
It's not true in this instance. Economy doesn't appear to be strong as healthcare consumer staples and telecom led the rally in first quarter.

Economically sensitive sectors; industrials materials and energy all finished first quarter in the red.

Great job Barry...keep it real brah
Why not etf's? Physical gold can be stolen, takes time to sell, too.

Do you know how important it makes you feel to open a safe and see a stack of gold bullion in there with a couple automatic weapons on top? It's a pretty amazing feeling. Also really leaves an impression with houseguests.

what a douche bag. I wonder how many people tried to buy it from him only to get stiffed.
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Disagree. Stock market is just a better investment right now.

The dollar is still hurting. If the stock market slows again, the price of gold will jump back up.

You know it, I know it, 95% of the people posting here know it, however, it doesn't fit into LG's agenda.
It's all a function of supply and demand. The supply is way up, haven't you seen all the gold digging reality shows?
As long as I can remember Gold prices have moved up or down per the direction the economy is moving.

Bad economy--- high gold prices

Good economy ---low gold prices

When have you ever lived in an economy where the fed has bought bonds for years in a row at the rate they are buying them?
Do you think we will ever pay the national debt? Or do you think the debt will continue to grow and grow?

As the dollar weakens gold will get stronger. And few people in the govt seem to have any interest in reducing our spending.

That is a misconception. If the dollar loses 10% in value overnight, gold prices will rise 10% overnight. You haven't gained anything as the investment is still worth just as much in spending power today as it was yesterday. A price propped up on the decreasing value of the dollar isn't real.
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Sign of a good economy. LOL

The fed is pumping a ton of money into the stock market right now. So the best place to put your money is in stocks. Look at what happened to the market yesterday when Bernanke suggested there could be tapering off of fed pumping, the market fell. As long as the fed keeps propping up the market, that is where people in the know will put their money.

Suggesting the price of gold has anything to do with the economy is moronic. Gold has gone up because people worry about the government printing so much money and will destroy the value of the dollar. Gold will always have some worth.
Sign of a good economy. LOL

The fed is pumping a ton of money into the stock market right now. So the best place to put your money is in stocks. Look at what happened to the market yesterday when p suggested there could be tapering off of fed pumping, the market fell. As long as the fed keeps propping up the market, that is where people in the know will put their money.

Suggesting the price of gold has anything to do with the economy is moronic. Gold has gone up because people worry about the government printing so much money and will destroy the value of the dollar. Gold will always have some worth.

Not to mention Bernanke is on the way out. The bond bubble looks to bust soon.
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Plummeting. Down almost 10 % last time I looked. Bubble bursting ?

Sign of an improving economy.

1. people haven't bought gold on this rise (at least most of the gold) to keep long term. When the market started to turn, the gold investors started taking profits too.
2. Fed will most likely drastically slow QE in the 3rd and 4th quarters this year. Market has been propped up on cheap money. It's going away.

Generally speaking when the dollar is up, the market is down but strong, the economy is good. The problem with you two sunshine pumpers is that this has been a falsely inflated economy due to all the gazillions of $$ that Barry has coaxed Bernanke into pumping into the economy. Much like the stimulus......was good for places like Oak Ridge when it was hot and heavy, when it was gone, layoffs started and they haven't stopped.

IMO we are getting ready to see inflation on a crappy economy and that won't be good. If the Fed will quit printing money and start letting the economy recover on it's own, it may get better over time. Then there is the elephant in the room called the ACA.
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What goes up, must come down.
The value of many stocks is all artificially valued. It is time for the Dow to take a tumble.

Anyone playing in the stock market now better know what they are doing , it is time for a major correction.
What goes up, must come down.
The value of many stocks is all artificially valued. It is time for the Dow to take a tumble.

Anyone playing in the stock market now better know what they are doing , it is time for a major correction.


It's going to get nasty.
Farewell Bernanke – Thanks For Inflating The Biggest Bond Bubble The World Has Ever Seen

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is on the way out the door, but the consequences of the bond bubble that he has helped to create will stay with us for a very, very long time. During Bernanke's tenure, interest rates on U.S. Treasuries have fallen to record lows.

This has enabled the U.S. government to pile up an extraordinary amount of debt. During his tenure we have also seen mortgage rates fall to record lows. All of this has helped to spur economic activity in the short-term, but what happens when interest rates start going back to normal? If the average rate of interest on U.S. government debt rises to just 6 percent, the U.S. government will suddenly be paying out a trillion dollars a year just in interest on the national debt. And remember, there have been times in the past when the average rate of interest on U.S. government debt has been much higher than that.

In addition, when the U.S. government starts having to pay more to borrow money so will everyone else. What will that do to home sales and car sales? And of course we all remember what happened to adjustable rate mortgages when interest rates started to rise just prior to the last recession. We have gotten ourselves into a position where the U.S. economy simply cannot afford for interest rates to go up. We have become addicted to the cheap money made available by a grossly distorted financial system, and we have Ben Bernanke to thank for that.

The Federal Reserve is at the very heart of the economic problems that we are facing in America, and this time is certainly no exception.

But is it a fundamentally sound path? Keeping interest rates pressed to the floor and wildly printing money may be producing some positive results in the short-term, but the crazy bubble that this is creating will burst at some point.

In fact, the director of financial stability for the Bank of England, Andy Haldane, recently admitted that the central bankers have "intentionally blown the biggest government bond bubble in history" and he warned about what might happen once it ends...
So, where should my money be? I pretty much only have a total market index fund. I've heard about an ETF that shorts the nasdaq. Would that be a good idea to split between the two as a hedge?

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