Happy open carry day Tennessee

how many times do you gotta drive drunk without getting caught boefore it stops being a reason you should lose rights but instead gain a few?
The law has some pretty stupid exclusions, if you've been convicted of a DUI in the past 10 years you can't carry. Still can't carry inside a govt building.
LOL. People who don't know it's dangerous to drive drunk have NO business openly carrying a gun
Isn't the criminal justice system supposed to be about rehabilitation? A person released from prison isn't supposed to be a threat so why shouldn't they have their rights restored?
No it’s to keep violent people away from society and to keep them from harming more people
I'm sure it's somewhat more "free" than a lot of places. I wouldn't consider NY a model for freedom.
That’s exactly my point. Every time my family visits they tell me I live in a free state.
Not perfect but better than most.

Edit. My family lives in New York….for now
The law has some pretty stupid exclusions, if you've been convicted of a DUI in the past 10 years you can't carry. Still can't carry inside a govt building.

They'll remove the exceptions incrementally. The reps had to leave some exclusions. That way they can have some more legislation to prove their gun rights bona fides in the future.
No it’s to keep violent people away from society and to keep them from harming more people

Take for example, someone who is released after serving a ten year sentence for a first degree assault charge. If that person is so dangerous and so violent that they can't be given their full rights back after they've served their sentence, why are they released in the first place if the goal is to keep them away from society?
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