How many times have I broken down that this petition is utter garbage? Like, 3 times? And yet it keeps getting brought up. Many of the "scientists" on this list have nothing to do with a relevant field. Many of them are doctors.
eric, the reason I may come across "closed-minded" is because I have seen the same tired argument from skeptics, unchanged, over the last five to seven years. If you don't believe me, check the other threads on this forum and see how THIS LIST keeps getting brought up to refute that most scientists are not in agreement on this issue, and each time I have to point out how bogus this list is. There are people who are long dead on this list. There are people who never existed on this list. There are lots of orthopedic surgeons and pediatricians on this list.
This list is a joke, and has been debunked thoroughly.
I wonder why one of the themes of this year's national geography conference is all about climate change, if the majority of these scientists don't think it is real or unnatural?
Quit drinking the conservative kool aid. Of course the Earth is always changing, no one is saying otherwise (anymore, skeptics used to claim that actually). That doesn't address the rapid change in atmospheric CO2 from non-natural processes, and the possible long-term ramifications of that.
You try to debunk the list, but you don't address the people in there that are in the field that are relevant to the discussion, even if that list gets knocked down to 15,000 names by doing that . Your quick to dismiss the list as a whole, because some of them may not be part of the scientific community that is directly related to the research. I'm going to give my opinion on this subject, one last time, and ignore any further man made climate change threads from here on out.....
1. Man-Made GW or CC is not real. We have had much warmer periods in the Earth's history, and those are ignored. When they are brought up, people tell them to fly a kite and buy in to the madness.
2. The conspiracy theorist element of this agenda is VERY real. It's the biggest reason that this crap is still around. It has been debunked by many scientists, that aren't orthopedic surgeons, but yet you and the mainstream media won't have anything to do with it.
3. All this is about is money. If something comes down the pike that offers more money from the government than MMGW theories, you will see a huge change in direction in research, and it will become a novelty, which is largely what it is right now with current set of people involved.
4. This is also about private companies realizing they can get tax payed funded research, and they will never have to invest a dime of their own money. Look at what Al Gore has to gain from this BS.
5. Do you remember when scientists thought that the Earth was flat, and the Sun revolved around the Earth?? Yeah, those same scientists were proven completely wrong, and are starting to be proven wrong in regards to MMGW.
Look, there is too much out there to show this is all for show and about people trying to get money. If this was a true science, there wouldn't be SO many scientists that were once MMGW supporters now going up against the same science they were once researching.
Now, I'm done with this topic on this board.
Good day. :hi: