Global Warming?

(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 26 said:
Well ok, it's more like 1/5 of the Americans are against it. That's still a lot of people for it.

Oh, well that sounds about right :rolleyes:

Still, maybe people are behind the research but not government funded embryonic research. There's no way you can back up 80%.
(utvolpj @ Jul 26 said:
Oh, well that sounds about right :rolleyes:

Still, maybe people are behind the research but not government funded embryonic research. There's no way you can back up 80%.

If it is 80% then they need to vote for different congressional members since somewhere less than 66% are in favor of it.
(volinbham @ Jul 26 said:
If it is 80% then they need to vote for different congressional members since somewhere less than 66% are in favor of it.

66% is still a large number of people for it. I think that number is still a little low though. I'll look around.
(utvolpj @ Jul 26 said:
Oh, well that sounds about right :rolleyes:

Still, maybe people are behind the research but not government funded embryonic research. There's no way you can back up 80%.

Oh and just for the record, I didn't say that 80% were for it. I was just asking what "if" 80% are for it. Ok, I think I've covered the bases. :D
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 26 said:
66% is still a large number of people for it. I think that number is still a little low though. I'll look around.

66% was a reference to the congressional majority needed to overturn a veto -- not the % of those in favor of federally funded embryonic stem cell research :hi:
(volinbham @ Jul 26 said:
66% was a reference to the congressional majority needed to overturn a veto -- not the % of those in favor of federally funded embryonic stem cell research :hi:

I thought it sounded lower. :angel: Sorry, I'm just trying out allvol123's approach of replying without reading..
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 26 said:
I thought it sounded lower. :angel: Sorry, I'm just trying out allvol123's approach of replying without reading..

No prob. Us liberals have to stick together :ninja:
(volinbham @ Jul 26 said:
No prob. Us liberals have to stick together :ninja:

Actually, I'm a Libertarian so you're kind of on your own there.. :biggrin2:
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jul 26 said:
Actually, I'm a Libertarian so you're kind of on your own there.. :biggrin2:

CRAP! Not only do I find out I'm a liberal, I'm also the ONLY liberal.
(volinbham @ Jul 26 said:
CRAP! Not only do I find out I'm a liberal, I'm also the ONLY liberal.

:lol: Now you know how I felt the last 3 months...

Pretty tough isn't it?
Most Libertarians lean right... I have a hard time defining OWB as a Libertarian, but whatever you say boss. :D
(rwemyss @ Jul 26 said:
Most Libertarians lean right... I have a hard time defining OWB as a Libertarian, but whatever you say boss. :D

I have a harder time defining myself as a liberal but that's what the damn quiz said.
(rwemyss @ Jul 26 said:
Most Libertarians lean right... I have a hard time defining OWB as a Libertarian, but whatever you say boss. :D

Not when it comes to social issues!

I say leave those gay people alone and let them marry, do stem cell research, and legalize some drugs while you are at it.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
So the government shouldn't care about the wishes of the american people. The majority are simply opposed to it and they want an ammendment. Bush realized that, and that is why he backed an ammendment to define marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Smokem, you need to take a civics class. The judiciary is supposed to interpret the law not the public opinion polls.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 25 said:
Thats funny stuff OWB. Too bad he's still a great president.

He has an outstanding chance of ending up being the worst president in the last 75 years.
(Vol423 @ Jul 28 said:
He has an outstanding chance of ending up being the worst president in the last 75 years.

Most controversial? Yes. Worst? I think Carter has that one locked up tight.
Let's get back on topic, which, of course, is global warming. Since the most recent discussions concerning global warming have been prompted by "An Inconvenient Truth," I find the following relevent.
For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.)

Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself.

Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.

But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths.

Gore is not alone. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean has said, "Global warming is happening, and it threatens our very existence." The DNC website applauds the fact that Gore has "tried to move people to act." Yet, astoundingly, Gore's persuasive powers have failed to convince his own party: The DNC has not signed up to pay an additional two pennies a kilowatt hour to go green. For that matter, neither has the Republican National Committee.

Maybe our very existence isn't threatened.

Gore has held these apocalyptic views about the environment for some time. So why, then, didn't Gore dump his family's large stock holdings in Occidental (Oxy) Petroleum? As executor of his family's trust, over the years Gore has controlled hundreds of thousands of dollars in Oxy stock. Oxy has been mired in controversy over oil drilling in ecologically sensitive areas.

The entire USA Today article
Add to that the thousands of talks he gave around the world in person when webcasting technologies were available...
Not that it was not ridiculous before, but now it is completely out of hand.

Any guesses on what the next studies will tie to global warming?
My latest study says that Global Warming is the reason OWB can't get a date. :)

Not that it was not ridiculous before, but now it is completely out of hand.

Any guesses on what the next studies will tie to global warming?

LIO's sparkly avatar!
GAVol going outside without his hairpiece!
hat's "glowing" personality!
...and that putrid smell that come's from Freak's bathroom after his morning constitutional!

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