Guess What I Found

That's right!...I forgot the physical effects of toxicity
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Toxic Shock Syndrome is pretty serious from what I understand.

And such an action could cause a case of erectile dysfunction not even Viagra could cure....

I have a foam finger ("tall man") inscribed with HEY SPURRIER. Want it to complete yor new ensemble?
I recently moved into a new place and buried under some junk in the closet was a Florida game day polo shirt. I have been unable to decide what to do with it, here are some choices though:

1. Burn it, which is obviously the most desirable option.

2. Sell it, its Nike so I could get some cash for it.

3. Give it to my friend who just got back from the peace corps and is a Gators fan, perhaps an act of kindness will please the football gods.

What say you, Volnation?
Take it to the French Qtr in New Orleans to a voo doo root lady and let her put some bad JuJu on the gators
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Toxic Shock Syndrome is pretty serious from what I understand.

And such an action could cause a case of erectile dysfunction not even Viagra could cure....


Need a public service message with someone like Al Wilson gently reminding GIRLS!...DON'T BE PUTTING FLORIDA GATOR SHIRTS DOWN THERE..YOU CRAZY?...the more you know
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