Groups representing Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon sue Florida

Love when you fall back to this, it's my tell.

Anyhoo - I should have known you'd trot that out at some point after the terrible "Tennessee water" analogy. Seriously slice - that was low effort right out of the gate.
Love how you hang on my every word
Edit: and the way my words stick with you.
"These companies are monopolies" - they aren't peddling anything, what they are doing is enforcing the ToS that were agreed to by the users at sign up.

You just don't seem to like it because your flavor keeps breaking the rules overtly while thumbing their noses at them. SM enforcement decisions aren't made in vacuums, I'm quite sure. When they make them be certain that both revenue consequences are factored in as well as the SM's "community's" best interest.

As has been the case up until this point with every conservative and libertarian I've ever spoken with - if you don't like what a private company is doing, don't do business with them.

These companies have become a normal way to communicate across the world. They weld lot of power. It has nothing to do with me not liking it because "my flavor" keeps breaking the rules. So this is a lie and intellectually dishonest. The left pedals more lies and vitrol on these platforms since they are typically not cancelled.

When the POTUS can be blocked from a platform you have to look at whether it has gone too far. They are silencing voices of dissent.

No way should FB have pulled articles and conversations about the Wuhan Virus originating from a lab. That is what these forums are for. It was a political move. One has to wonder if they are doing the bidding of the Chinese. We know many progressive mouthpieces are including on this board. With friends like that who needs enemies.

You feel like it's your safe space for now because they are on your side --- until they're not.

They must be reigned in because they are a danger to society. They are political pawns and monopolies.
Rocky went from "name calling" to "personal attack" and I don't see either.
"If you're a lawyer, you're not a smart one".
If you didn’t see one then why you did you quote the part of his post that contained one?

I don’t care about personal attacks, I make them all the time, and they don’t get deleted, but violating the rules when you’re trying to say that the rules are enforced is the type of self-defeating dumbassery that I’ve come to expect from you guys. So is pretending that that’s not a personal attack. It doesn’t change reality, it just makes you look stupid for not understanding that I am the topic of the sentence and that it is pejorative attack on my intelligence.
Sorry, the rule says no “personal attacks.” Even better. I’m sure a mod will be along shortly to remove it.

I think I’ve had two posts removed in almost 3 years posting in the PF, I’m sure that’s because I’ve never personally attacked anyone.

If you didn’t see one then why you did you quote the part of his post that contained one?

I don’t care about personal attacks, I make them all the time, and they don’t get deleted, but violating the rules when you’re trying to say that the rules are enforced is the type of self-defeating dumbassery that I’ve come to expect from you guys. So is pretending that that’s not a personal attack. It doesn’t change reality, it just makes you look stupid for not understanding that I am the topic of the sentence and that it is pejorative attack on my intelligence.

Which is it?
If you didn’t see one then why you did you quote the part of his post that contained one?
That's easy. I read his post as if I were a hyperactive, overly sensitive person just looking for any perceived slight to switch into full on Karen mode.
The charge against these companies is regarding antitrust. Colluding with each other in the same way. A monopoly isn't defined solely as one company but can apply to industry and multiple companies. If three companies conspire to limit entry, set price or collude to control a market, it's antitrust and can be considered monopoly. I think they are guilty of that. Jmo.
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"These companies are monopolies" - they aren't peddling anything, what they are doing is enforcing the ToS that were agreed to by the users at sign up.

You just don't seem to like it because your flavor keeps breaking the rules overtly while thumbing their noses at them. SM enforcement decisions aren't made in vacuums, I'm quite sure. When they make them be certain that both revenue consequences are factored in as well as the SM's "community's" best interest.

As has been the case up until this point with every conservative and libertarian I've ever spoken with - if you don't like what a private company is doing, don't do business with them.
It’s a performative fight to give certain people a bailout in the marketplace of ideas. It’s a form of pandering.
That's easy. I read his post as if I were a hyperactive, overly sensitive person just looking for any perceived slight to switch into full on Karen mode.
Managed to do it without paying attention to the context of the conversation or knowing what you’re talking about, either. It’s almost like it actually was an easily identifiable personal attack.

I assume it’s still up. I’d go back and look, but I already know the rules aren’t enforced here, it was just a convenient prop for demonstrating it.
I don’t understand how this is even remotely difficult.

I’ll use blue font from now on, I guess.
Make sure you use it at the time you post and not after your inconsistency is quoted.

Otherwise, we may have to attack you personally. Like real personal.
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"These companies are monopolies" - they aren't peddling anything, what they are doing is enforcing the ToS that were agreed to by the users at sign up.

You just don't seem to like it because your flavor keeps breaking the rules overtly while thumbing their noses at them. SM enforcement decisions aren't made in vacuums, I'm quite sure. When they make them be certain that both revenue consequences are factored in as well as the SM's "community's" best interest.

As has been the case up until this point with every conservative and libertarian I've ever spoken with - if you don't like what a private company is doing, don't do business with them.

“ Selectively Enforcing “ the TOS .
Sorry, the rule says no “personal attacks.” Even better. I’m sure a mod will be along shortly to remove it.

I think I’ve had two posts removed in almost 3 years posting in the PF, I’m sure that’s because I’ve never personally attacked anyone.

You lie or have a terrible memory. We both have had posts removed for personal attacks .😉

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