Gun teacher tells black students to ‘lick chicken grease’ off fingers

If they ask you not to and you continue then it's insulting on purpose. The person is going out of their way to be a jerk and make another feel less than. Not that hard

Not really. It’s the other way around.
It is beta to worry about “hurting” the feelings of a delusional person. There’s a reason that doctors also refer to them as their biological genders

Honestly, it sounds like you're too beta to navigate things you don't understand.
Respect “weak minded chimp”? Irony

Everyone deserves a basic level of respect until they prove otherwise.

Openly bragging that you are a rude piece of garbage while calling anyone who is courteous enough to adapt to someone's prefered method of being addressed a "beta" waives your deserved level of respect.
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Everyone deserves a basic level of respect until they prove otherwise.

Openly bragging that you are a rude piece of garbage while calling anyone who is courteous enough to adapt to someone's prefered method of being addressed a "beta" waives your deserved level of respect.

He’s a know it all dummy. Those are all facts, so I’m assuming he’ll agree it’s not insulting.
Why arent they?

Why are they not pronouns? Because they were made up 5 minutes ago to make teens feel special.

Do you accept and use any/all pronouns? Do you place any personal limits on this at all? Or will you refer to someone as ve/ver/vers?

Why do you believe someone would wish to be called ve/ver/vers? Do you truly believe it's about acceptance or about control?
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What’s the difference between someone who believes they are a woman when they are a man and what I just stated? Please enlighten me
Jesus above woman, dog also probably above woman......

You calling them what they want to be called isnt making your perceived delusion any realer. You not calling them their preferred pronoun doesnt make it any less.

We dont recognize British lords here, does you calling someone Sir X mean you are now British or recognizing the monarchy we kicked out? No.

I dont remember Christ teaching us to be rude to sinners and to berate them away from their evil ways. I remember a teacher who sat down and talked with them and engaged on a personal level. Even eating with tax collectors, who probably paid for the meal with ill gotten gains.

You jump so quickly to hate, disrespect, name calling, and anger, yet want to preach about God.
Jesus above woman, dog also probably above woman......

You calling them what they want to be called isnt making your perceived delusion any realer. You not calling them their preferred pronoun doesnt make it any less.

We dont recognize British lords here, does you calling someone Sir X mean you are now British or recognizing the monarchy we kicked out? No.

I dont remember Christ teaching us to be rude to sinners and to berate them away from their evil ways. I remember a teacher who sat down and talked with them and engaged on a personal level. Even eating with tax collectors, who probably paid for the meal with ill gotten gains.

You jump so quickly to hate, disrespect, name calling, and anger, yet want to preach about God.
I’m not angry or hating anyone. Jesus told the truth and didn’t hide behind delusions or lies to make people feel better. They can choose to think what they want but truth is truth and I don’t have to say the emperor has clothes when they don’t
If someone is so deranged that they want you to play along with along with their delusion then they are the jerk.
Who would be the jerk if someone called you by a name or pronoun you didnt want? And you corrected them?
Why are they not pronouns? Because they were made up 5 minutes ago to make teens feel special.

Do you accept and use any/all pronouns? Do you place any personal limits on this at all? Or will you refer to someone as ve/ver/vers?

Why do you believe someone would wish to be called ve/ver/vers? Do you truly believe it's about acceptance or about control?
I use they/them if they use a different one. Havent had any take exception to it so far. Otherwise I would probably use their name.
I use they/them if they use a different one. Havent had any take exception to it so far. Otherwise I would probably use their name.

So the thing you're arguing about, you do not do?

And I agree with the name. I don't use they/them or any of the made up nonsense, nor do I believe anyone has a right to control your language to that extent. But I will call them by their preferred name and simply avoid all pronouns.
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So the thing you're arguing about, you do not do?

And I agree with the name. I don't use they/them or any of the made up nonsense, nor do I believe anyone has a right to control your language to that extent. But I will call them by their preferred name and simply avoid all pronouns.
Usually, the two times it's happened, they say it real fast with their name, and I am paying more attention to the name because I am crap with names. Name>pronoun in my book, and like I said it's never been a problem so it's kinda difficult for me to practice it.
Usually, the two times it's happened, they say it real fast with their name, and I am paying more attention to it because I am crap with names. Name>pronoun in my book, and like I said it's never been a problem so it's kinda difficult for me to practice it.

I agree. But the pronouns specifically I see as a power move. Similar to when you have that one loser teacher in high school who demands you address them as doctor.

You have a right to go by whatever name you wish. You do not have a right to ask people to change an entire language to accommodate you.
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I agree. But the pronouns specifically I see as a power move. Similar to when you have that one loser teacher in high school who demands you address them as doctor.

You have a right to go by whatever name you wish. You do not have a right to ask people to change an entire language to accommodate you.
Like we havent changed our language at all? Lol is in the dictionary. Google is a verb. I have yet to see anyone saying you using He/she is offensive when talking about yourself.So they arent invalidating something you have learned.
Like we havent changed our language at all? Lol is in the dictionary. Google is a verb. I have yet to see anyone saying you using He/she is offensive when talking about yourself.So they arent invalidating something you have learned.

Sure Google is a verb and language does change. No one is arguing that. Rather the intentional changing of language to make you feel special is issue.

You get to randomly decide tomorrow that you're more of a zim/zir and the world must either conform or be accused of bigotry.

That's not a "live and let live" mindset. That's an authoritarian control mind set. The idea that you get to dictate language to others.
Who would be the jerk if someone called you by a name or pronoun you didnt want? And you corrected them?

Lol. A pronoun “you didn’t want”. You are a male or a female and the pronouns for each really aren’t a choice unless someone is mentally ill. I think someone pretending to be something they are not and expecting others to participate are definitely the jerks who needs to seek professional help or at least realize what they are.
Sure Google is a verb and language does change. No one is arguing that. Rather the intentional changing of language to make you feel special is issue.

You get to randomly decide tomorrow that you're more of a zim/zir and the world must either conform or be accused of bigotry.

That's not a "live and let live" mindset. That's an authoritarian control mind set. The idea that you get to dictate language to others.
If I am randomly decide tomorrow to change my handle on VN to McDad's Pimp I would expect you to conform. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean you get to set terms on someone elses life.

I guess you are libertarian until it comes to stuff that you dont like even though it doesnt effect your life one iota.
I have stated that if somebody asks that you refer to them as a she or a he and you continue to address them in a manner inconsistent with said request you're being a jerk. It is your god given right to be a jerk and I support your right to be a jerk.

Still a jerk though.

So flat out ignoring established science is being a jerk? Gotcha.
Lol. A pronoun “you didn’t want”. You are a male or a female and the pronouns for each really aren’t a choice unless someone is mentally ill. I think someone pretending to be something they are not and expecting others to participate are definitely the jerks who needs to seek professional help or at least realize what they are.

These are the times we live in and it’s sad
If I am randomly decide tomorrow to change my handle on VN to McDad's Pimp I would expect you to conform. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean you get to set terms on someone elses life.

I guess you are libertarian until it comes to stuff that you dont like even though it doesnt effect your life one iota.

Or I guess you can’t follow what’s being said at all.

I agreed fully that you get to pick your name. I never proclaimed to have an issue with that. I also never promoted government pick your name for you so I’m not sure what libertarianism has to do with this.
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Or I guess you can’t follow what’s being said at all.

I agreed fully that you get to pick your name. I never proclaimed to have an issue with that. I also never promoted government pick your name for you so I’m not sure what libertarianism has to do with this.
Why not take exception to my name change? I am not becoming McDads pimp. You are merely playing into my delusion if you use my new name.

Did people calling Chad Johnson Ocho Cinco contribute to his delusion of being a number? That's more nonsensical than being a woman.

We have strayed a lot further from base english than a couple new pronouns.

As a libertarian you arent supposed to care what other people do as long as it doesnt directly hurt you. You have yet to lay out a single scenario where you have been hurt by a pronoun.
Why not take exception to my name change? I am not becoming McDads pimp. You are merely playing into my delusion if you use my new name.

Did people calling Chad Johnson Ocho Cinco contribute to his delusion of being a number? That's more nonsensical than being a woman.

We have strayed a lot further from base english than a couple new pronouns.

As a libertarian you arent supposed to care what other people do as long as it doesnt directly hurt you. You have yet to lay out a single scenario where you have been hurt by a pronoun.

Changing your name is not asking me to change my speech. You get to pick your name and I will even call you by the pronouns of the gender you appear (or are trying to appear).

But you don't get to make up pronouns, verbs, adjectives etc and demand that I use them to describe you.

There a reason this feels so personal to you?

I'm not convinced you understand libertarianism. I can hold any personal stance I wish. I simply cannot support government enforcement of such stances. Anytime I do so I would be straying from libertarianism (granted everyone does to an extent, there is no true Scotsman).
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