Greg McElroy Should Be EMBARRASSED

I can’t believe some of you are even partially siding with McElroy’s statements…. I love Tony just the way he is. He connects with this generation, and they will run through walls for him. They will do the impossible. He’s excitable and enthusiastic about what he’s doing. AND he’s a fn Champion!

Anybody that talks trash about CTV can eat a big bag of d*s.
Who is Greg McElroy?

He's that guy that...


Saban at the lake house...
He’s just trying to set himself up as Finebaum’s successor. Intentional stupid comments stir up the masses. Don’t fall for it.
I guess that's what surprises me more than anything else. WHY would we care or respond to what people say like this on sports shows?'s meant to rouse up emotion. I'm not in any way condoning any type of "classless" behavior however Volnation's reaction to these comments is the Pavlov Dog theory in action. Kind of reminds me of my dog who is TERRIFIED of storms. He'll lay perfectly still, listening so intently for the slightest sound of thunder, so he can shake and freak out with staggering emotion. These type shows (ESPECIALLY SPORTS SHOWS) are, by their very nature, meant to cause reactions that drive click-ism and attention. As Delmar has so aptly stated..."Don't fall for it" 😩😩
I guess that's what surprises me more than anything else. WHY would we care or respond to what people say like this on sports shows?'s meant to rouse up emotion. I'm not in any way condoning any type of "classless" behavior however Volnation's reaction to these comments is the Pavlov Dog theory in action. Kind of reminds me of my dog who is TERRIFIED of storms. He'll lay perfectly still, listening so intently for the slightest sound of thunder, so he can shake and freak out with staggering emotion. These type shows (ESPECIALLY SPORTS SHOWS) are, by their very nature, meant to cause reactions that drive click-ism and attention. As Delmar has so aptly stated..."Don't fall for it" 😩😩
Not to mention that he’s extremely hypocritical to denigrate Vitello and neglect to mention Saban’s sideline tantrums, the Bama WR who hit the girl coming off the field in 2022 and last but not least their star BB player supplying the gun in a murder. If he wants to talk about lack of class, he needs to look at his alma mater before opening his yap about another school. It’s just a ridiculous take by a talk show host trying to drum up attention.
After his exit from his latest CHOKE in a major, he comments about a sport his native country (he move away from bye the way) where he grew up knows nothing about and he surly doesn't have time to learn being he is such a great golfer, is BULL SH-T!!

A thing wrestlers used to do in the late 90s, early 2000s. Think it’s around the 6:20 mark.

Thank you for giving more information. I watched the ice bucket pour, and I didn’t notice the gesture initially. After rewatching it, and actively looking for the gesture very closely, it was extremely subtle. In fact, it was so subtle, that I don’t know for sure if that is what he was actually doing. He didn’t thrust his pelvis, cross his arms, and make the gesture 3 or 4 times, the way HHH did back in the day. He just quickly tapped his thighs. If he was doing the gesture, he did it wrong…lol.

Either way, I really don’t care. Vitello is an amazing coach who is doing wonderful things for my alma mater, and complaining about how he celebrates when it’s something as minor and brief as this is just salty hate. If he made the gesture very prominently to the A&M dugout, I would understand, but this is tame and just looking for something to complain about.
This thread is, and only is, about pointing out what a complete D-BAG McElroy is. If anyone wishes to complain or opine about how OUR coach acted after winning a national championship, I would suggest you move over to the message board of one our brethren SEC boards and you can whine and bitch as much as you want. I am sure you will get plenty of the support you wished for as a child but didn't get.

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After his exit from his latest CHOKE in a major, he comments about a sport his native country (he move away from bye the way) where he grew up knows nothing about and he surly doesn't have time to learn being he is such a great golfer, is BULL SH-T!!
I like your energy but you're thinking of the wrong person lol.
After his exit from his latest CHOKE in a major, he comments about a sport his native country (he move away from bye the way) where he grew up knows nothing about and he surly doesn't have time to learn being he is such a great golfer, is BULL SH-T!!'re thinkin 'bout THIS Dude...


who decided to leave his wife and 7-year-old daughter and start playing "ball in the hole" with THIS girl from CBS...


THEN decided to go back to his wife...the same week he COULDN'T put the "ball in the hole" at the US Open

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McElroy needs to keep his comments to himself instead of acting like a petty b**ch.
#91're thinkin 'bout THIS Dude...


who decided to leave his wife and 7-year-old daughter and start playing "ball in the hole" with THIS girl from CBS...


THEN decided to go back to his wife...the same week he COULDN'T put the "ball in the hole" at the US Open

Plus ....He comments on American politics of which he has no business doing. I'm usually fairly neutral on dislike for athletes (celebrities in general actually whom i possess zero interest in) but it's hard to pull for Rory. The main thing I DO appreciate about Rory is his commitment to the PGA Tour of far... 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️
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Personally I think McElroy needs to retreat to his safe space.
Haters hate when you grow and evolve, and GM even mentioned how the ‘22 squad was probably better than this team, “but could not harness their emotions”.

CTV has completely taken over one of the most dominant conferences in college ball. Our emotional growth and maturation is huge part of why this years team was successful.
McElroy seemed to almost catch himself about to talk in circles as related to the maturity of this years team. He sounded as though he cut himself off.

I noticed how he cut himself off as well. He didn’t want to admit that the 2024 team was more mature than the 2022 team, because that would actually negate his original point. He kind of caught himself in his own trap and froze.
Hey douche canoe, Tony V and the Vols are National Champions so suck on that. If you so worried about how a coach acts after winning a Natty go down to Tuscaloosa and give some damn classes, your coaches surly need it more then Tony V!

He’s just trying to set himself up as Finebaum’s successor. Intentional stupid comments stir up the masses. Don’t fall for it.
Paul Finebaum is a UT grad in Journalism. McElroy was a Bama football player who would never have gotten into our Journalism school. That MORON will NEVER be the Finebaum successor. One week of him on air and the show would be cancelled

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