Good luck with your one car per family

I'm going to start a tin foil hat business. These last few days have proven there's a market.
You didn't cash in on the Russia Collusion, WW3, Nuclear Codes, or dead gay kids theories back in 2016? Man, you missed out. You always have BLM.
Also, mandatory sex changes, forced abortions, and AOC gets to kick you in the nuts once a month.
If the once-men have no nuts left, and the once-women have fake nuts, will it still hurt?
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I'm looking forward to this redistribution of wealth. I could use some nice things.
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.

You have options. Mexico's border still mostly unwalled.

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Do you think Warren Buffet has an extra yacht I could borrow? And by borrow I mean claim as my own.
I'm looking forward to this redistribution of wealth. I could use some nice things.
If I could do it the way I wanted, I would be fine with it. Let ME choose where I want MY money to go.

But I guess we all should learn to accept that Lefty's gov knows best how to spend everyone's money.
If Biden wins no cows, no airplanes, no sausage, bacon, no jobs, high taxes, no church, COVID 19 shutdown of the country. Every house, building, and apartments will have to have solar panels on them. Good luck riding all railways under the ocean to Europe, Hawaii, and to every other country in the world. One car per family is going to be fun. 100 trillion dollars of the new green deal will bankrupt us, along getting back into the Paris agreement. Our country will be over in no time.

Are you scared? Here’s a medal for you..09F897F3-22B3-4B4D-A050-5FCB89682EBC.jpeg
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I don't believe one second any mode of transportation will be banned. Its just funny to me that someone is actually freaking out about this.

Hyperbole from Trumpsters. He's on his way out but some still have BDS. Biden Derangement Syndrome.

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