Get off the train

See this is what Im talking people have not one spec of ORANGE in your blood...a question?

Do you know who is playing QB for Oklahoma State?

And better yet, how this relates to this topic?

"Lowers". :rofl: :eek:lol: :lol: :haha_oh:
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the lowers my brain cells phrase probably could have used a little more forethought... you need to "higher" that
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Why would we care about Oklahoma State??

The question was..........if you had bothered to read. Was

how does this relate to this topic.

Now sit down, shut up, and listen, Mason Rudolph.

go look and see if there is a relationship between Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Worley.

Mason reads this board too.
All you people that wanted any quarterback Tennessee had other than Worley, get off the train now. Those that wanted Peterman, you got him at Florida last year, those that wanted Dobbs, you got him for 4 games.

I dont post much on this site, because it lowers my brain cells.

You see Im from Rock Hill, Worleys home town, he didnt just learn to be accurate over the summer, or make good decisions over the summer. I saw him as a 12 year old, playing pee wee football. Of course when he was a freshman in high school throwing to Cordarrelle Patterson helped.

My point is, most of you so called "I live, eat, breath, sleep, Tennessee football fans" DO NOT.

You are wishy washy, have no loyalty at all to the kids that are playing, if they make a mistake, bench em, matters not the the coaches made the decision to play them.

I read these posts daily, and I can tell from the content that 99.9999% of you were high school All Americans, things just didnt go your way

Just admit it people, you were wrong, Worley is a good QB,

Oh and btw....he can throw the deep ball

all this by a guy whose avatar is a guy with his pecker out pissing on a football helmet and you call us wishy washy grow up :whistling:
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Is he #2 SON?

You do realize I was pointing out that Worley would be the starter, right? I don't care about the #2. That post back then was me predicting that Ferg would transfer. My point of reposting it today is so that you see that I've always been a Worley supporter.
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All you people that wanted any quarterback Tennessee had other than Worley, get off the train now. Those that wanted Peterman, you got him at Florida last year, those that wanted Dobbs, you got him for 4 games.

I dont post much on this site, because it lowers my brain cells.

You see Im from Rock Hill, Worleys home town, he didnt just learn to be accurate over the summer, or make good decisions over the summer. I saw him as a 12 year old, playing pee wee football. Of course when he was a freshman in high school throwing to Cordarrelle Patterson helped.

My point is, most of you so called "I live, eat, breath, sleep, Tennessee football fans" DO NOT.

You are wishy washy, have no loyalty at all to the kids that are playing, if they make a mistake, bench em, matters not the the coaches made the decision to play them.

I read these posts daily, and I can tell from the content that 99.9999% of you were high school All Americans, things just didnt go your way

Just admit it people, you were wrong, Worley is a good QB,

Oh and btw....he can throw the deep ball

I don't care what you saw, we can all agree he holds the ball too long
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I never cared who won the starting spot... I myself think he is a great qb and I have never been a huge Dobbs guy but you coming on here and saying these guys ain't true fans is stupid. You must not of posted much because Worley hadn't gave you a whole lot of reasons to post since you seem to be close to him. Are you related to Beattie??? Not a lot to say until something goes your way then you will overload VN
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Worley so far this year has been playing outstanding. I hope he finishes his senior season out in style!
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I quit getting wrapped up in fan QB debates when I had people telling me how much better suited for our offense Branndon Stewart was rather than Peyton.
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