Gerald Williams?

...I think we all know that the NCAA Clearing house has issues and this is a case of the NCAA making an Gerald an example unfortunately. I really hope he makes it to UT.

I will agree with you if Williams doesn't get in this time around, after junior college. That University High was a total joke, and the NCAA should do everything they can to prevent stuff like this, even if it means making an example out of one guy.
the NCAA should do everything they can to prevent stuff like this, even if it means making an example out of one guy.

I disagree completely. The life of a young man is more important than the enforcement of some rule made by a bunch of grumpy old men in Indy. Gerald Williams met the requirements the NCAA set, and yet he still wasn't granted permission to play for UT. The whole situation is ridiculous.
But the way Chavis utilizes LB's in our system it is very, very unlikely we have a 265 lb. LB.
It's tough to tell, I think he could succeed at both DE & LB. The LB position is obviously situational, but I think he could thrive under the proper line-up.

Anyone know the strong points of Gerald's abilities? Is he fast off the ball and best at pass rushing? I don't know much on him.
He played LB in HS so I have no clue what his strengths will be at DE. As a LB, he was pretty good all around: coverage, blitzing, filling the running lanes, hard hitting.
we are already set at LB for the next couple of years.. ill bet he'll be playin DE along with Ben Martin.. two very athletic DE's.. :)
Latest news on other boards has Williams on campus in January of 08 with no more problems. We could have used him this year, but it looks like he will eventually get here.
gerald williams has been through one heartbreak after another, just let the kid in already, if he should have been on the HIll then he'll prosper, if not he'll flunk out, but give him the chance.
All I know is that when he gets here he will definitely have something to prove. I look for him to be a starter in the 08' season.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if Williams and Martin are the starters in 08. I just don't know if Brown or Mathis has what it takes and Ayers still can't stop the run. Maybe Rufus Williams(or Chris Walker if he moves to DE) will start. Either way, we should have some fast DEs.
2008 Defense should be stacked
DE's G. Williams & B. Martin
DT's D. Bolden & D. Williams

LB's Davis, Mayo, & McCoy

Secondary E. Berry, McKensie, Williamham, & Wardlaw
Here's how I think it may play out:

DE-G. Williams

My backups would be:

That isn't counting guys like R. Williams, Mathis, Thomas, Nelson, Brimfield, Melancon(back from prep), Thompson, Walker, Barnes, or any sleepers/studs from the 08 class.
HV, u said Williams (Dan) will be a backup DT.. isnt he a DE, or didnt he get switched to the OL or something like that..
There were rumors that he might be moved to OL, but he had a decent spring at DT and will stay there for now.

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