Happy Treason Day!

If you're celebrating the treason, April 19 (1775) seems like a more fitting date. When the fighting started.
We have had so many great victories in this countries short history. Unfortunately most of them happened prior to 1950.

The last victory was in 1991.
Good lord you have gone all in with fear porn as of late. Year long lockdowns, planned fall lockdowns, forced vaccinations...do yourself a favor and take a break
Itโ€™s really sad.
This thing is likely (in my mind) to end up just like the flu.
Every year I get the flu vaccine because my wife is high risk and Iโ€™m not getting any younger. I suspect this version of Covid will mutate and there will eventually be a yearly Covid vaccine too.

itโ€™s amazing that people still fall for the โ€œexperimental vaccine โ€œ narrative. The Covid 19 vaccine is built off the Covid 02 vaccine. The same way the flu vaccine is developed. And weโ€™ve been doing that for years

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