Have any of your Biden voting friends

No, because the alternative was Donald Trump. The Trump administration was moving towards a hasty troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. That fact is being ignored by the right.
I doubt, as screwed up as he was, that he would have left early, left an army of weapons for the Taliban, and told Americans to try and make their way to the airport. Biden set records for signing executive orders his first month over turning stuff trump did. Why didn't he over turn this? Too busy making sure boys could pee with girls again I guess.
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I doubt, as screwed up as he was, that he would have left early, left an army of weapons for the Taliban, and told Americans to try and make their way to the airport. Biden set records for signing executive orders his first month over turning stuff trump did. Why didn't he over turn this? Too busy making sure boys could pee with girls again I guess.
Wow. Game over libtards!
You're only referencing part of his term. He owns it all
I think it’s safe to say no matter how you feel about Trump, Biden has screwed the pooch more in 8 months than Trump did in 4 years. I don’t think ANYONE can deny that no matter what side they’re on.
Very few. You can see it in your everyday life if you just simply look around for people with the guts to still have their Biden/Harris sticker on their cars. If you voted for Biden you’re in hiding now.

In a turn of events I basically got "the call" today.
I think it’s safe to say no matter how you feel about Trump, Biden has screwed the pooch more in 8 months than Trump did in 4 years. I don’t think ANYONE can deny that no matter what side they’re on.
Are you new here? EL or LG or BB or someone will be along shortly to dispute this.
People are flipping on Biden for mishandling Afghanistan...so did people flip on Obama and Trump for mishandling Afghanistan?
And :
-infringing on our rights.
-Handing known terrorist the weapons he said we can’t have.
-ruining women’s sports
- Making it legal for a man to walk into the bathroom behind your daughter/wife
- Promoting racism
- Locking down the country
- inflation
- election fraud
- threatening the citizens
And forced mask mandates and vaccination.

But other than that? He’s doing a jam up job
In a turn of events I basically got "the call" today.
By one person willing to admit his/her mistakes? In spite of the dead people that went democrat, there were still hundreds of thousands of live that should all be doing the same.
Are you new here? EL or LG or BB or someone will be along shortly to dispute this.
I’ve been paying attention here and there. But when soldiers are starting to die it’s becoming the straw that broke the camels back with me. I’m beginning to get really pissed now

Obama allowed Pakistan to hide OBL for years.
Hmmm... Osama bin Laden was killed about 2 years and 3 months into Barack Obama's first term. So, you can technically get away with this ...

... but Obama made a call in a little more than 2 years that George W. Bush never made in 8.
All of my friends who voted for Biden continue to blame Trump.

They are both responsible for this...

Do people ever get tired of being on a side just for the sake of it??

Literally, both of these presidents are directly responsible....
And you know what else.
Neither are at fault.

There was no OPTIMAL method to withdraw. That place is a complete waste of humanity...always has been.
They are both responsible for this...

Do people ever get tired of being on a side just for the sake of it??

Literally, both of these presidents are directly responsible....
And you know what else.
Neither are at fault.

There was no OPTIMAL method to withdraw. That place is a complete waste of humanity...always has been.

Sure there was an optimal method. Don't close Bagram Airfield. Withdraw diplomats, American citizens, and allies first. Then withdraw troops. Bagram would have been far more defensible, and evacuating everyone before you evacuated troops would have avoided chaos.

Every POTUS since Bush shares in the blame for Afghanistan and the Taliban being able to move right back in. Joe Biden is solely to blame for the unorganized mess this withdrawal has become. It's his administration's plan. He is the Commander-in-Chief. As Harry Truman was fond of saying, "The buck stops here".

It's not about taking political sides for me. I'm not a sheep of either party. It's about placing the blame for this disaster squarely where it belongs. The poor withdrawal strategy falls on Biden. No one else.
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