Giuliani condo/apartment being raided

All of this is purely anecdotal, but I've ask her about the deaths of flu during the flu season. She stated their seemed to be more deaths of the flu. I most certainly believe there is an illness called covid 19. I had it, my symptoms were mild. I never went to the doctor and I got over it within a week. I've read public sources and had an opposite experience from most things I've read. Your need to take care when buying into public sources hook line and sinker.


so why is your 'T' upside down? I asked that before and didn't get an answer and I think I've answered enough of your questions that you can answer mine
Are you old and fat like trump? Either way you were definitely experiencing a severe case and I am happy you recovered

I'm not as old as Trump. What I am is overweight, middle-aged, diabetic, a liver transplant survivor with a history of high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney failure...I have limited mobility because I broke my back while recovering from the liver transplant. I'm a whole host of medical problems. So there's a good chance I'm worse off than Trump.
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I'm not as old as Trump. What I am is overweight, middle-aged, diabetic, a liver transplant survivor with a history of high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney failure...I have limited mobility because I broke my back while recovering from the liver transplant. I'm a whole host of medical problems. So there's a good chance I'm worse off than Trump.

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Stupid. It wasn't a taxi ride. It was an emergency trip to Walter Reed Hospital.

it was in The NY Times. His blood oxygen levels were in the 80s. that's dangerously low. He was given an antibody cocktail which was still in clinical trials. They don't do that if he's fine. He wasn't.

He was close to going on the ventilator and if he did he would've never gotten off it as he is a 75 year old obese man.

Presidents - all of them - use Marine 1 for even fairly short trips simply because the security logistics are far simpler. There are no intersections to block in the air and no traffic jams to maneuver around. Even CEOs use helicopters for convenience rather than emergency situations. Nancy has probably been plotting for years trying to figure out how to get her own personal military helicopter service; if you could just get all those damn tourists off the mall ...
I'm not as old as Trump. What I am is overweight, middle-aged, diabetic, a liver transplant survivor with a history of high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney failure...I have limited mobility because I broke my back while recovering from the liver transplant. I'm a whole host of medical problems. So there's a good chance I'm worse off than Trump.

Well God bless you and I am happy you recovered!
Stupid. It wasn't a taxi ride. It was an emergency trip to Walter Reed Hospital.

it was in The NY Times. His blood oxygen levels were in the 80s. that's dangerously low. He was given an antibody cocktail which was still in clinical trials. They don't do that if he's fine. He wasn't.

He was close to going on the ventilator and if he did he would've never gotten off it as he is a 75 year old obese man.
You don’t have any true notion, other than what you’ve been fed by uninformed ignorant sources, about what you are talking about.
2 LNC will take care of an Sao2 in the 80’s. You can go up to 10L midflow, then you go to HFNC which at higher than 100%\50L and a PaO2 of less than 60 you intubate.
Stop spreading lies.
How is that stupid? Trump wasn't rushed to the hospital for hang nail. He wasn't given experimental medicine because of a bruise.

His oxygen levels were dangerously low. He is lucky to be alive and instead of downplaying it for his sheep followers he should've been giving credit to the great doctors & nurses that saved him
I made the mistake of asking God for patience and you show up.
You don’t have any true notion, other than what you’ve been fed by uninformed ignorant sources, about what you are talking about.
2 LNC will take care of an Sao2 in the 80’s. You can go up to 10L midflow, then you go to HFNC which at higher than 100%\50L and a PaO2 of less than 60 you intubate.
Stop spreading lies.
She’s clueless
Don’t we already have enough stupid fear mongering Branch Covidian zealot polluted threads without trashing another one to spread the statist fear mongering bull **** @Tastylicks ? Just sayin’
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Complicated.....well hells bells. Everything is so complicated whether be the law, legislation, taxes, or any such, that a citizen cannot peel the layers. It is what you do for a living and making the citizenry angry.
Law was intended so even the simplest man can stand in a common court and understand and defend himself. Their is no lawyer who knows all laws and that’s what they go to school for. By taking something simple and making it complicated lawyers make themselves a needed commodity. Most of our politicians are lawyers and create all the laws in state and federal territory.
The more laws that are written by lawyers the more we need lawyers. It’s called a self perpetuating profession.
Known 2 good lawyers, honest and morally driven in my life. The rest have been on par with used car salesman or below.

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