I don't remember seeing this site posted in GBNF previously:
Knoxville, Tennessee – Then and Now This page is a collection of vintage postcards of Knoxville and how those places look today.
Some of you may have seen the Swank Pad site before. The Then and Now section has lots of photos, mostly postcard pictures, of old hotels, motels and tourist courts from the 50's and 60's. Go see it!
Here's one: The Dwarf Restaurant and Tate Hotel on Clinton Highway. This is up the ridge on the left from the post office. The Dwarf building most recently housed a pawn shop that went out ten or so years ago and is falling to ruin in 2024. One building is left from the Tate Hotel that had a used car dealership years ago. It too is falling in.
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Here's another: The Mt. Vernon Motel that was on Kingston Pike. The main building was razed in the late 2010's and a Weigels built on the property.
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