Greatest Athlete to never win highest Championship of their Sport

(lawgator1 @ Jul 7 said:
Topic was ATHLETE.

Main Entry: ath·lete
Pronunciation: 'ath-"lEt, ÷'a-th&-"lEt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin athleta, from Greek athlEtEs, from athlein to contend for a prize, from athlon prize, contest
: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina
(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Jul 8 said:
I'd like to see how many of the "athletes", according to your definition of the word, could hold up to 500 miles at Bristol.

any body that can drive just slow and steady
(hatvol96 @ Jul 2 said:
Now that I've set you straight on how long Stoops has been at OU, here's some more for Fulmerites to chew on. The season before Stoops came to OU, they finished with a losing season for the fourth consecutive season. Tennesee won the National championship. From those beginning points, Stoops has won 75 games, 3 conference titles, and a National Championship. Fulmer has won 61 games, 0 conference championships, and of course, 0 National Championships. That says it all.

Stoops record is so impressive because Tom Osborne retired from Nebraska before he came along. With Doctor Tom running the Huskers, Stoops wins 0 NC's, 0 conference titles and loses at least 7 more games than he has. He probably turns down the job.
(wncvolfan @ Jul 26 said:
Stoops record is so impressive because Tom Osborne retired from Nebraska before he came along. With Doctor Tom running the Huskers, Stoops wins 0 NC's, 0 conference titles and loses at least 7 more games than he has. He probably turns down the job.

I would say that is a fair assessment. However, would we have won our NC if Osborne was still coaching Nebraska in '98?
(wncvolfan @ Jul 26 said:
Stoops record is so impressive because Tom Osborne retired from Nebraska before he came along. With Doctor Tom running the Huskers, Stoops wins 0 NC's, 0 conference titles and loses at least 7 more games than he has. He probably turns down the job.
Take a look at Switzer's career record against Osborne. The only reason that pious twit Osborne ever got control of the Big 8/12 was King Barry's departure. Stoops would have administered similar thrashings.
(therealUT @ Jul 26 said:
I would say that is a fair assessment. However, would we have won our NC if Osborne was still coaching Nebraska in '98?
See post #332.
I will go with Ernie Banks, Barry Sanders, & Patrick Ewing. If you're excluding those who won college championships, as Ewing did, then I'll replace him with Charles Barkley.

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