Racism is a result of ignorance. Life experiences and exposure to different cultures...or the lack thereof...is a key contributor.
Not sure what racism has to do with the topic at hand.
You claim that Griner is how God made her. So by taking this logic, racists are how God made them.
Without verifying, I assume
that Ms. Griner was born as any other woman, with the ability to reproduce with a male of the human species
For a second, lets take God out of this. Lets look at it from natures perspective. The reason we are born male or female is to reproduce. Sex was never intended for pleasure. In nature, its only intended to further the species. Only humans, over the ages, has made sex a perversion of what it was intended.
Therefore nature wouldnt intend for someone to be born gay. It would mean it was genetic. That would then mean that trait could be carried on. That if it was, then the species could eventually come to the point it could no longer reproduce and the species became extinct
So if God says its a sin and it wasn't in the species best interests according to nature, then what's left is individual choice. Something both God and nature have no control over
Again, no one will truly know until science finds a gay gene or we talk first hand with God. So I say just chalk it up to one of those unsolved mysteries and push it to the bottom of a long list of **** that we need to worry about. There are more pressing issues wrong with this country and right now its the attack on the Constitution