It's in incredibly bad taste, but in a way I can see a point to separating out the overall religion of Islam from what the terrorists did.
It is bad taste to you, to muslims it is a signal of victory over New York and knee pad wearing liberals not only suck it up, they swallow. :bad:
No. ALL 1,500,000,000 Muslims is terrists.
ALL 1,500,000,000 will celebrate victory when the eventual grand opening of the facility is held, scheduled symbolically, to be on September 11th.
What do you make of that??
Bowing to political correctness is one thing, to just be dumb as a box of rocks is another.
Anyone who can't see the statement they are making is just that, dumber than a box of rocks.
i was listening to a radio program about this and the guest said that to the muslims it is a very significant symbol. he proceded to give numerous example of when muslim had built mosques after they had defeated various foes throughout history. he said the mosques have always been a sign of victory over their enemy. he said when they took over land from Israel they always built a mosque once they controlled the land. it was really interesting show. the guy said this was par to the course of what muslims do to show the muslim world how they are winning against their enemies.
That's the first phase, the end phase is to destroy all buildings of any other faith or convert them into mosques.
I thought we've been told on here that it wasn't important what a religious group had done in history and we should only concern ourselves with the present.
What do you consider the present???
The last ten years??
The last hundred years??
The last hundred years of the history of islam is no different than the first hundred years.
The main difference is that they cannot compete militarily without America as an ally and so resort to infiltration, deception and terrorism.
Tie their funding to Al Queada and you can shut this down on legal grounds. Since its being built on private property the government should have no say, so long as the laws are followed.
They refuse to say where they are getting the money to fund this project.
If we didn't have a muslim in the white house and a bunch of knee pad liberals running New York City then we could certainly force them to open their books.
But even then, since 9/11 they have been growing increasingly good at money laundering and hiding finances.