then you be sure to remind the good people of middle TN that they have no right to be offended since I think that is far enough away. Thing is, someone will always be offended by something. Find something unlawful about the choice or move on. Fortunately poor judgment by itself is not a crime in the US
every time you claim that God kills a kitten
as long as the rest are moved too then I have no issues
Then do a little bit of investigative reporting. I'm sure you can blow the lid of this thing gs.
You are not thinking like Americans......put a pork BBQ cafe on one side of it and a gentleman's club on the other. Should work out fine.
I believe he is talking about a former CIA agent who is considered one of the foremost experts on Sharia Law. Can't recall his name though.
Both ISNA and IIIT have been up to their necks in the promotion of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhoods ruthless Palestinian branch, which is pledged by charter to the destruction of Israel. In fact, both ISNA and IIIT were cited by the Justice Department as unindicted co-conspirators in a crucial terrorism-financing case involving the channeling of tens of millions of dollars to Hamas through an outfit called the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. For the last 15 years, Hamas has been a designated terrorist organization under U.S. law.
Dawa, whether done from the rubble of the World Trade Center or elsewhere, is the missionary work by which Islam is spread. As explained in my recent book, The Grand Jihad, dawa is proselytism, but not involving only spiritual elements for Islam is not merely a religion, and spiritual elements are just a small part of its doctrine. In truth, Islam is a comprehensive political, social, and economic system with its own authoritarian legal framework, sharia, which aspires to govern all aspects of life.
This framework rejects core tenets of American constitutional republicanism: for example, individual liberty, freedom of conscience, freedom to govern ourselves irrespective of any theocratic code, equality of men and women, equality of Muslims and non-Muslims, and economic liberty, including the uses of private property (in Islam, owners hold property only as a custodians for the umma, the universal Muslim nation, and are beholden to the Islamic state regarding its use). Sharia prohibits the preaching of creeds other than Islam, the renunciation of Islam, any actions that divide the umma, and homosexuality. Its penalties are draconian, including savagely executed death sentences for apostates, homosexuals, and adulterers.
In considering Imam Rauf and his Ground Zero project, Qaradawi and the Muslim Brotherhood are extremely important. Like most Muslims, Rauf regards Qaradawi as a guide, and referred to him in 2001 as the most well-known legal authority in the whole Muslim world today. And indeed he is: a prominent, Qatar-based scholar whose weekly Al Jazeera program on the subject of sharia is viewed by millions and whose cyber-venture, Islam Online, is accessed by millions more, including Muslims in the United States. Not surprisingly, his rabble-rousing was a prime cause of the deadly global rioting by Muslims when an obscure Danish newspaper published cartoon depictions of Mohammed.
Qaradawi regards the United States as the enemy of Islam. He has urged that Muslims fight the American military if we can, and if we cannot, we should fight the U.S. economically and politically. In 2004, he issued a fatwa (an edict based on sharia) calling for Muslims to kill Americans in Iraq. A leading champion of Hamas, he has issued similar approvals of suicide bombings in Israel. Moreover, as recounted in Matthew Levitts history of Hamas, Qaradawi has decreed that Muslims must donate money to support Palestinians fighting occupation. . . . If we cant carry out acts of jihad ourselves, we at least should support and prop up the mujahideen [i.e., Islamic raiders or warriors] financially and morally.
The Ground Zero project to erect a monument to sharia overlooking the crater where the World Trade Center once stood, and where thousands were slaughtered, is not a test of Americas commitment to religious liberty. America already has thousands of mosques and Islamic centers, including scores in the New York area though Islam does not allow non-Muslims even to enter its crown-jewel cities of Mecca and Medina, much less to build churches or synagogues.
The Ground Zero project is a test of Americas resolve to face down a civilizational jihad that aims, in the words of its leaders, to destroy us from within.
I bet it is.
Sure, they'll even walk you out to ground zero and let you take pics and give you some "background info" (pun intended) Sheesh.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It seems a safe bet that these numbers will become more pronounced over time as Americans learn that the driving force behind the Ground Zero Mosque, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, adheres to the same intolerant, supremacist agenda as did the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack. The authorities of Islam call it Shariah.
It turns out that there is no difference between Raufs agenda and al Qaedas; they both want to bring Shariah to America. They apparently disagree only on the techniques by which that is to be accomplished.
For al Qaeda and its ilk, the preferred means is through terrifying violence. For the likes of Rauf, it is through dawa the stealth jihad of proselytization, recruitment and indoctrination that enable the penetration of Western societies and the conduct of aggressive influence operations to create beachheads for Shariah and, ultimately, its triumph. The latter is best described by the Muslim Brotherhoods mission statement: Eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Gods religion is made victorious over all other religions.
That Shariah-dictated stealth jihadist program would appear to be consistent with Imam Raufs agenda according to a preeminent Islamic scholar, Andrew Bostom. Bostom published an op.ed. in the New York Post yesterday in which he cites a landmark study issued in August 2007 by the New York Police Department (NYPD) entitled Radicalization in the West The Homegrown Threat.
Bostom specifically warned New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly that, Imam Feisal Rauf, the central figure in the coterie planning a huge mosque just off Ground Zero, is a full-throated champion of the very same Muslim theologians and jurists [among them prominent figures in the Saudi Arabian application of Shariah known as Wahhabism] identified in a landmark NYPD report as central to promoting the Islamic religious bigotry that fuels modern jihad terrorism. He added: The report noted that Saudi Wahhabi scholars feed the jihadist ideology, legitimizing an extreme intolerance toward non-Muslims, especially Jews, Christians and Hindus. In particular, the [NYPD] analysts noted that the journey of radicalization that produces homegrown jihadis often begins in a Wahhabi mosque.
Gee, must be a coincidence that it's opening up on 9/11. Surely, the proprietors of the Mosque aren't trying to send a thinly veiled message?
And I know it's bad but that picture conjured up some major hatred boiling from within.
The idea of building an Islamic peace memorial in lower Manhattan was circulating as early as 2003. Its early proponents were two Iranian brothers, M. Jafar "Amir" Mahallati, who served as ambassador of the Iranian Islamic Republic to the United Nations from 1987 to 1989, and M. Hossein Mahallati. Amir Mahallati had served with Rauf in the leadership of an obscure nonprofit, the Interfaith Center of New York, for which Rauf was a vice chair and Mahallati a board member. The two had also participated in a 2006 radio program, "From Turmoil to Tourism: Following the Path of Abraham."
Hossein Mahallati had experience of his own in the intersecting New York worlds of charitable giving and property management. He was director from 1983 to 1992 of the Alavi Foundation, set up in 1973 by the government of the shah of Iran as the Pahlavi Foundation, but taken over and renamed after the Khomeini revolution. The Alavi Foundation is currently the subject of a federal civil action seeking forfeiture of assets, including an office building at 650 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and four Shia mosques and schools in New York, California, Maryland, and Texas.
While U.S. sanctions on the Alavi Foundation, announced in 2009, received little notice, the government's charges are disturbing. They include control of Alavi by the Tehran dictatorship through its diplomats at the United Nations, and transfer of income from the office building at 650 Fifth Avenue to Bank Melli, the Iranian national financial institution.
Bank Melli had been designated a "Weapons of Mass Destruction proliferator" by the U.S. Treasury Department. Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey noted, "The international community has recognized the proliferation risks posed by Iran's Bank Melli."
In late 2009, the Alavi Foundation's last head, Farshid Jahedi, pled guilty to two felony counts of obstruction of justice for destroying documents about the Alavi-Melli relationship that had been subpoenaed in the investigation, which continues. Jahedi was sentenced on April 29 to three months' imprisonment, six months' supervised release, and a $3,000 fine.
Hossein Mahallati was the subject of an unsuccessful federal inquiry in 1992 regarding an alleged conspiracy to export biological warfare materials to Iran. His predecessor as Alavi director, Manoucher Shafie, who managed the foundation's transition from serving the shah's government to that of Ayatollah Khomeini, was charged with conspiring to export prohibited U.S. technology to Iran. Neither was prosecuted.
Hossein Mahallati remains an enthusiastic supporter of Rauf's Ground Zero enterprise, especially since an Egyptian property developer, Sharif El-Gamal, who appears to be the real leader of the effort, using Rauf as his public face, put up $4.85 million in cash to purchase the location.
El-Gamal is chief executive officer of Soho Properties, Inc., a commercial real estate investment firm he founded in 2003. His partner is Nour Mousa, another guiding figure in the Ground Zero mosque effort and the nephew of Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League. Amr Moussa was the first major Arab leader to go to Gaza and affirm support for Hamas, in mid-June, after the recent blockade-running assault.
El-Gamal has kept a low profile in the dispute over the appearance of an Islamic institution near Ground Zero, although last week he appeared before a hearing of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to announce that Cordoba House will now be known as Park51. He and Rauf have both taken to downplaying the religious character of the proposal, preferring that the building be called a "community center."
BAD BAD BAD idea. Wonder if O'Dummy will be there at the ribbon cutting ceremony talking about equality??
When a car bomb was discovered in Times Square this spring, Bloomberg announced his suspicions on national TV: Somebody with a political agenda, that doesnt like the health-care bill or something.
The driving force of the mosque is a radical imam named Feisal Abdul Rauf.
Just weeks after 9/11 he told 60 Minutes that America had it comingU.S. policies were to blame, and Americans were an accessory to the crime.
Thats like telling a rape victim its her fault for wearing a skirt.
Rauf wont even admit that Islamic terroristswere responsible for 9/11 itself. He told a New York radio station thats just the general perception.
There are 100 mosques in New York City. But the Ground Zero mosque isnt really a mosque. Its a jihadist headquarters. And if the secret $100 million is from Saudi Arabia, its not even a mosque at allits a clandestine embassy for the country from which 15 out of 19 9/11 terrorists came.
BAD BAD BAD idea. Wonder if O'Dummy will be there at the ribbon cutting ceremony talking about equality??
Rawls said the memorial contains all 12 prominent features found in mosques.
First, some Islamists employ mass-murder attacks while others prefer a gradual march through our institutions our legal, political, academic, and financial systems, as well as our broader culture; the goal of both, though, is the same. The stealth Islamists occasionally feign outrage at the terrorists, but their quarrel is over methodology and pace. Both camps covet the same outcome.
Second, that outcome is the death of freedom. In Islamist ideology, sharia is deemed to be the necessary precondition for Islamicizing a society for Islam is not merely a religious doctrine, but a comprehensive socio-economic and political system. As the former speaker elaborated, sharia embodies principles and punishments that are abhorrent to Western values. Indeed, its foundational premise is anti-American, holding that we are not free people at liberty to govern ourselves irrespective of any theocratic code, that people are instead beholden to the Islamic state, which is divinely enjoined to impose Allahs laws.
Sharia, moreover, is anti-equality. It subjugates women and brutally punishes transgressors, particularly homosexuals and apostates. While our law forbids cruel and unusual punishments, ............. the brutality in sharia sanctions is not gratuitous, but intentional: It is meant to enforce Allahs will by striking example.
Cosmos Foundation, a Gulen enterprise that operates twenty five publicly funded charter schools in Texas.
The Internal Revenue Service Form 990 for Cosmos shows that the Cosmos Foundation received $41,570,721 from taxpayers.
At present, there are 85 Gulan madrassahs (Islamic schools) in the United States, and all operate with public funding.
Because of their subversive nature, these schools have been outlawed in Russia and Uzbekistan.
Even the Netherlands, a nation that embraces pluralism and tolerance, has opted to cut funding to the Gulen schools because of their imminent threat to the social order.
At the Gulen schools, students are indoctrinated in Turkish culture, language, and religion so that they may be of service in making Fethullah Gulans dream of a universal caliphate a reality. The madrassahs sponsor Turkish clubs, Turkish language societies, Turkish dance groups, and annual trips to Istanbul.
According to Stephen Schwartz of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, the 85 Gulen schools advance and promote Islamic beliefs; present the Ottoman Empire, which lasted from 1299 to 1923, as a golden age; and serve to rewrite history by denying the Armenian holocaust under the Turks during World War I.
You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this. If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads,......
LEADERS of the global Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir have called on Australian Muslims to spurn secular democracy and Western notions of moderate Islam and join the struggle for a transnational Islamic state.
British Hizb ut-Tahrir leader Burhan Hanif told participants at a conference in western Sydney yesterday that democracy is "haram" (forbidden) for Muslims, whose political engagement should be be based purely on Islamic law.
"We must adhere to Islam and Islam alone," Mr Hanif told about 500 participants attending the convention in Lidcombe.
"We should not be conned or succumb to the disingenuous and flawed narrative that the only way to engage politically is through the secular democratic process. It is prohibited and haram."
He said democracy was incompatible with Islam because the Koran insisted Allah was the sole lawmaker, and Muslim political involvement could not be based on "secular and erroneous concepts such as democracy and freedom".
HT is outlawed in much of the Middle East but operates legally in more than 40 countries, campaigning for the establishment of a caliphate or Islamic state.
The mosque will now include a memorial with the names of all 9/11 victims. How nice of the American Society For Muslim Advancement for extending themselves. - Controversial Mosque Near Ground Zero Would Include 9/11 Memorial, Backer Says
What a load of bs!
Imam Feisal Adbul Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan, the two halves of the public and outwardly, peaceful face of the Ground Zero Mosque effort, have proved themselves extremely competent practitioners of modern day media interaction; soft-spoken and articulate, they are faithfully on-message with their aspirations to help bridge the cultural divide, and to be regarded as the anti-terrorists.
Rauf and Kahn are nimble, and seemingly non-threatening. They are also the lucky beneficiaries of a compliant and un-inquisitive media.
For who can honestly begrudge Rauf and Kahn their inability to reconcile Raufs post-911 assertion that America was an accessory to the terrorist slaughter of 3,000 of her own; their refusal to disclose the sources of the $100 Million they are raising; or their malleable condemnation of terrorism? And is their apparent condemnation of terrorism conditional, such as it is with many who identify with political Islam? Also, what about Raufs refusal to denounce the violent terrorist group Hamas as a terrorist organization?
These would seem the salient questions and yet, these queries are never made during the interviews to which these two submit. If only their mainstream inquisitors would dig as deep within the Muslim community as they do looking for any trace or nuance that could be construed as racism among the tea parties. And to those who argue that the mosque isnt at ground zero, we say, you are right, its not actually perched on top of the hole, but if you had been there on Sept. 11, 2001, you would have had a front row seat to the carnage, and debris would have rained down upon you.
Rauf and Kahns public retreat from the use of the term Cordoba House with its unmistakable historical reference to an Islamic culture that celebrates military victories by eradicating all traces of its enemy (and importantly, that vanquished enemys religious culture) by erecting a mosque as an enduring monument to the Supreme Power of Islam certainly bespeaks a sophistication about communications framing that you arent likely to find in many men (or women) of the cloth. So, let there be no doubt, these two are exceptional.
This is no fantasy, this is how Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) is conducted. A 4GW army is comprised of people who place a higher loyalty to an organization, tribe or religion than they pledge to a nation state and its laws. Which is why its no surprise that Islamists have publicly acknowledged adopting the tactics of 4GW to wage its war against the West; in an open society, we are never exactly sure who the enemy combatants are because they may not shoot at you, or blow something up. They might smile and say all we want is peace while provoking you and stretching the limits of your societal tolerance, leaving their targets confused. All the while never defining what they mean by peace.
Islamic extremists know our vulnerabilities and take prompt advantage. Their soft weapons are political, social, and psychological. To combat their advantage, wed have to sacrifice the freedom that forms the foundation of our society and culture. The Islamic extremists are equally confident well never take this route either.
Fourth generation warfare began as a concept developed by William Lind, a military tactics expert, and two Army officers and two Marine Corps officers. Their intention was to lay out the most likely scenario for what Americas next war might look like.
That analysis was codified in a 1989 Marine Corps Gazette article authored by Lind, Sutton, and Lieutenant Colonel Gary Wilson.
While terrorism is not necessarily 4GW, the tactics that Islamists are currently using are.
Islamists know that legal rights and protections provide them the ability to strain our security without even breaking the law, right up until the moment they commit a deadly act of aggression; and since the terrorist often kills himself in the attack, there is no prosecutorial deterrent there either.
And when Middle Eastern looking men intentionally act suspicious and provoke a response from civilians or police, they find a very sympathetic American media willing to help portray them as victims of American bigotry.
The ability to raise money from around the world while attacking the U.S. is a very resourceful form of warfare and is currently employed from multiple decentralized operations. Is some of the $100 Million behind the Ground Zero Mosque representative of such an operation? We cant be certain but we wouldnt find it an objectionable line of questioning next time Rauf and Kahn deign to be interviewed.
Feisal Abdul Rauf, a New York imam, expects us to believe that jihad warfare was started by the West and can only be ended by the West. He is therefore either concealing or ignorant of the fact that violent jihad is a developed tradition within Islam and found in core Islamic texts (including but not limited to the Qur'an, as well as Hadith and books of Islamic jurisprudence).
In those it has nothing to do with the behavior of infidels. It only has to do with the fact that they are infidels.
I'm all for freedom of religion, but this is ridiculous. Having a mosque near ground zero is one thing, but having one that is connected with the bass-ackwards jihadi mind gymnasts is completely retarded. While were at it, let's let the neo nazi's erect a hitler statue at dachau and auschwitz.
People have the freedom to practice their religion; it is a fact of life in America. However, when the people practicing can be linked to jihadi extremism it is not acceptable and when it is built in and/or around ground zero it is not acceptable.