What do you base this on? I'm just asking as a SEC fan. UT didn't win a SEC game this season, is not going to have a quality class this year, and will have a rough time of it next season, perhaps mirroring this season.
I liked CJP as a DC at UGA, and wanted Kirby to retain him. But there was so much conflict between Pruitt and Richt that Kirby didn't keep him. And now I'm glad that Kirby hired Tucker over Pruitt. Pruitt's a good DC and excels when he has the talent, but does UT have the defensive roster that UGA and Bama had?
So my question is, how does UT jump over Georgia (as you say), Bama, Auburn, USCe, even UK, MSU, A&M, etc. and become a SEC powerhouse in such a short period, given all of the hurdles that it faces? Remember, CJP has never HC'd a down of football, so you don't know how he'll respond to the pressure of SEC HC'ing. He could be great, he could be a total bust, or he could be something in between. The great ones don't come along very often.
It's great to have optimism, but you have to temper it with some realism or you put your HC in a tough position. And then you start writing on rocks and stuff when he doesn't pull off the impossible. :hi: