d died if he was in a Rolls Royce.
Regardless of one’s criminal record they don’t deserve to be murdered.

But Floyd wasn’t murdered. He was dying of drug overdose, his lungs were filling up with fluid was why he couldn’t breathe. He’d died if he was in a Rolls Royce.

Ahhhh a pimps death would’ve been so much better.
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Asked my grandmother(80) to overdose and start fighting with cops yesterday. Taking one for the team so to speak. We had it all worked out, but we ran into the issue of her being white.

She said “I wouldn’t know where to get that stuff.”
I would never shame that profession..... work with tons women and they look d&mn good in those scrubs.

You wouldn't, but I think someone else is. Perhaps seeing RN's who are male is disconcerting for small peckered among us whose masculinity is somehow and inexplicably defined by their profession.
75 black homicides in Chicago YTD.


George Floyd!


except when they don't

See, I get this - it's hard for whites males to do much more than eyeroll when you see numbers like this while hearing about "BLM". Apparently, too many in their community - the only black lives that matter are the one taken by police - otherwise they'd be rioting in Chi-town weekly.

On the other hand, positions of trust (like police) should be held to higher standard and time and time again we see them do something stupid and then get off. Its suggests there's a double standard in the justice system - so in that regard, I get why they're tired of it. Police need to be held accountable for their actions, I don't think that's too much of an ask.

The two beliefs can be mutually exclusive, right?
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You said something similar to covered up but you’re playing the semantics game. You said that cops look out for each other to a fault and then referenced unwritten rules. If you didn’t mean they would cover for one another then what did you mean?

My comments were pretty clear, there were no semantics.

Truthfully dude, I'm growing weary of dumbing down my comments for people like you and then having to hold your hand to explain them further.

If you want to misrepresent my argument so that it's easier for you defeat, by all means do so. But don't get bent out of shape when you just get ignored because your incapable of honest discourse.
See, I get this - it's hard for whites males to do much more than eyeroll when you see numbers like this while hearing about "BLM". Apparently, to many in their community - the only black lives that matter are the one taken by police - otherwise they'd be rioting in Chi-town weekly.

On the other hand, positions of trust (like police) should be held to higher standard and time and time again we see them do something stupid and then get off. Its suggests there's a double standard in the justice system - so in that regard, I get why they're tired of it. Police need to be held accountable for their actions, I don't think that's too much of an ask.

The two beliefs can be mutually exclusive, right?
Yes they can be mutually exclusive. Holy carp I can't believe you have posted something this year I can agree with.

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My comments were pretty clear, there were no semantics.

Truthfully dude, I'm growing weary of dumbing down my comments for people like you and then having to hold your hand to explain them further.

If you want to misrepresent my argument so that it's easier for you defeat, by all means do so. But don't get bent out of shape when you just get ignored because your incapable of honest discourse.

1. You’re greatly overestimating your importance to me and likely most other people. It’s no surprise you have an elevated sense of self. Your ego is quite apparent in your condescending posts.

2. You can’t say anything about someone being dumb with your comment about manner of death vs cause of death the other day on top of your comment regarding gabbing with your friends about another poster here. Both were quite entertaining though.

3. You seem to be the one that is getting bent out of shape simply because I called you out for your typical hypocrisy.

Oh no Sep! Please don’t ignore me!!! Hilarious!

1. You’re greatly overestimating your importance to me and likely most other people. It’s no surprise you have an elevated sense of self. Your ego is quite apparent in your condescending posts.

2. You can’t say anything about someone being dumb with your comment about manner of death vs cause of death the other day on top of your comment regarding gabbing with your friends about another poster here. Both were quite entertaining though.

3. You seem to be the one that is getting bent out of shape simply because I called you out for your typical hypocrisy.

Oh no Sep! Please don’t ignore me!!! Hilarious!

Shh child, I’ll give you attention when I’m ready.

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