George Floyd was actually an evil man.

Are we still arguing over a common criminal ODing on drugs while trying to pass a bad check , his family screeching racism to get paid , and the City that paid out getting reimbursed from the feds for the riots ? All sounds a little scamish to me , not to mention there’s one less thug on the streets . 🤷‍♂️
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I left it to make more money in the pharmaceutical business, now I'm in the family business. Unlike you who is taking photos for visitors at the front desk of a hospital entrance somewhere.

Also, I didn't say they "covered up" for one another, I said that correcting another cop on scene for being too rough doesn't happen. If you want to keep misrepresenting my argument, by all means continue to do so - but don't get all butt hurt when I continue to make you look like a moron.
You said something similar to covered up but you’re playing the semantics game. You said that cops look out for each other to a fault and then referenced unwritten rules. If you didn’t mean they would cover for one another then what did you mean?
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That’s the issue with these videos.... we are sitting calmly on our couch making these decisions..... he is trying to subdue a 200 pound plus man that has taking a speedball, resisting arrest, and acting erratic... they are also dealing with a crowd that is gathering and yelling at them not knowing what someone in that crowd may do..... there is not enough money in the world to make me want to be a cop.
Not only that, the full video didn’t surface for months.
Experts, probably.

Here's an article about just that. It lays out the timelines, the wording and most importantly, context. If you're really interested in sorting the wheat from the chaff, read this article, penned by a physician.

George Floyd’s Autopsy and the Structural Gaslighting of America – National Clinician Scholars Program at UCLA

If you're not interested in reading it, in a nutshell - the autopsy findings were cherrypicked and then misrepresented by Floyds detractors to shore up a defense.

"By inaccurately portraying the medical findings from the autopsy of George Floyd, the legal system and media emboldened white supremacy, all under the cloak of authoritative scientific rhetoric. They took standard components of a preliminary autopsy report to cast doubt, to sow uncertainty." and "Without this important medical context, however, the public was left to reconcile manipulated medical language with the evidence they had personally witnessed. Ultimately, the initial report overstated and misrepresented the role of chronic medical conditions, inappropriately alluded to intoxicants, and failed to acknowledge the stark reality that but for the defendant’s knee on George Floyd’s neck, he would not be dead today."

"On May 29, the country was told that the autopsy of George Floyd “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation,” and that “potential intoxicants” and preexisting cardiovascular disease “likely contributed to his death.” This requires clarification. Importantly, these commonly quoted phrases did not come from a physician, but were taken from a charging document that utilized politicized interpretations of medical information. As doctors, we wish to highlight for the public that this framing of the circumstances surrounding Floyd’s death was at best, a misinterpretation, and at worst, a deliberate obfuscation."
The second I saw emboldened white supremacy I stopped. That automatically tells me this isn’t an unbiased opinion. More garbage. More typical Sep.
So in the Air Force we don't really have a movie that represented us. Iron Eagle maybe, or the first Transformers. The Navy has Top Gun, or Navy Seals (depending on how you like your cheese). The Army? Too many to name. I just assume that Meet the Parents is the same for the small community of male RN's.

The Memphis Belle , Hot Shots , The planet of the apes , Dr Strange love , Flying Tigers , Red Tails , Tuskegee Airmen
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They both found 1 cause of death. Homicide. The other factors are underlying and possible contributors.
With the visual evidence and the sentiment behind it, in conjunction with the fired officer’s flagrant background, it probably will not be a good day Derek Chauvin. However, he’ll probably get what he tried to plead to originally: 3rd degree murder.
Officials: Chauvin was ready to plead to 3rd-degree murder
You are confusing manner of death with cause of death. Homicide is a manner, not a cause.
The Memphis Belle , Hot Shots , The planet of the apes , Dr Strange love , Flying Tigers , Red Tails , Tuskegee Airmen
Planet of the Apes?

I'll add Officer and a Gentleman for us squids. ( I went thru that program when that movie came out... The Dilbert Dunker was fun)

Hunt for Red October.
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So in the Air Force we don't really have a movie that represented us. Iron Eagle maybe, or the first Transformers. The Navy has Top Gun, or Navy Seals (depending on how you like your cheese). The Army? Too many to name. I just assume that Meet the Parents is the same for the small community of male RN's.
The cartoon Transformers movie from the 80s? There are others. Does Airforce One count?
Pretty much any movie depicting the USAF has sucked balls.

But when we get cameo appearances, it's okay.
Iron Eagle 2. Best ever (didn't see it because the premise was moronic) Dr Strangelove had the best emergency procedures footage in ANY movie. When the missiles exploded and Maj Kong was running the checklist.... awesome.
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Iron Eagle 2. Best ever (didn't see it because the premise was moronic) Dr Strangelove had the best emergency procedures footage in ANY movie. When the missiles exploded and Maj Kong was running the checklist.... awesome.

I count that as a cameo.

The Transformers franchise? Cameo.

Blackhawk Down? Cameo.

So on and so forth
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But as has been noted on this very thread, that term doesn’t mean there is a crime. The ME has 5 buckets to put it in so it very well could be that no other buckets fit so it was put in that bucket. We won’t know for sure until they testify.

I missed that post. A homicide is an unlawful killing. It absolutely denotes a crime has taken place. If there is justification, it’s not a homicide.

Your second sentence goes to a different subject than the one I was debating with Y9. The “buckets” is where the underlying factors come in.

What do you think the disgraced former officer should be convicted of?
Pretty much any movie depicting the USAF has sucked balls.

But when we get cameo appearances, it's okay.

The Hunters was pretty good if they'd stayed on flying and not strayed - had Robert Mitchum in it, too. Sabre Jet (1953) seemed good at the time - how can you screw up an F-86 movie? Can't see it playing well to people used to good special effects though. Battle Hymn was not bad overall, it had some good P-51 action in Korea - hard to screw up a P-51 movie, too.

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