Get Ready For Nd Part 2

Us Yankees up here do have a selection of other colleges to cheer for, I know it may sound strange, but there are other parts of the USA that lie above the Mason-Dixon line, contrary to popular southern belief.
Originally posted by milohimself@May 29, 2005 4:51 PM
I'm sorry man, but as an objective debater, I have to throw out some stats here.

Division I-A All-time wins

1. Michigan - 841
2. Notre Dame - 802
3. Nebraska - 794
4. Texas - 786
5. Ohio State - 765
6. Alabama - 764
7. Penn State - 761
8. Tennessee - 747
9. Oklahoma - 746
10. USC - 720

Division I-A All-Time Winning Percentage

1. Michigan - 0.745
2. Notre Dame - 0.743
3. Oklahoma - 0.711
4. Alabama - 0.710
5. Ohio State - 0.709
6. Texas - 0.709
7. Nebraska - 0.707
8. Tennessee - 0.699
9. USC - 0.697
10. Penn State - 0.685

All-Time Strength of Schedule Points

1. Michigan - 786.74
2. Georgia - 748.65
3. Northwestern - 746.15
4. Texas - 744.08
5. Notre Dame - 741.61
6. Auburn - 733.19
7. Georgia Tech - 731.90
8. Alabama - 728.69
9. LSU - 727.4
10. 722.06
. . .
23. Tennessee - 667.38

Sure, Tennessee is one of the better programs of all-time, but not as good as Notre Dame.

Where did I say we were as good as ND? I didnt. I said we were in the top 8 in all time NCAA wins (which you proved, we are), IN SPITE of the fact that we have had to play a fellow member of the TOP 8 (alabama) for a very long time. What other top 10 team has ND had to play every year?

I stand by what I said. And I stand by what I heard Gus Manning (a long time VOL Athletic Department employee, who was hired and worked for General Bob Neyland) say about what Knute Rockne himself wrote in a book. In essence, Rockne wrote the reason for NDs success is to schedule a tough game in between a lot of patsy games. Give me a while and I will find you the title of the book. I'll have to rewatch the DVD.

Originally posted by milohimself@May 29, 2005 7:10 PM
I figured you'd be all for expanding Tennessee's fan base to anywhere... Buut whatever.

Of course I would like the whole damn country to wear orange BUT that is not gonna happen!! When it come to the attitude of "some" yankees I would really rather them not wear orange. I dont like the way alot of them portray the south. JMO, like it or not thats what it is....... :devilsmoke:

Originally posted by jasonms20@May 29, 2005 3:34 PM
  I also live nowhere near TN, but I haven't seen a TN cap since that late 1990's (unless you count watching Bill Dance on TV).  See you in the fall!

Marketing research

Please note the top ten chart. Might as well post it to make things easier for Freak, since I know he will be too lazy to click on the link. :p

Top 10 schools in licensing royalties*

1. Michigan
2. Texas
3. Georgia
4. Oklahoma
5. North Carolina
7. Notre Dame
8. Florida
9. LSU
10. Alabama

*List only includes schools whose marks are managed by CLC.
Originally posted by volbrian@May 29, 2005 9:42 PM
What other top 10 team has ND had to play every year? 


Michigan and USC. That's two teams every year.

Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@May 28, 2005 7:11 PM
We think ND sucks ;)

Notre Dame will be mediocre for a long while, they can't get the recruits in anymore, part due to their recent slide and mostly due to their academic requirements for incoming freshmen.


This is from this weekend's USA Today.
So? You guys have one player off the Rivals 100, and he's in-state. Notre Dame Recruiting has a long ways to go to get back up on top, very mediocre classes year in and year out.
Originally posted by milohimself@May 30, 2005 9:39 AM
So? You guys have one player off the Rivals 100, and he's in-state. Notre Dame Recruiting has a long ways to go to get back up on top, very mediocre classes year in and year out.

I think Zach Fazer (QB), Paddy Mullen (TE), and James Aldridge (RB) - all verbals to date - are Rivals 100 as well. Agreed about recent classes, but I think Weis has it going in the right direction.

Does LaMarcus Coker not count then?
Weis will need to actually win before ND gets going in the right direction.

There years of getting people strictly on name are quite over
I didn't say he had turned it around, just that he had it going in the right direction.

He's going to get a pass from us for a while until he can a few recruiting classes completed, and not completely botch it up (ala Willingham).

He's certainly sold some decent recruits on the name alone to date...
Originally posted by WP99ND06@May 30, 2005 7:40 AM
Michigan and USC. That's two teams every year.


OK. BEAT them and we'll talk. Since you cant beat them both, you are nothing more than a VANDY-type team to me---bragging about who is kicking your butts every year.
You got me on USC, but we've beat Michigan 2 out of the last 3 years. Besides, your question was "What other top 10 team has ND had to play every year?", and that was the answer.

WP99, I have to say that after looking at ND's schedule for the last 4 or 5 years..they play a tougher schedule than I thought. I still think it's easier not being in a conference becuase you don't have those same teams that you have to play every single year. When you play the same teams every year I think it is more difficult.

You have to be honest in that ND gets special treatment because of their history and rich tradition. I know you won't argue with that. I think the other thing is that it is going to be tough for ND to compete and regain anywhere close to the status they once had. The academic requirements and recent history of a subpar program WILL make it more difficult. You have to admit that. Now, is it impossible? Absolutely not, but it will be a challenge. The things you have in your corner that helps year after year is the agreement with the BCS and the national TV exposure with NBC. ND could be back but it's going to take time and it's not going to be easy, at all.
Originally posted by WP99ND06@May 30, 2005 7:40 AM
Michigan and USC. That's two teams every year.


Don't forget though that until the last 2 years (since Carroll got there) USC was a mid-level team - nowhere near the top 10.

Originally posted by vol_freak@May 30, 2005 1:35 PM
ND could be back but it's going to take time and it's not going to be easy, at all.

Being a realist, I don't see "it" ever happening again. On one hand, they would have to play the best in the land to maintain a high BCS rating. On the other, a team cannot play schedules like that and expect to win them all. I am not looking for a run of 20 undefeated seasons, I just expect a quality product week and and week out - something that will compete, and not get beat down by 30 each time we play Mich or USC.
Before Carroll they had two top 10 finishes in the last 25 years. (88 and 89)
Originally posted by WP99ND06@May 30, 2005 4:52 PM
Being a realist, I don't see "it" ever happening again. On one hand, they would have to play the best in the land to maintain a high BCS rating. On the other, a team cannot play schedules like that and expect to win them all. I am not looking for a run of 20 undefeated seasons, I just expect a quality product week and and week out - something that will compete, and not get beat down by 30 each time we play Mich or USC.

Put that way, I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation.
Originally posted by volinbham@May 30, 2005 2:53 PM
Don't forget though that until the last 2 years (since Carroll got there) USC was a mid-level team - nowhere near the top 10.

I think the top 10 they were refering to was top 10 in wins all time. USC has won something like 9 or 10 NCs - so this latest run hasn't propelled them into greatness. USC has (for the most part), had pretty good squads. (Did I just say that???) Be back later - I need to go repent this sin.
USC had a pretty big dip there for the 80's and 90's, but otherwise they've been a top team in the country most the time.
Just got through watching the TOP 10 MOST OVERRATED NAMES IN SPORTS and here are a few of the top 10:

#9- Steve Spurrier


#2- The Heisman Trophy
Can't say that I agree with #9, but #4 and #2 are doosies. What in the world was #1?
I think I can say it better with a picture.


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