GOP Has A Big Demographics Problem

I disagree, the more your party continues to call everyone racist and deplorable and such, the worse it’ll get for you. I know lifelong democrats who voted trump, because you guys chose a horrible candidate, and anybody who disagrees is called names.

They might have, but they're sure not "proud" of him as many conservatives claim
That changes once they start paying taxes

That's what less than informed conservatives always say. Informed citizens KNOW that our country has never been successful when governed from the right. It always works best when governed from the center.

Also, Republicans have moved farther right than Democrats have moved left. Every research study shows it. Do some objective research and you'll find out that classic liberalism is this country's most successful governing ideology
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That's what less than informed conservatives always say. Informed citizens KNOW that our country has never been successful when governed from the right. It always works best when governed from the center.

Also, Republicans have moved farther right than Democrats have moved left. Every research study shows it. Do some objective research and you'll find out that classic liberalism is this country's most successful governing ideology

What do you do for living? Just curious
Retired now. Military after college. Cost accountant and operations manager in auto industry and then in power distribution industry

Too good to work at a chicken plant? You must look down on those hard working illegal immigrants that work for nothing.
Chucky told the GOP that would never wish the WH again unless there was an immigration bill...... That was in 2014..
That's what less than informed conservatives always say. Informed citizens KNOW that our country has never been successful when governed from the right. It always works best when governed from the center.

Also, Republicans have moved farther right than Democrats have moved left. Every research study shows it. Do some objective research and you'll find out that classic liberalism is this country's most successful governing ideology

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Just what is the far left; Tree huggers, scientists, recyclers, those people that harass whaling ships, Prius drivers?
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Just what is the far left; Tree huggers, scientists, recyclers, those people that harass whaling ships, Prius drivers?

I’m a tree hugger. Recycle everything possible. Clean the trash out of the river. Every time I go out on my canoe I come back with a bag full of trash. Schedule one of my vacations every year to be on st George island for a sea turtle protection event ( we actually do stuff that helps) contractor so it’s an F250 but well maintained to prevent any unnecessary leaks or spills. Harassing whailing ships is stupid and unproductive to affect change.
So maybe I’m a left leaning fiscal conservative
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I’m a tree hugger. Recycle everything possible. Clean the trash out of the river. Every time I go out on my canoe I come back with a bag full of trash. Schedule one of my vacations every year to be on st George island for a sea turtle protection event ( we actually do stuff that helps) contractor so it’s an F250 but well maintained to prevent any unnecessary leaks or spills. Harassing whailing ships is stupid and unproductive to affect change.
So maybe I’m a left leaning fiscal conservative
When is the sea turtle protection event? We just installed shaded turtle tint glass in our beach cottage for the benefit of nesting turtles on Cape San Blas.
When is the sea turtle protection event? We just installed shaded turtle tint glass in our beach cottage for the benefit of nesting turtles on Cape San Blas.

At the moment they’re saying the 2nd week of August. I’ll keep you posted.
If you come over to help you’ll get a free T-shirt
I’m a tree hugger. Recycle everything possible. Clean the trash out of the river. Every time I go out on my canoe I come back with a bag full of trash. Schedule one of my vacations every year to be on st George island for a sea turtle protection event ( we actually do stuff that helps) contractor so it’s an F250 but well maintained to prevent any unnecessary leaks or spills. Harassing whailing ships is stupid and unproductive to affect change.
So maybe I’m a left leaning fiscal conservative

Maybe you are.
The far right loons are easily to identify and characterize. They are the conspiracy nuts, White Nationalist, and anti "left", climate change deniers, Holocaust deniers, and evangelicals.

I guess when someone calls the left loons they are one of them.
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The far right loons are easily to identify and characterize. They are the conspiracy nuts, White Nationalist, and anti "left", climate change deniers, Holocaust deniers, and evangelicals.

I guess when someone calls the left loons they are one of them.

I don’t think that there’s enough evidence for climate change being caused by man. Acid rain. Yup that was us and we cleared it up. How can you trust climate scientists who have been caught faking their data twice?

Climate change is a scam. We can’t stop climate change. It happens regardless of us. What we should be doing is studying what’s coming (actually studying) and trying to figure out how we as humans are going to survive it.
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I don’t think that there’s enough evidence for climate change being caused by man. Acid rain. Yup that was us and we cleared it up. How can you trust climate scientists who have been caught faking their data twice?

Climate change is a scam. We can’t stop climate change. It happens regardless of us. What we should be doing is studying what’s coming (actually studying) and trying to figure out how we as humans are going to survive it.

Why do you call it a scam? What do these scientist have to gain. I would trust them over the people that deny that it is happening or deny that humans do not and cannot affect it either negatively or positively. Of course it has happened naturally over millions of years by volcanoes, meteors, and polar shifts but that is accepted in the scientific community and not the point of contention.
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