Halloween Thread

thats pretty good - you afraid it might get stolen ?
I guess there's a chance. These props are just held up in the yard by a piece of conduit. I drive it into the ground about a foot and then slide the pvc leg of the prop onto the conduit. It holds them in place without being visible. Somebody up to some meanness could just grab them, throw them in their truck and be gone in less than a minute. I put the nicer ones out in the yard every morning and leave them until bedtime. I put them in the garage over night. Somebody stole my weedeater off my driveway in broad daylight once while I was at home so anything is possible.
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I made this thing a few years ago. It's a kinda scarecrow. It's on a 1" x 4" board with pvc arms. I found a big foam pumpkin at Goodwill for 3 bucks I used as the head. I made the chest out of hardware cloth. It has orange LED lights inside the chest. I sprayed great stuff foam over the wire to make it look like pumpkin guts. I added a cheap vinyl duster, which looks cool blowing in the breeze. I have a lime green light inside the pumpkin head that flashes at night. The orange lights in the chest have 8 different modes. I keep it on the mode that pulses like a heartbeat. I made his hands out of wire and aluminum foil then covered them in great stuff foam to also look like pumpkin guts. It's pretty cool looking at night. This is what it looks like in daytime. I'll try to get a pic later at night.

halloween pumpkin man.jpg

At night

halloween night.jpg a.jpg
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This is the vampire without the robe and head. Plywood base. 2 x 4 frame. PVC torso. Pool noodles to give the robe some fullness. Plastic sheet to keep the robe from getting hung in the wiper motor.

halloween vampire frame.jpg

Wiper motor with a 4" bolt attached to the wiper arm. The bolt runs up inside the pvc. As the arm turns the torso rotates.

halloween vampire motor 2.jpg
This is my 6th and final groundbreaker for my zombie graveyard this year. I saw this white jacket at Goodwill and thought of John Travolta as Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever. Unfortunately they didn't have a white vest. I'm going to put this on the tombstone: "Here Lies John Revolta - Born in 1954- caught Night Fever in 1977. We thought he was dead but apparently he's Stayin' Alive."

Very corny, I know. Nobody under the age of 55 will get it. We'll see Halloween night if any of the grand parents or older parents notice it.

halloween john revolta.jpg

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