Have any of your Biden voting friends

I just wanted to quote this in case anyone missed it the first time. The wealthy dementia patient is not on our side and neither was the NYC billionaire real estate developer.

I will seriously consider 3rd party if a great candidate steps up. Im so sick of the games that get played by both sides and then nothing ever gets hurt.. The problem is, it almost feels like those that vote 3rd party are simply throwing their votes away unless a huge movement gets started. Maybe it's time for the Patriot Party to emerge.
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The boarder was under control. Biden takes over and it turns to ****. That’s Trumps fault.
So if they’re moronic enough to believe that then they will definitely blame Trump for this Biden cluster ****.

Why not, Biden wastes no time at all blaming Trump for his debacle. Shortly after he picked his head up off the podium, that's exactly what he did.
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That's my point. He has no principles. No moral compass. No values. He goes for the adulation and applause to feed his ego. So whoever is telling him how great he is, that's what dictates what he says.

And yet he still got things done, reduced illegal immigration, provided energy independence, lower prices on everything, more jobs, people would go to work, and son, and so on. Who cares if he was insecure jerk. I'd rather have Trump and his version of the USA than what we have now, only 8 months later.
They reduced the POTUS to an internet troll

Funny that he got his job done though. The current POTUS has reduced it to an utter international embarrassment. I'll gladly take the troll back.

And pretty much effed the country on everything imaginable in 8 months. All because the things he dismantled were Trump's ideas and not his. And the fact he's a stupid baffoon of a lifetime political failure.
Funny that he got his job done though. The current POTUS has reduced it to an utter international embarrassment. I'll gladly take the troll back.
No, he was terrible as a leader. We're basically debating Dooley vs Pruitt. Eventually we need to push to do better than these morons
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No, because the alternative was Donald Trump. The Trump administration was moving towards a hasty troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. That fact is being ignored by the right.

So what were the specific Trump policies that you hated? Also your hypothetical is weak as s**t.
I will seriously consider 3rd party if a great candidate steps up. Im so sick of the games that get played by both sides and then nothing ever gets hurt.. The problem is, it almost feels like those that vote 3rd party are simply throwing their votes away unless a huge movement gets started. Maybe it's time for the Patriot Party to emerge.

Yeah, it feels like that. The problem is that too many people believe the CNN/Fox News propaganda that Democrats and Republicans are on different sides. In my opinion, as things get worse economically, the more people will start to wake up.

I wish they’d wake up before we get to that point though.
I will seriously consider 3rd party if a great candidate steps up. Im so sick of the games that get played by both sides and then nothing ever gets hurt.. The problem is, it almost feels like those that vote 3rd party are simply throwing their votes away unless a huge movement gets started. Maybe it's time for the Patriot Party to emerge.
Any party calling itself the Patriot party wouldn't be. Look at what they turned the liberty caucus into
No, he was terrible as a leader. We're basically debating Dooley vs Pruitt. Eventually we need to push to do better than these morons

Putting Dooley and Pruitt in the same sentence as Biden is a low blow those 2 no matter how many games they lost.
Tweets weren't mean. They were cowardly

Correct, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Trump's biggest problem is his ego and need for attention. Biden's biggest problem is also his supposed strength and that's his long political career. He is so entrenched in Washington bureaucracy that he lacks any common sense or ability to make decisive decisions.
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No, he was terrible as a leader. We're basically debating Dooley vs Pruitt. Eventually we need to push to do better than these morons

A terrible leader, with a strong economy, high employment, high minority employment, significantly lower border crossing, energy independence, affordable living from gas to food and all in between....

Define terrible, without making it personal......

I could care less about him being a twitter troll. They started on him before he even moved into the WH. Can't say I would have have reacted the same. Wasn't in his shoes. Maybe I would have retaliated differently. But, he was targeted because he beat HRC. And I can't exactly blame him for going on the offensive.
A terrible leader, with a strong economy, high employment, high minority employment, significantly lower border crossing, energy independence, affordable living from gas to food and all in between....

Define terrible, without making it personal......

I could care less about him being a twitter troll. They started on him before he even moved into the WH. Can't say I would have have reacted the same. Wasn't in his shoes. Maybe I would have retaliated differently. But, he was targeted because he beat HRC. And I can't exactly blame him for going on the offensive.
You're only referencing part of his term. He owns it all
A terrible leader, with a strong economy, high employment, high minority employment, significantly lower border crossing, energy independence, affordable living from gas to food and all in between....

Define terrible, without making it personal......

I could care less about him being a twitter troll. They started on him before he even moved into the WH. Can't say I would have have reacted the same. Wasn't in his shoes. Maybe I would have retaliated differently. But, he was targeted because he beat HRC. And I can't exactly blame him for going on the offensive.

He spent just like the Democrats, did little to curb illegal immigration, and did little to cut taxes for the average American.
Correct, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Trump's biggest problem is his ego and need for attention. Biden's biggest problem is also his supposed strength and that's his long political career. He is so entrenched in Washington bureaucracy that he lacks any common sense or ability to make decisive decisions.

Depends on perception. I view Trump's behavior, childish as it may have been, as the necessary evil to expose DC and all that is wrong with it. Even if he was a part of it. None of that should ever overshadow, or be confused with the work he actually accomplished to better America. Because we sure as heck were better off 12 months ago.
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