Have any of your Biden voting friends

Apologized yet & admitted they made a mistake?

Just a yes or no

Let's keep it nice & friendly

Its bad when even @lawgator1 is knocked off of his stride.

This is a terrible day. Thirteen dead and scores wounded. Not to mention the Afghan casualties.

And the Biden administration will likely be another casualty of this war. I don't see how they bounce back politically.

But it's disgusting so many people here seem to be celebrating this failure. Really, shameful.

Save your glee at the political consequences for later.

This is about as close as you are going to get to seeing a staunch liberal realize that winter is coming...
Its bad when even @lawgator1 is knocked off of his stride.

This is about as close as you are going to get to seeing a staunch liberal realize that winter is coming...
The Afghan withdrawal has been a geopolitical debacle from the Biden administration, with tragic consequences, but it won't carry as much weight in the long run as domestic issues will. There would be cause for serious concern if Biden was up for reelection next year, but he's not. Three years is an eternity in the American political landscape. I highly doubt that this botched exodus (as disorganized and unprepared as it was) will still be still be in the news cycle or even be a campaign issue when the Presidential Election primaries begin in February of 2024.
Many of my Biden pals received their degrees in US history and anthropology. They don't have time to apologize for the current administration because they are still coping with bad decisions that were made a long time ago.
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Its bad when even @lawgator1 is knocked off of his stride.

This is about as close as you are going to get to seeing a staunch liberal realize that winter is coming...

Again, I think the time for celebrating the political consequences of the tragedy yesterday is down the road.

Don't use the political consequences of what has happened to dance on the graves of thirteen dead American soldiers.
Apologized yet & admitted they made a mistake?

Just a yes or no

Let's keep it nice & friendly


I was pondering this very question yesterday. I have been waiting to see which ones would say "you were right all along". I started to send out something nudging them in the shoulder but I figured I'd be the better man because right now is not the time. Some even let TDS "interfere" with friendship. I know many people who experienced this.

I always say if you don't stand for something then you'll fall for anything. If some relationships were disrupted then it probably wasn't worth it anyway.

I wonder if we did a "Who voted for Biden" poll on this board, how many would admit it right now?
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No, because the alternative was Donald Trump. The Trump administration was moving towards a hasty troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. That fact is being ignored by the right.
Anyone voting for either should take a long look in the mirror. We are flying downhill and I'm not sure our brakes are strong enough

I was pondering this very question yesterday. I have been waiting to see which ones would say "you were right all along". I started to send out something nudging them in the shoulder but I figured I'd be the better man because right now is not the time. Some even let TDS interview with friendship. I know many people who experienced this.

I always say if you don't stand for something then you'll fall for anything. If some relationships were disrupted then it probably wasn't worth it anyway.

I wonder if we did a "Who voted for Biden" poll on this board, how many would admit it right now?

I did.

And would vote for him over Trump every time.
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In the thread….. I responded and then went back and read the thread…..the 3rd post (by one of the guys I often spar with but would gladly hang out with) blamed Trump.

I’m sad that it had to be explained

No one is "blaming" Trump. But pretending he'd gave done anything differently when his administration struck the deal and trusted the Taliban to the point if inviting them to Camp David us just ridiculous.

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