Guess What I Found

These are all immediate solutions. If you wish to defile it for a prolonged period of time, there is an alternative. We used to possess a Florida welcome mat, which we used for the express purposes of wiping our dirty or muddy shoes/boots. On rare occasions, more aromatic substances may have found their way on to the welcome mat if someone had erroneously stepped into dog "fertilizer" while mowing the yard. In any event, if you already have a welcome mat, you could tack the shirt down over the top of it and use it as a covering until it had become too filthy or rank for your taste.

It's a florida shirt. It's already too filthy and rank for my taste
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Sell it on Ebay as a vintage Steve Spurrier golf shirt. Then take the money and buy a pitcher of beer and some chicken wings.
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I recently moved into a new place and buried under some junk in the closet was a Florida game day polo shirt. I have been unable to decide what to do with it, here are some choices though:

1. Burn it, which is obviously the most desirable option.

2. Sell it, its Nike so I could get some cash for it.

3. Give it to my friend who just got back from the peace corps and is a Gators fan, perhaps an act of kindness will please the football gods.

What say you, Volnation?

Burn that ~}%** piece of crap. I'll buy it and burn it. Wouldn't be the first ttime.
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I just found it after moving into my new place... I already explained this haha.

That is another reason why the urine throwing Tator fans are so annoying. Anything over a first grade reading level for a Tator grad is over their head!
hand it out the window to one of those bums at intersections begging for drinking $$$. It would give drivers a chuckle to see the bum wear it.
Or, following an entire off season filled with expectations of the UT shirt being bulletproof, fireproof, and otherwise immortal...the shirt crumpled into a little ball and spontaneously combusted as 99 reached for a match.

Or, the Tennessee shirt RISES TO THE TOP after having a few bad years (like every football program), defeats programs that recruit directly from and contribute to, state prison systems, deflects the urine bombs thrown by lower tier rude football fans, getting back to it's rightful place as the WINNINGEST FOOTBALL PROGRAM SINCE 1926. The best part is gator trolls will slowly fade away in embarrassment and take their rightful spot in the ash heap of "has been" programs. WE'RE COMING!!! RISE TO THE TOP ... GBO!!!!!!!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
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