Happy to eat crow

Come on. If that's all it was, then with all the grotesque mismatches in college football, you'd see 7 turnovers all the time, but you don't. Alabama didn't cause 7 turnovers against Georgia State. They caused one against Western Carolina. They didn't cause any against Florida Atlantic. Etc. You don't get 7 turnovers without a whole crapton of good luck going your way.

Out of all of those plays. One was a tip by the receiver. So yeah. I guess there was one that was lucky.

I love the whole "well if other schools haven't done it, then we had to be lucky to do it."

Check the stats. We aren't' the first school to do it. It Isn't even a record.
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I must not have been watching the same game as the rest of you. I don't recall WKU committing a single turnover. I did see UT's Defense cause 7 turnovers though.

I didn't once see one of their running backs just drop the ball while running it. Never once saw their QB look to a UT defender and throw it to him.

People need to stop calling them breaks for us.......our D caused each of those.

Stellar! Yes, 6 TO's in a qtr have nearly NEVER happened before, but folks, Sal/Dooley are GONE!
Then again, never look a gift horse in the mouth! :wink2: See the difference competent coaching makes?
Both pick 6 plays were absolute gifts.

BPV, I respect the fact that you've been on the board for over 8 years, but, if you watched the sane game the rest of us did, both Randolph and Sutton were where they were for a reason. Coaching, coaching, coaching...the difference is night and day...
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WKU had a melt down today. But several of the turnovers happened because the Vol D made them happen. You don't have to drink the Cool aid but give credit where it's due. There were 2 fumbles where the Tennessee defender just took the ball away.
This has to be the worst eating of crow I've ever seen.

"The game wasn't close but if it was closer I'd have been right. It would have been close if the score was less and UT didn't capitalize on mistakes made like they did. So, take out all of UT's good plays and the score would be tighter. SO that's how I'm justifying being wrong... but convincing myself I was always right. Yeah"
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This has to be the worst eating of crow I've ever seen.

"The game wasn't close but if it was closer I'd have been right. It would have been close if the score was less and UT didn't capitalize on mistakes made like they did. So, take out all of UT's good plays and the score would be tighter. SO that's how I'm justifying being wrong... but convincing myself I was always right. Yeah"


Negavols and sunshine pumpers...I get it, opinions and all, that's why we're here, but dang, after the last few years, can't we just enjoy a win after half the talking heads predicted us to go down? smh
Overall, a good outing. Worley can show the throw on a rope, but he needs the confidence to do so.

Yea but you get the 25 for a touchback in college, so no, it never helped to run out those ints. Also, if the QB is a runner, even if its a loss, I don't think it's a sack

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