Happy Treason Day!

So what is this narrative?
It's not a narrative. I'm pointing out that gun nuts have deluded themselves with an idealized vision of the weapons, which completely ignores the harm they bring to this country every single day.

It's not a narrative. I'm pointing out that gun nuts have deluded themselves with an idealized vision of the weapons, which completely ignores the harm they bring to this country every single day.

This was a black kid who’s older brother was involved in gangs
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Black peoples are not free? I see black people everyday doing the same things that I do, so I guess I’m a slave also.

Are you talking about systemic racism? the only racism that I see are old white and young liberals telling successful black people that the only reason they made it was because of affirmative action. Liberals believe that black people are too dumb to obtain a photo ID or use a computer.

The black people that are killed by police in Democratic ran cities? George Floyd, Minneapolis. Breonna Taylor, Louisville. Michael Brown, Ferguson. Why are liberals killing black people?

The new liberal buzzwords oppression and colonizers. It’s a farce to keep the black community down. Why have liberals fought so hard against school choice? Why is blm donating the majority of the money they receive to the dnc instead of investing in black communities?

Stay woke my friend
For those that haven’t seen it, Turn is a pretty good series about the Revolution. No doubt there’s some embellishment but it’s well done and sticks close to recorded history.

Thought it was great. Would watch again.
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So on July 4, 1776 who was free in the United States? All races or only whites? Actually all races or only white men with property?

The freedom referred to by the founding fathers is an extremely limited definition by any standard. When you consider that nearly all owned slaves (some of which were raped), in spite of their broad words they themselves never did anything to free anyone that they themselves couldn't benefit from. They were all white supremacists who happened to write a document that can be interpreted in 1000 different ways.

How are black people not free? I imagine having to endure state sponsored terrorism at the hands of the police is an example of that.

One way to avoid “state sponsored terrorism” is to avoid STATE SPONSORED SUPPORT…..and a few other things. Like maybe put forth some effort when you go to school. Avoid drugs, gangs, and crime. Don’t have kids when you can’t can’t take care of yourself. Blaming present failures on s**t that happened 200 years ago that nobody alive today had anything to do with falls on deaf ears so get over over it.
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We have had so many great victories in this countries short history. Unfortunately most of them happened prior to 1950.

The last victory was in 1991.

What have we lost in? (Besides the battles for our kid's allegiance and battle of communism infiltrating our government)
To anyone with even the smallest bit of sense. Go back far enough and all land is "stolen." How are black people in America not free?

She also does she doesn't understand the point and our founding. It wasn't about being perfect from day 1

When you're getting paid to push a communist agenda, its not about understanding. She (and other democratic-communists) has a job to do.
Lol aren’t you the one who said she “backs the blue” in another post and now they are state sponsored terrorists? Hahah pick a lane when you troll fake evil lawyer. Or better yet just stick to that username

Tyler posts alot of ignorant stuff. It's easy posting this BS when you've never had to sacrifice the least bit.

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