Good luck with your one car per family


Orange defense

Blood runneth orange in my veins
Apr 1, 2017
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.

Will Netflix & Pornhub still be available? Priorities man!
Also, mandatory sex changes, forced abortions, and AOC gets to kick you in the nuts once a month.

AOC would be tolerable if she could cease the babbling BS for five seconds. Distant pipedream though.
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.
That's things they all want, they won't get them. Some of that is just trying to appease the increasingly radicalized base. China Biden has never accomplished anything, the next 4 years won't be any different
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Ok! Enjoy Biden now, but you’ll be wondering what happen after he turns on his supporters and you.
I don't support Biden and that has nothing to do with the nonsense you've posted. That's onion/ babylon bee material
I don't support Biden and that has nothing to do with the nonsense you've posted. That's onion/ babylon bee material
Ok, you’ll see. I’m glad you don’t support Biden, but it’s going to be bad if he wins.

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