GOP withdraws from Presidential Debates

I do miss the good old days when Biden was that coherent.
I also noticed there is a significant difference in his appearance, speech and general state in that clip versus how he is today.

His slide in less than 2 years is significant. And he's not even halfway through his term yet.
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With all that’s being discussed….

The media’s contribution to the discussion: “But I want to stay on the issue of race”

Shocking! 😏
She wanted to stay on the "issue of race" talking over Trump until Biden wanted to scream "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA" then she shut up and let him speak uniterrupted.
They have a state sanctioned hacking program that is pretty formidable. Unlike the military it generates income from its scams.
My understanding is that the Chinese State program is better than the Russian or the US programs.
interestingly Trump won because Obama voters switched over to him - seems it was Dems that were easily manipulated (if you want to buy the whole Russia swung the election crap)
I have no doubt that some dems were easily manipulated. I've often stated that the ignorant vote needs to split 50/50 and that it usually does. Trump took a large chunk of the ignorant vote from the dems.
In 2016 Trump took 85% of the ignorant vote.
Hopefully in 2024, we can get back to a 50/50 split.
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I have no doubt that some dems were easily manipulated. I've often stated that the ignorant vote needs to split 50/50 and that it usually does. Trump took a large chunk of the ignorant vote from the dems.
In 2016 Trump took 85% of the ignorant vote.
Hopefully in 2024, we can get back to a 50/50 split.

I have a theory about which chunk you belong to.
I have no doubt that some dems were easily manipulated. I've often stated that the ignorant vote needs to split 50/50 and that it usually does. Trump took a large chunk of the ignorant vote from the dems.
In 2016 Trump took 85% of the ignorant vote.
Hopefully in 2024, we can get back to a 50/50 split.
What percentage of voters in your opinion, don't fall into Always Dem, Always Rep, or idiot voter category?
The moment when every rational person finally had to realize the debates were irredeemably broken….Candy Crowley‘s real time „fact check“ of Romney’s Libya claims in debate against Obama. That is the moment the debates died. Been on life support ever since. About Time the Republicans finally pulled the plug
Used to anyway. I refuse to believe that 81 million people are this retarded.

I used to refuse to believe it too, but then my faith in humanity was always on a positive too. One only needs to read a few posts in this forum from a select few to realize the amount of ignorance in the world today is staggeringly worse than I/we ever thought possible.
The moment when every rational person finally had to realize the debates were irredeemably broken….Candy Crowley‘s real time „fact check“ of Romney’s Libya claims in debate against Obama. That is the moment the debates died. Been on life support ever since. About Time the Republicans finally pulled the plug
View attachment 447636

Yep, that's when the bias was fully exposed. How she kept her job after that is beyond me, the debate commission should have stopped the debate and pulled her.
Have you noticed democrats always want to drag Trump into the discussion on Biden having cognitive challenges and a total nimrod?

They surrender to the idea that Joe Biden is a horrible president but to give cover that they voted for Biden they'll talk about Trump in the same vein.

They even get likes from conservatives because they are at least admitting Biden is bad. But Biden stands alone on the turrible richter scale.
I have no problem saying I voted for the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump. Millions claimed they would do exactly that for 3 years leading into the 2020 election. Why Trumplicans couldn't process that Trump was unelectable is beyond me.......well maybe it's not beyond me, they are Trumplicans after all.
Some are wanting a repeat in 2024.........go figure.
Yep, that's when the bias was fully exposed. How she kept her job after that is beyond me, the debate commission should have stopped the debate and pulled her.
The one thing the left never really takes to heart is the fact that we elephants. NEVER forget. 😂. Heck, I’m still spitting nails level mad over Robert Bork
I have no problem saying I voted for the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump. Millions claimed they would do exactly that for 3 years leading into the 2020 election. Why Trumplicans couldn't process that Trump was unelectable is beyond me.......well maybe it's not beyond me, they are Trumplicans after all.
Some are wanting a repeat in 2024.........go figure.
Will you vote for Biden again? The Dems should all be mad at the party for Biden being the candidate. You're saying 70 million people wanted to vote against Trump, and Biden is the clown you roll out to get the automatic win.
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Will you vote for Biden again? The Dems should all be mad at the party for Biden being the candidate. You're saying 70 million people wanted to vote against Trump, and Biden is the clown you roll out to get the automatic win.

Biden won because they weaponized Covid and racial strife after George Floyd to keep Joe in the basement. They should be thanking China and Derek Chauvin by sending care packages everyday. Well scratch that because they've run cover for China. They just need to send daily Chauvin care packages.
Will you vote for Biden again? The Dems should all be mad at the party for Biden being the candidate. You're saying 70 million people wanted to vote against Trump, and Biden is the clown you roll out to get the automatic win.
Biden will not run in '24.
I will not vote for him in the primaries if he is running.
The only way I can conceivably see voting for him in '24 is if he is running against trump.
I have no problem saying I voted for the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump. Millions claimed they would do exactly that for 3 years leading into the 2020 election. Why Trumplicans couldn't process that Trump was unelectable is beyond me.......well maybe it's not beyond me, they are Trumplicans after all.
Some are wanting a repeat in 2024.........go figure.
He wasnt unelectable in 2020. He had a record setting number of votes. And not just by a little. His issue was that Biden had even more.

If you believe the popular vote matters, Trump 2020 got more votes than either of Obama's terms. And I doubt there were a whole lot of never Bidens out there, like there were never Trumpers. So I would argue Trump had the most active support ever. So again, not unelectable at all. Just polarizing in the worst way
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Will you vote for Biden again? The Dems should all be mad at the party for Biden being the candidate. You're saying 70 million people wanted to vote against Trump, and Biden is the clown you roll out to get the automatic win.
I am made that Biden was the candidate.
Repubs should be furious that Trump was.
He wasnt unelectable in 2020. He had a record setting number of votes. And not just by a little. His issue was that Biden had even more.

If you believe the popular vote matters, Trump 2020 got more votes than either of Obama's terms. And I doubt there were a whole lot of never Bidens out there, like there were never Trumpers. So I would argue Trump had the most active support ever. So again, not unelectable at all. Just polarizing in the worst way
Polarizing to the point of being unelectable.

It was recognized early on that Trump had a core of rabid worshipers, the Trumpers, the 35 percenters.
Their rabid worship and the way Trump earned and kept it is exactly what the other 65% found repulsive.

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