GOP 2024 Plan B?

We are talking about the people who grow your food, drive the trucks, fix your plumbing, build you house, dig the coal, smelt the iron to make steel, pick up your garbage, sell you groceries, build your cars, defend our nation, put out fires, drive the buses and boats, fix you wiring, and basically keep your elitist behinds from starving, freezing, stranded, or even the least bit uncomfortable. How DARE they have the sheer AUDACITY to think for themselves and have exactly the same vote to cast as you do?????
That's a lib, thing. They are smarter than you and will tell you all about it.
Meanwhile staring down their noses at bluecollar workers
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They are all over the place down here, like cockroaches.
Rats, lice, cockroaches, foxes, vultures – these are just some of the animals the Nazis used to deride and dehumanize Jews. They used words too. In a new linguistic analysis of dozens of Nazi speeches, articles, pamphlets and posters, researchers show how this process of anti-Semetic dehumanization, which began before the Nazis took power and helped fuel the party’s popularity, was modulated to justify atrocity: in the years before the Holocaust, Jews were represented as a being incapable of human feeling.

You look a lot like those you complain about
Rats, lice, cockroaches, foxes, vultures – these are just some of the animals the Nazis used to deride and dehumanize Jews. They used words too. In a new linguistic analysis of dozens of Nazi speeches, articles, pamphlets and posters, researchers show how this process of anti-Semetic dehumanization, which began before the Nazis took power and helped fuel the party’s popularity, was modulated to justify atrocity: in the years before the Holocaust, Jews were represented as a being incapable of human feeling.

You look a lot like those you complain about
Mike drop moment.
No, he was the first racially mixed president. Funny how almost nobody makes that distinction.
While I agree with you, Barrack was officially Black. Laws dictated this.
Sure. And they drive around town in their beaten up pick ups, proudly flying "in your face" Trump flags, wearing camouflage hats, which practically scream "Look at what a redneck I am!"

Every liberal I talk to is with his husband, wearing a pussy hat, and while literally crying about the weather.

Am I doing this right?
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Trump and Eyeliner Boy are tied with the most unpopular VP we've probably ever had. That says a lot about Trump and it's not good for the GOP.
How about it GOP - MAGA, do the Republicans ride it out with Trump or do they quickly find someone not so repulsive to replace him?
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Trump and Eyeliner Boy are tied with the most unpopular VP we've probably ever had. That says a lot about Trump and it's not good for the GOP.
How about it GOP - MAGA, do the Republicans ride it out with Trump or do they quickly find someone not so repulsive to replace him?

It says as much about the state media as a propaganda machine. People who are in tune and know better should be giddy to reject the media message like it's 1930's Germany. It's the same media that got Joe Biden elected and up until the very end tried to convince us he was as sharp as ever only to tell us after the fact they knew.
It says as much about the state media as a propaganda machine. People who are in tune and know better should be giddy to reject the media message like it's 1930's Germany. It's the same media that got Joe Biden elected and up until the very end tried to convince us he was as sharp as ever only to tell us after the fact they knew.
So how does the GOP overcome that? Trump's tied with Kamala Harris. Let that sink in. She's nothing but awful and Trump can't get out of his own way enough to build a lead.
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So how does the GOP overcome that? Trump's tied with Kamala Harris. Let that sink in. She's nothing but awful and Trump can't get out of his own way enough to build a lead.

They need to get on message about policy. That is Harris's-Walz cryptonite. That ticket is so far left that they will come out with more asinine policy ideas that look nothing like democracy or capitalism. There are a few traditional conservative that won't vote for Trump. What's worse is that Harris has a voter base as the worst candidate in history, and even worse of a candidate than demented Joe Biden.
Trump and Eyeliner Boy are tied with the most unpopular VP we've probably ever had. That says a lot about Trump and it's not good for the GOP.
How about it GOP - MAGA, do the Republicans ride it out with Trump or do they quickly find someone not so repulsive to replace him?
The plan b needs to be a new strategy team to get an actual message out there. When every advisor has the same last name you aren't going to get many new ideas. His message is on par with an unscripted Biden speech
So how does the GOP overcome that? Trump's tied with Kamala Harris. Let that sink in. She's nothing but awful and Trump can't get out of his own way enough to build a lead.
The media polls also told us he was trailing Clinton.
The media polls also told us he was trailing Clinton.
Clinton may be Satan's sister but she's articulate and bright. She's a much better candidate than Harris. Anyone who can tie their own shoes should be leading Harris in the polls.
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Not only a different message, but a different audience too
He's tried some (libertarians, bitcoin) but doesn't seem to know what to do when he gets there. I don't present to my coworkers in the same manner that I do to the CIO. I don't think he knows how to pivot when his first approach fails. Can't understand why people don't like him
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Clinton may be Satan's sister but she's articulate and bright. She's a much better candidate than Harris. Anyone who can tie their shoes should be leading Harris in the polls.
A lot of Democrats were tired of Hillary and crossed over to vote for Trump...well against Hillary. They didn't do so in 2020 for @GVF
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He's tried some (libertarians, bitcoin) but doesn't seem to know what to do when he gets there. I don't present to my coworkers in the same manner that I do to the CIO. I don't think he knows how to pivot when his first approach fails. Can't understand why people don't like him

Which is a little puzzling.
He's tried some (libertarians, bitcoin) but doesn't seem to know what to do when he gets there. I don't present to my coworkers in the same manner that I do to the CIO. I don't think he knows how to pivot when his first approach fails. Can't understand why people don't like him
Do you mean "he can't understand why people don't like him"?

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