All you people that wanted any quarterback Tennessee had other than Worley, get off the train now. Those that wanted Peterman, you got him at Florida last year, those that wanted Dobbs, you got him for 4 games.
I dont post much on this site, because it lowers my brain cells.
You see Im from Rock Hill, Worleys home town, he didnt just learn to be accurate over the summer, or make good decisions over the summer. I saw him as a 12 year old, playing pee wee football. Of course when he was a freshman in high school throwing to Cordarrelle Patterson helped.
My point is, most of you so called "I live, eat, breath, sleep, Tennessee football fans" DO NOT.
You are wishy washy, have no loyalty at all to the kids that are playing, if they make a mistake, bench em, matters not the the coaches made the decision to play them.
I read these posts daily, and I can tell from the content that 99.9999% of you were high school All Americans, things just didnt go your way
Just admit it people, you were wrong, Worley is a good QB,
Oh and btw....he can throw the deep ball
All you people that wanted any quarterback Tennessee had other than Worley, get off the train now. Those that wanted Peterman, you got him at Florida last year, those that wanted Dobbs, you got him for 4 games.
I dont post much on this site, because it lowers my brain cells.
You see Im from Rock Hill, Worleys home town, he didnt just learn to be accurate over the summer, or make good decisions over the summer. I saw him as a 12 year old, playing pee wee football. Of course when he was a freshman in high school throwing to Cordarrelle Patterson helped.
My point is, most of you so called "I live, eat, breath, sleep, Tennessee football fans" DO NOT.
You are wishy washy, have no loyalty at all to the kids that are playing, if they make a mistake, bench em, matters not the the coaches made the decision to play them.
I read these posts daily, and I can tell from the content that 99.9999% of you were high school All Americans, things just didnt go your way
Just admit it people, you were wrong, Worley is a good QB,
Oh and btw....he can throw the deep ball