
That is a misconception. If the dollar loses 10% in value overnight, gold prices will rise 10% overnight. You haven't gained anything as the investment is still worth just as much in spending power today as it was yesterday. A price propped up on the decreasing value of the dollar isn't real.

You haven't lost any money. Worst case scenario is that you break even.

That is the point.

If you have dollars, on the other hand, your dollar only buys you .90 cents worth of goods. So a net loss.
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Two interesting things to note about yesterday's dive:

1- This dive took place on just the hint that the Fed MIGHT stop printing funny money

2- Despite what really seems to be an overinflated stock market, P/Es across a lot of industries remain below historical averages

So... you're bullish? :crazy:
I am far from being anti gun. I have owned guns for 50 years. I am also 100% for good sensible background checks. West vA is very pro gun. They showed a poll on Morning Joe this morning that 75% of West Virginians are in favor of background checks.
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

What if some criminal decides that out of the blue they are going to break into your house, rob, and kill you and your family. Would you use your ESP powers to sense that this was going to happen ahead of time, and check your guns out?
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

Dear lord!!!
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

What kind of Communist bullsh1t is this?

I would allow "your government" to check out deez nutz :focus:
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Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

My sarcasm meter at :22. By the way, LG is wearing the plaid shirt.....

AT&T TV Commercial - It's Not Complicated "Infinity" - YouTube
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

This has got to be sarcasm.
Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

The second amendment is not about Bambi.
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Me too. I would go a step further though and have people check in and check out their guns whenever they need them. When hunting season ends, you need to check your guns in to you local authorities and let them keep them until the season starts back up again. I would also allow women to check out their guns if they notify the authorities about any possible threats or if they are in fear or harm.

Did you say one step further? I think you meant 10,000 steps further.
I wonder what the bottom will be?

As the economy improves and fears of a major European banking collapse fade, the doomsdayers who relied on gold as the be all and end all are getting killed in the commodities markets.

Having its worst quarter since 1968 !! It has lost roughly 33 % of its value off the highs on Oct. 4.

I got two words for you ....

Glenn. Beck.
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I wonder what the bottom will be?

As the economy improves and fears of a major European banking collapse fade, the doomsdayers who relied on gold as the be all and end all are getting killed in the commodities markets.

Having its worst quarter since 1968 !! It has lost roughly 33 % of its value off the highs on Oct. 4.

I got two words for you ....

Glenn. Beck.


1.8% growth is not improvement, that is stagnation and if your not growing your dyeing.
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1.8% growth is not improvement, that is stagnation and if your not growing your dyeing.

It is weak, definitely.

Need more stimulus to the middle class to kick it into high gear. Pay for it by taxing capital gains over $1 million at regular ordinary income rate.

Trickle down is a fraud.
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It is weak, definitely.

Need more stimulus to the middle class to kick it into high gear. Pay for it by taxing capital gains over $1 million at regular ordinary income rate.

Trickle down is a fraud.

Economic genius right there.
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It is weak, definitely.

Need more stimulus to the middle class to kick it into high gear. Pay for it by taxing capital gains over $1 million at regular ordinary income rate.

Trickle down is a fraud.


well done! You got a good laugh out of me on that one
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It is weak, definitely.

Need more stimulus to the middle class to kick it into high gear. Pay for it by taxing capital gains over $1 million at regular ordinary income rate.

Trickle down is a fraud.

You can't speak in absolutes like that. Trickle down isn't a fraud. You can maybe argue people took advantage of it unfairly.

But big government is the biggest fraud there ever was. Simply look at history.

Needs to be a balance.
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I wonder what the bottom will be?

As the economy improves and fears of a major European banking collapse fade, the doomsdayers who relied on gold as the be all and end all are getting killed in the commodities markets.

Having its worst quarter since 1968 !! It has lost roughly 33 % of its value off the highs on Oct. 4.

I got two words for you ....

Glenn. Beck.

Certain things confirm you don't actually read credible sources on investing and the economy.

Europe is a mess right now. China is having liquidity concerns.

Personally I don't think the correction will be as awful as people predict. Will be bad but not doomsday.
I wonder what the bottom will be?

As the economy improves and fears of a major European banking collapse fade, the doomsdayers who relied on gold as the be all and end all are getting killed in the commodities markets.

Having its worst quarter since 1968 !! It has lost roughly 33 % of its value off the highs on Oct. 4.

I got two words for you ....

Glenn. Beck.

Gold is still way up over the last decade. There's a lot of gold movers who can affect the price. Look what happened to the stock market the minute Bernanke suggested a slowdown of Q.E.: the market nosedived. The only thing propping up stock prices is inflation. I'll take my chances with real money over worthless paper. Gold has been through several corrections; it hasn't seen its high point yet.

P.S. You seem to have a hard-on for Beck. Did he do the dirty with your mother or something?

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