Get off the train

All you people that wanted any quarterback Tennessee had other than Worley, get off the train now. Those that wanted Peterman, you got him at Florida last year, those that wanted Dobbs, you got him for 4 games.

I dont post much on this site, because it lowers my brain cells.

You see Im from Rock Hill, Worleys home town, he didnt just learn to be accurate over the summer, or make good decisions over the summer. I saw him as a 12 year old, playing pee wee football. Of course when he was a freshman in high school throwing to Cordarrelle Patterson helped.

My point is, most of you so called "I live, eat, breath, sleep, Tennessee football fans" DO NOT.

You are wishy washy, have no loyalty at all to the kids that are playing, if they make a mistake, bench em, matters not the the coaches made the decision to play them.

I read these posts daily, and I can tell from the content that 99.9999% of you were high school All Americans, things just didnt go your way

Just admit it people, you were wrong, Worley is a good QB,

Oh and btw....he can throw the deep ball

Yeah, your posts lower my brain cells as well.
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My so called Big Orange Bretheran can continue, you made this about me, not my original post at all, seems to prove my point, you do not really care about the program, just ragging on players and people in general...I have a life to live, I shall continue to read with disdain.
Dobbs is 4th on the list. A redshirt may help him a lot.

At the time, the post was me saying I believed Worley was the starter, and Ferg was going to transfer. The #2 QB wasn't really the point of the discussion, other than the fact that it WASN'T Ferg. I sure am glad he's gone lol. We've now seen QB's 1-3 on the field and we know who should be starting. Ferg was a myth.
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My so called Big Orange Bretheran can continue, you made this about me, not my original post at all, seems to prove my point, you do not really care about the program, just ragging on players and people in general...I have a life to live, I shall continue to read with disdain.
when you make a post attacking this board,don't start crying when your skirt catches a little wind
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My so called Big Orange Bretheran can continue, you made this about me, not my original post at all, seems to prove my point, you do not really care about the program, just ragging on players and people in general...I have a life to live, I shall continue to read with disdain.

No big whoop dude. We care about UT or we wouldn't be here. You need to chill out and not take things so seriously sometimes.
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when you make a post attacking this board,don't start crying when your skirt catches a little wind

Never understood why people don't expect blowback when they call out so many people..... Especially for something that hasn't even come close to being proven yet. We'll see how Worley does against a defense that has an actual pulse.
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My so called Big Orange Bretheran can continue, you made this about me, not my original post at all, seems to prove my point, you do not really care about the program, just ragging on players and people in general...I have a life to live, I shall continue to read with disdain.

Please pick out a ribbon.. You care more


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when you make a post attacking this board,don't start crying when your skirt catches a little wind

Do not have much use for fair weather fans, or bandwagon fans. If I had a skirt, and was wrong, it could catch all the wind in the world, and I would accept it, but you "people" are wrong. Your not Orange, just johnny come latelys ..its like the people here are saying....hell I grew up listening to John Ward on the radio......I know all there is to know about Tennessee football.
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You see I proved my point here...I made a statement about the unsupportive nature of this site, did no take but a few, actually one post for it to become an attack on me, my relationship to the QB or my educational background, if I choose to stick around it will become an attack on my mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, and or sexual preference.

Sad sad people

Guy...and that's the point. You call out a good portion of VN and then raise all hell when people bite back? I don't necessarily disagree with you but good gracious. Ever heard the phrase "discretion is the better part of valor?" Besides which in the infamous words of John drew first blood (poetic license to prove a point). Let it go son.
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Guy...and that's the point. You call out a good portion of VN and then raise all hell when people bite back? I don't necessarily disagree with you but good gracious. Ever heard the phrase "discretion is the better part of valor?" Besides which in the infamous words of John drew first blood (poetic license to prove a point). Let it go son.

Can never go wrong in life quoting John Rambo:rock:
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Thanks for your opinion & insight. You handled the haters & petulant ones quite well. Worley is doing just fine.
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Do not have much use for fair weather fans, or bandwagon fans. If I had a skirt, and was wrong, it could catch all the wind in the world, and I would accept it, but you "people" are wrong. Your not Orange, just johnny come latelys ..its like the people here are saying....hell I grew up listening to John Ward on the radio......I know all there is to know about Tennessee football.

Hey Rock. I believe most of us agree about what you said about Worley. But, man lighten up a little. Worley will prove the naysayers wrong with his performance on the field. Unfortunately, last year he couldn't throw to anyone who knew what routes to run and this year he is going to be on the ground a lot because of the OL. But let's not have a heart attack because some Beavis and Buttheads don't agree with you.
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