I don't read Auburn boards, but I bet those idiots from that stupid cow college have not gone over the edge like a lot of "Vol Fans" after they lost to Arkansas in the same way that we did.
If we were having a season like Alabama, losing to Mississippi State (and nearly everyone else), then there would be merit for fans to be yelling "Fire" at the top of their lungs. This simply isn't the case at Tennessee.
Phillip Fulmer is the main reason all of our players chose to come to Tennessee. This man has more class than any other SEC coach, and the great turn-around we have had this season shows that he is a very smart football coach, bringing in David Cutcliffe, and helping turn around the careers of Ainge, Meachem, and co.
We will finish 9-3, and while it was one more loss than i predicted going into the season, I am still very proud of this football team. The wins over California, Georgia, and Alabama should not be forgotten. While we were outplayed in the Florida and LSU games, we were still in position to win those games. Last night, we were beat by a great team with the best Offensive Coordinator in the SEC not named Cutcliffe.
We will play in a bowl game, and easily win that over whatever Big 10 or ACC team that the committee throws at us. I am mad as anyone over last night's loss, but I am not nearly as delusional as many people who have posted on here in the time since the Arkansas loss.
These NegaVol posters are the exact same people who wanted Crompton to become starter after the first scrimmage where Ainge was lackluster. These posters are not football-savvy, and they show it everytime they post.
Last night, the last thing I wanted to do was come on here due to my anger about the game, but it appears that many of you were very willing to post about your feelings of negativity. If that is the way you let the anger of losing out, power to you. But trying to get rid of coaches, and blaming everybody else associated with the University of Tennessee is irresponsible and stupid.
Randy Sanders' children did not want to go to school last year after the South Carolina game, because they knew that children would come up to them and say, "Your dad sucks," just like those kids had said after the Florida and Alabama games. These coaches have lives, and they devote most of them to Tennessee football, so they are the ones who are mad the most at the lost, not some people with a computer and internet access.
Think before you post!