Guys I am not dealing with the personal attacks here

(oklavol @ Jun 18 said:
why do i have the feeling if we go 5-6 next season you will be calling for a certain head coach's head on a platter.
Dont say it cant happen we had a lot better team on paper than we do this year
I think FAT is the last acceptable predjudice. In our society for the most part its apparently ok for someone to label someone else a lardass. Im old enough to recall when you called a African American the "N" word, depending on where you happened to be it was probably an acceptable or at least tolerated remark. I post some stupid remarks on here at times, by that I mean I re read something I posted a week ago and I think, man my Volnation friends must think Im a tard. Luckily more often than not most either ignore my ignorance or say...well its Dan on his soapbox again. But Ill tell grandpa was a dirt poor everyday joe...worked like a dog all his life, and when he died the only thing he left me was a knife....a Tennessean in every way but he'dve smacked my mouth had I called a African American man the "N" word. He had character and scruples along with the dirty fingernails. I think the world of all of you not just because we share a intrest in Tennessee sports, but because you are all good folks down deep who were raised better than to point out others shortcomings just because you can. My grandpa tried to teach me tolerance and appriciation of character, I ask we all try to be tolerant of one another...give some latitude and quit pointin out that CPF like me is a lil pudgy. Im hushin now.
(OrangeSquare @ Jun 18 said:
The childish "Fat" comments are probably my biggest problem with any poster that takes a "NegaVol" approach. It's not just here either. I've seen it allowed on other Vol boards, which is one reason I am here now.

I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me, or my views, and I don't have a problem with people not liking Peach Bowls and 8-9 win seasons. I just think it's silly to allow it on a Vol board. If we were an "SEC fans" board, it would be different, but this is a by God Vol board, and I want some "Home Cookin"!

You realize we may never hear from a couple of posters again...oh well, too bad. :dance2:
So, does this mean Freak will have to suspend himself for personal attacks against the powers at TB Arena if they run out of hotdogs again?!
I am putting the moderation staff on alert that ANYONE who attacks another poster personally will be suspended

Freak said you could not insult other posters....he was talking about coaches
People all over the world join hands.......................... start a love train!
i look at it like this now...if i were standing in front of one of you having similar discussions on these topics, i wouldn't resort to personally attacking you, just out of courtesy. I may disagree with you, and i would probably debate it with you openly, but it wouldn't get to the point of some of these threads, and i've been involved in a few of those myself so i'm not throwing stones.

the bottom line is we all have one goal as fans of UT. who the coach is, what his stature is, who the qb is, how many of those players are drafted or how many stars were beside their name when they came here is meaningless if the goal is accomplished. If we can all agree to that, then i think the discussions on this board can be lively, good debates and respectful at the same time. I may think someone is an idiot for something they post (as i'm sure some of you have thought about something i posted at one point or another!! :D ) but that doesn't mean i, or anyone else, has to come out and say it in a demeaning manner. I for one have really tried to not get involved in those arguements of late, and have even gone so far as to agree with Hatvol on a few things lately (whoda thunk that? :dunno: ).

but, at the end of the day, what's fun about agreeing with everyone all the time? disagreement and arguements are fun, to a point. So, i'll keep it "clean" and look forward to the season when we can finally digest actual, current, in season, results instead of bantering about past seasons that nothing can be done about anyway and what we all think will happen.

Go Vols.
Bottom Line......GO BIG ORANGE!!!!! even if we disagree we're all still part of the Volnation.
(volmanjr @ Jun 19 said:
"Oh I'd like to buy the world a coke..."

"from the lakes of the hills of Tennessee, there's pride in every American heart"
(Jasongivm6 @ Jun 19 said:
"from the lakes of the hills of Tennessee, there's pride in every American heart"
"'s the real thing."
this is now the kinder gentler volnation chat board.

we will be teaching "new math" where 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

its like the new youth sports programs where they dont keep score, everyone is a winner, and no one loses.

cant we all just get along??????????????????????????????????????

this country was founded on dissent.
(patrick @ Jun 21 said:
this is now the kinder gentler volnation chat board.

we will be teaching "new math" where 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

its like the new youth sports programs where they dont keep score, everyone is a winner, and no one loses.

cant we all just get along??????????????????????????????????????

this country was founded on dissent.
I think you missed the point. Dissent is not discouraged, but just because you disagree with a fellow nation member doesn't mean you have to rip into that person. You can make your arguments without calling someone stupid or a-hole. The point is if you want to talk about each other's mothers or the lack of a known father take it elsewhere, most of us don't want to read all that crap. :peace:
(patrick @ Jun 21 said:
this is now the kinder gentler volnation chat board.

we will be teaching "new math" where 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

its like the new youth sports programs where they dont keep score, everyone is a winner, and no one loses.

cant we all just get along??????????????????????????????????????

this country was founded on dissent.
jr is right patrick, you completely missed the point. Discussion and disagreement is what the board is all about. Calling each other names and following people around the board attacking them in every thread takes away from everyone else's enjoyment of the site.
Dear lord. A guy quits dropping by for a couple of months, and this place goes INSANE.

I would like to make an open invitation to anyone that actually ENJOYS the banter to make the jump over to PostJunkies. Freak lets just about anything go over there...

How's about we just win a bunch of football games and be happy that we're UT fans and not some other school... like MSU or Kentucky. ??? :D

I'd like to interrupt this brief respite from the taunts and jabs with some taunts and jabs.

First, we Gators kicked your buttockal region last year and shall do it again in September. We don't do it because we have to. We do it because we like it.

Second, the reason we shall prevail is that our coach is better than yours. In fact, just to stir the pot a little, lemme' riddle you this....

In a dream world, list the following coaches in order of who you would want coaching the Vols. Here is my order, from most desired to least:

1) Steve Spurrier.
2) Urban Meyer.
3) Me.
4) Punky Brewster.
5) Eric Cartman.
6) Steve Erkel.
7) Shaq.
8) Phil Fulmer.

Why not start a Volnation court room. Freak can be the judge, lawgator can be the public defender and Hat can be the prosecuting attorney.

Then we can assembly an impartial jury........ :blush2: :banghead: :cry:

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