Have any of your Biden voting friends

The Afghan withdrawal has been a geopolitical debacle from the Biden administration, with tragic consequences, but it won't carry as much weight in the long run as domestic issues will. There would be cause for serious concern if Biden was up for reelection next year, but he's not. Three years is an eternity in the American political landscape. I highly doubt that this botched exodus (as disorganized and unprepared as it was) will still be still be in the news cycle or even be a campaign issue when the Presidential Election primaries begin in February of 2024.
Don’t forget he’s still allowing anyone and everyone to walk right into the USA. Things will get progressively worse under the guidance of Sloppy Joe’s incompetence
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Here's an odd pairing. The best 2 Presidents of the past 60 years are Reagan and Obama.

Flame away
There are many things we don't know, but as president, Donald Trump showed no reservations over abandoning our Kurdish allies in Northern Syria, during the withdrawal of U.S. forces in October of 2019. The Kurds were left to certain annihilation at the hands of Turkish aggressors. Did that concern Trump at all? It didn't appear to.

... and the peace agreement signed by the Trump administration and the Taliban in February of 2020 is highly relevant to this discussion and it gives insight into Trump's priorities. I understand why you don't want to talk about it... but it matters. The Trump administration should have demanded the expulsion of al-Qaeda be included as a term of the agreement. They did not. Of course, on this one item alone, Biden would have been justified in nullifying the February 2020 agreement with the Taliban... but he did not.

There is a lot of blame to go around, and the Trump administration shoulders some of it.
You're making excuses for Biden. The fact remains, we have no idea how Trump would have handled the evacuation. And yes, that is a fact. He lost the election, which means the withdrawal fell to Biden. Biden okayed the evacuation plan. And it was a lousy one. It falls on him and him alone as the Commander-in-Chief.

You're fanboying over Biden and ignoring the reality of the situation. If Trump were in charge, if anyone else were in charge, I'd have the exact same feelings. They screwed up. Biden is President, this is entirely on him.

I'm curious, do you think we should have maintained a troop presence in Afghanistan? You keep mentioning canceling the deal, just how long should we have kept troops in country? I mean, obviously American diplomats, civilians and allies should have been evacuated first, but is 20 years not long enough in your opinion?

Obama? Are you freaking serious? Clinton was better than Obama.

Reagan was 1, Obama was 2 and Clinton was slightly behind Obama. I bumped him down due to the intelligence errors with bin Laden that directly led to 9/11. Without 9/11, Clinton would have been 2.
Reagan was 1, Obama was 2 and Clinton was slightly behind Obama. I bumped him down due to the intelligence errors with bin Laden that directly led to 9/11. Without 9/11, Clinton would have been 2.


Obama allowed Pakistan to hide OBL for years.
Obama got OBL. Clinton had chance to kill OBL and declined.

Think Clinton's success was more due to the 94 Republican takeover of Congress as it was him.

No, Clinton had the opportunity to have OBL handed over to us and he refused the deal. We knew where OBL was for several years before Obama pulled the trigger.
No, Clinton had the opportunity to have OBL handed over to us and he refused the deal. We knew where OBL was for several years before Obama pulled the trigger.

Clinton had him on a platter, W couldnt get him in 8 years and the intelligence under BO found and got him.
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No, because the alternative was Donald Trump. The Trump administration was moving towards a hasty troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as well. That fact is being ignored by the right.
Biden isn’t being criticized for withdrawing. It’s the order in which he withdrew. If anything, when you withdraw from such a thing, you send MORE troops to ensure the guns, tanks, hum-vies, helicopters, money and allies get out FIRST. Not troops first leaving all the above unprotected. The moment we left the taliban claimed the entire country. The first thing they did was release all the prisoners. Those prisoners were ISIS. ISIS just sent a suicide bomber to the gate of the airport and now 13 marines won’t be coming home because of a botched withdrawal. So no, the “right” isn’t ignoring anything. Trump could’ve kept his May 1st date and withdrew in orderly fashion. But since Biden wanted to undo everything Trump had done, this is one of the many consequences we’ve witnessed. We can add this to the 11,000 jobs lost in the first 10 days on the pipeline, the border crisis, men competing in women’s sports, the infringing on the 1st amendment with big tech by silencing the right, REPEATED attempts on infringing on the second amendment (which is now null in void once you hand known terrorist some of the heaviest weapons known to man), forced vaccines, mask mandates, shutting down the country and burying small business, threatening his own people and feeding the “woke”. All within his first 365 days. He took office and this country turned to complete chaos.
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I was pondering this very question yesterday. I have been waiting to see which ones would say "you were right all along". I started to send out something nudging them in the shoulder but I figured I'd be the better man because right now is not the time. Some even let TDS "interfere" with friendship. I know many people who experienced this.

I always say if you don't stand for something then you'll fall for anything. If some relationships were disrupted then it probably wasn't worth it anyway.

I wonder if we did a "Who voted for Biden" poll on this board, how many would admit it right now?
Very few. You can see it in your everyday life if you just simply look around for people with the guts to still have their Biden/Harris sticker on their cars. If you voted for Biden you’re in hiding now.
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