Happy Treason Day!

It's not a narrative. I'm pointing out that gun nuts have deluded themselves with an idealized vision of the weapons, which completely ignores the harm they bring to this country every single day.

Yeah I hate to see a young gun all full of enthusiasm and promise get jaded and turn all dark and commit to a life of violence and crime. We must do a better job of raising our young guns and instilling in them a proper sense of right and wrong to try and turn them away from a life of violence and hate.

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This was a black kid who’s older brother was involved in gangs
Regardless Tennessee, like Texas, has laws on the books to hold responsible adults who allow firearm access to minors. If this was caused by an adult not limiting access to the firearm by the minor then charge him. If it was his gang banger older brother then prosecute his ass too.

Regardless this is still the fault of an individual not an inanimate damn object.
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So on July 4, 1776 who was free in the United States? All races or only whites? Actually all races or only white men with property?

The freedom referred to by the founding fathers is an extremely limited definition by any standard. When you consider that nearly all owned slaves (some of which were raped), in spite of their broad words they themselves never did anything to free anyone that they themselves couldn't benefit from. They were all white supremacists who happened to write a document that can be interpreted in 1000 different ways.

How are black people not free? I imagine having to endure state sponsored terrorism at the hands of the police is an example of that.

What state sponsored terrorism?
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It's not a narrative. I'm pointing out that gun nuts have deluded themselves with an idealized vision of the weapons, which completely ignores the harm they bring to this country every single day.

Ok then so what’s the reason behind posting this? Just to say guns can be dangerous when used by those who aren’t familiar with them?
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Ok then so what’s the reason behind posting this? Just to say guns can be dangerous when used by those who aren’t familiar with them?
It’s just another bull **** emotional plea focusing on the implement and not the real instrument (the individual) because that’s all the gun grabbers have.
So on July 4, 1776 who was free in the United States? All races or only whites? Actually all races or only white men with property?

The freedom referred to by the founding fathers is an extremely limited definition by any standard. When you consider that nearly all owned slaves (some of which were raped), in spite of their broad words they themselves never did anything to free anyone that they themselves couldn't benefit from. They were all white supremacists who happened to write a document that can be interpreted in 1000 different ways.

How are black people not free? I imagine having to endure state sponsored terrorism at the hands of the police is an example of that.
If as much time was spent working in the now and present as trying to blame all the failures of today on events over 150 years ago things would be a lot better. Granted everything is not right in this world, but if you keep your feet stuck in the mud of the past then that is where you will stay..
What have we lost in? (Besides the battles for our kid's allegiance and battle of communism infiltrating our government)

I don't think we've lost a war. We just haven't won any unless we count the Baltics. I just think several conflicts haven't produced an advancement of democracy like Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
What state sponsored terrorism?

Idi Amin, Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Castro, Mao and some others might have good answers for that. Tyler and Joe are good examples of state sponsored stupidity. One running the nonsense and the other trolling his failed education on the subject of "state sponsored".
Ok then so what’s the reason behind posting this? Just to say guns can be dangerous when used by those who aren’t familiar with them?

Imagine if someone took all the dangerous stuff away from us we'd be sitting in some kind of shelter (hopefully) with no light, no heat or cooling, dying of starvation. But at least we'd be safe form traffic accidents going to and from a job, and manmade pollution would be of little concern.
Students say they are ‘embarrassed’ to be Americans in alarming interviews
By Yaron Steinbuch

July 4, 2021 | 10:42am

A group of Georgetown University students said they were “embarrassed” to be American in shocking campus interviews ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend — but none of them could name a better country to live in.

Ophelie Jacobson, a reporter for Campus Reform, surveyed students from the private college in DC Friday about whether they were “proud” of the stars and stripes.

But instead of getting patriotic responses in the lead-up to America’s birthday, the reporter found that the majority of them struggled to say they were proud of being American — with several even admitting they were “embarrassed.”

College students say they are 'embarrassed' to be Americans
Students say they are ‘embarrassed’ to be Americans in alarming interviews
By Yaron Steinbuch

July 4, 2021 | 10:42am

A group of Georgetown University students said they were “embarrassed” to be American in shocking campus interviews ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend — but none of them could name a better country to live in.

Ophelie Jacobson, a reporter for Campus Reform, surveyed students from the private college in DC Friday about whether they were “proud” of the stars and stripes.

But instead of getting patriotic responses in the lead-up to America’s birthday, the reporter found that the majority of them struggled to say they were proud of being American — with several even admitting they were “embarrassed.”

College students say they are 'embarrassed' to be Americans

If I hated my job, I would go work somewhere else. I don't know why people hate this place so much but stay.
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Students say they are ‘embarrassed’ to be Americans in alarming interviews
By Yaron Steinbuch

July 4, 2021 | 10:42am

A group of Georgetown University students said they were “embarrassed” to be American in shocking campus interviews ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend — but none of them could name a better country to live in.

Ophelie Jacobson, a reporter for Campus Reform, surveyed students from the private college in DC Friday about whether they were “proud” of the stars and stripes.

But instead of getting patriotic responses in the lead-up to America’s birthday, the reporter found that the majority of them struggled to say they were proud of being American — with several even admitting they were “embarrassed.”

College students say they are 'embarrassed' to be Americans

Programmed sheep
Students say they are ‘embarrassed’ to be Americans in alarming interviews
By Yaron Steinbuch

July 4, 2021 | 10:42am

A group of Georgetown University students said they were “embarrassed” to be American in shocking campus interviews ahead of the July 4 holiday weekend — but none of them could name a better country to live in.

Ophelie Jacobson, a reporter for Campus Reform, surveyed students from the private college in DC Friday about whether they were “proud” of the stars and stripes.

But instead of getting patriotic responses in the lead-up to America’s birthday, the reporter found that the majority of them struggled to say they were proud of being American — with several even admitting they were “embarrassed.”

College students say they are 'embarrassed' to be Americans
Then how about they take their collective butts somewhere else.
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VIDEO: Former MLB player and manager Ozzie Guillen has tears of gratitude for the United States when he remembers the day he became a citizen
July 05, 2021

During a pre-game preview show for the Chicago White Sox's televised Sunday game against the Detroit Tigers, former Major League Baseball player and manager Ozzie Guillen teared up when he remembered the day in 2006 that he became a United States citizen and became emotional when he discussed the opportunities the United States has provided for him and his family.

VIDEO: Former MLB player and manager Ozzie Guillen has tears of gratitude for the United States when he remembers the day he became a citizen
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Here is something that should bring joy to everyone. But it’s also something our government and mainstream media don’t want to see.


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