As bad as VN is sometimes, I tend to agree with a lot of the values brought up here. If one truly believes homosexuality is a sin, then condone the sin. I don't believe in anyone being mistreated because of it.
If you believe in the bible, then you believe being gay is a choice, not how someone is born. I think it's so ingrained in our culture now, that it will never die out and that millions will continue to "be gay". I don't mind gay people when they live in society and are kind. But I won't sit by and allow them to go out of their way to force views I don't believe in onto the laws. Give them some kind of :civil union" that allows them to "be together" (without marriage rights), but don't call it full fledged marriage because it's nothing like true marriage what Christians believe in. Call me selfish or being unfair to gays, but it's what I'm standing by. I'm scared for this country. People act like this is normal but they can't see the big picture and where the country is heading.