Griner comes clean about her sexuality

What does Jesus have to say about this specific matter? Please enlighten us. I've tried to play nice, but I'm tired of this bullying. And you heard me right. Bullying. Cite facts or get out of here.

Bullying? Quit being a fragile little girl.
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If you believe in the bible, then you believe being gay is a choice, not how someone is born.

Are you freaking kidding me? People have chosen to shove gerbils up their a&ses, to be murderers, pedophiles, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, put corks in their ears and do all kinds of things against societal norms.

When did you choose to be straight?
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Are you freaking kidding me? People have chosen to shove gerbils up their a&ses, to be murderers, pedophiles, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, put corks in their ears and do all kinds of things against societal norms.

Utterly disgusting post.

Yeah, people have "chosen" to do those things. Chances are very high that most of them are genetically predisposed to do such due to mental illness, or have been heavily influenced by their environment. Why would someone of sound mind ostracize themselves of their own volition?

I can't remember ever having to choose my sexuality. I liked girls because that's what I liked. I would imagine you were the same way. Why are gays the only ones who get a choice?
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Utterly disgusting post.

Yeah, people have "chosen" to do those things. Chances are very high that most of them are genetically predisposed to do such due to mental illness, or have been heavily influenced by their environment. Why would someone of sound mind ostracize themselves of their own volition?

I can't remember ever having to choose my sexuality. I liked girls because that's what I liked. I would imagine you were the same way. Why are gays the only ones who get a choice?

Sweet I like that kind of thinking.....I have done bad things during my is good to know I can fall back on....I was born that way, not my fault. I have been hit on by gay men and turned it down but I have also turned down a few women.

I have a certain style of woman that is my preference that I'm sure is different to your preference in women. What about bi-sexuals....was they born wanting to have sex with everything. I think it has to be with how you are raised and where u feel u fit in as much as anything.
Racism is a result of ignorance. Life experiences and exposure to different cultures...or the lack a key contributor.

Not sure what racism has to do with the topic at hand.

You claim that Griner is how God made her. So by taking this logic, racists are how God made them.

Without verifying, I assume
that Ms. Griner was born as any other woman, with the ability to reproduce with a male of the human species

For a second, lets take God out of this. Lets look at it from natures perspective. The reason we are born male or female is to reproduce. Sex was never intended for pleasure. In nature, its only intended to further the species. Only humans, over the ages, has made sex a perversion of what it was intended.

Therefore nature wouldnt intend for someone to be born gay. It would mean it was genetic. That would then mean that trait could be carried on. That if it was, then the species could eventually come to the point it could no longer reproduce and the species became extinct

So if God says its a sin and it wasn't in the species best interests according to nature, then what's left is individual choice. Something both God and nature have no control over

Again, no one will truly know until science finds a gay gene or we talk first hand with God. So I say just chalk it up to one of those unsolved mysteries and push it to the bottom of a long list of **** that we need to worry about. There are more pressing issues wrong with this country and right now its the attack on the Constitution
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You sir have a reading comprehension problem! I think you need to get over yourself and grow up! Enough said to you, now spew on some more with your childish comments ... I will not dignify your anger with any more comments. I have more important things to do. You are not worth my time.

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It doesn't really matter....I am against gay marriage, but I know 75% or more of young people support it and when the older generation dies. 75%>25%

We will be heavily outnumbered, it will be passed in every state in 15 to 20 years.
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Sweet I like that kind of thinking.....I have done bad things during my is good to know I can fall back on....I was born that way, not my fault. I have been hit on by gay men and turned it down but I have also turned down a few women.

I have a certain style of woman that is my preference that I'm sure is different to your preference in women. What about bi-sexuals....was they born wanting to have sex with everything. I think it has to be with how you are raised and where u feel u fit in as much as anything.

Comparing homosexuality to murder seems incredibly disingenuous.

I think your environment can have something to do with it. But again, I don't remember making a conscious decision about my sexuality.
It doesn't really matter....I am against gay marriage, but I know 75% of young people support it and when the older generation dies. 75%>25%

We will be heavily outnumbered

I am not a fan of the gay lifestyle. But to abridge their right to receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples based on religious doctrine in a nation that claims to have separate church and state just makes no sense.

But like Count said earlier, there are way more important issues we should be worrying about.
I should have added spelling to my list.

Main Entry: tou·ché
Pronunciation: \tü-ˈshā\
Function: interjection
Etymology: French, from past participle of toucher to touch, from Old French tuchier
Date: 1904
—used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point
Main Entry: tou·ché
Pronunciation: \tü-ˈshā\
Function: interjection
Etymology: French, from past participle of toucher to touch, from Old French tuchier
Date: 1904
—used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point

I'm glad you know how to use a dictionary. The fact that you can't recognize the difference between an accent and an apostrophe even AFTER looking it up probably shouldn't surprise me.
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I'm glad you know how to use a dictionary. The fact that you can't recognize the difference between an accent and an apostrophe even AFTER looking it up probably shouldn't surprise me.

My phone doesn't have that. I have to make due with what I have. Calm down Francis

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