HBO's "Game of Thrones"

I've been wondering about them. They got put in the dungeon and nothing has been heard from them since. Are they just not important enough to have closure or is there something planned for them?

Well, House Martell is defunct at this point, so who actually rules Dorne?
Will we see Howland Reed before the series ends? He's alive...somewhere (and Meera, his daughter, is alive as well). He also knows firsthand about Jon's lineage.
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Will we see Howland Reed before the series ends? He's alive...somewhere (and Meera, his daughter, is alive as well). He also knows firsthand about Jon's lineage.
I would assume he will be the one to validate Jon's lineage when that moment comes.
Will we see Howland Reed before the series ends? He's alive...somewhere (and Meera, his daughter, is alive as well). He also knows firsthand about Jon's lineage.

Does he? I thought the scene only showed it being whispered.

Meera on the other hand is a cutie. She needs to come back in badass fashion.
Does he? I thought the scene only showed it being whispered.

Meera on the other hand is a cutie. She needs to come back in badass fashion.

Well he was at the Tower of Joy with Ned. It's not confirmed that he knows but he and Ned were very close. It's likely that Ned told him.
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Well he was at the Tower of Joy with Ned. It's not confirmed that he knows but he and Ned were very close. It's likely that Ned told him.

I kind of got the impression Ned didn't tell anyone out of fear of retaliation. I doubt he would have mentioned it to Howland since they were allies of the Baratheons.
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Well he was at the Tower of Joy with Ned. It's not confirmed that he knows but he and Ned were very close. It's likely that Ned told him.
that would be a helluva thing to spring on the audience at this bring him back after only appearing in a look back scene, having no real place in the rest of the 8 seasons the viewers are privvy to. may have a bigger role in the books....but not sure that works at this point in the story?

plus, Sam and Bran have already verified the lineage....
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I kind of got the impression Ned didn't tell anyone out of fear of retaliation. I doubt he would have mentioned it to Howland since they were allies of the Baratheons.

Howland and House Reed are loyal to the Starks. The books make a big deal out of the relationship between Ned and Howland. Also, Martin said he couldn't use Howland Reed as a POV character because "he knows too much" about key events in the storyline.
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Howland and House Reed are loyal to the Starks. The books make a big deal out of the relationship between Ned and Howland. Also, Martin said he couldn't use Howland Reed as a POV character because "he knows too much" about key events in the storyline.
i can see that. but basically have him excluded from the entire story, except for the one scene from way back when....and hten spring him on the audience at hte end, would kind of be dumb.

with ned being gone, and his level of knowledge about the whole situation regarding the heir to the throne, he could have been sprinkled in as a sort of protectorate.......kind of like Benjin Stark was.....for the rest of the stark house. kind hard to beleive that someone that close to Ned would sit back the entire decade and not insert himself in to the fray at some point, only to show up now, and say "yep, Jon is the king, later" there are a lot of character references in this story that never get brought to fruition, and shouldn't be....i think Reed probably fits in that category.

i think they left him out for a reason....and he probably won't be least i hope not at this point.
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Does he? I thought the scene only showed it being whispered.

Meera on the other hand is a cutie. She needs to come back in badass fashion.
Ned and Howland just killed the best swordsman in Westeros and he comes down from the tower that had his sister with a baby. You dont think that's at least an inquiry?
i can see that. but basically have him excluded from the entire story, except for the one scene from way back when....and hten spring him on the audience at hte end, would kind of be dumb.

with ned being gone, and his level of knowledge about the whole situation regarding the heir to the throne, he could have been sprinkled in as a sort of protectorate.......kind of like Benjin Stark was.....for the rest of the stark house. kind hard to beleive that someone that close to Ned would sit back the entire decade and not insert himself in to the fray at some point, only to show up now, and say "yep, Jon is the king, later" there are a lot of character references in this story that never get brought to fruition, and shouldn't be....i think Reed probably fits in that category.

i think they left him out for a reason....and he probably won't be least i hope not at this point.

I agree that it's a longshot. But with Meera still alive I think they could introduce him in a way that wouldn't be terribly Deus Ex Machina in nature. All it would take is showing the Tower of Joy scene in the "Previously on GoT" segment at the beginning of the episode and then having Meera show up at Winterfell or whereever they end up with Howland in tow.

That said, the simplest explanation is that he won't be in the show at all. He's just not established enough to drop any information without it seeming "weird," and there's limited runtime left to reintroduce him.
I agree that it's a longshot. But with Meera still alive I think they could introduce him in a way that wouldn't be terribly Deus Ex Machina in nature. All it would take is showing the Tower of Joy scene in the "Previously on GoT" segment at the beginning of the episode and then having Meera show up at Winterfell or whereever they end up with Howland in tow.

That said, the simplest explanation is that he won't be in the show at all.
it would take 5 minutes, have Bran say "well one other person was there" summon Howland and boom. it's done. easy.
it would take 5 minutes, have Bran say "well one other person was there" summon Howland and boom. it's done. easy.

It really comes down to whether Sam's book proving Jon's lineage is enough proof for Dany and everyone else. Is Sam still in possession of the journal showing Jon's lineage? If so, it could get destroyed by Dany/someone loyal to her, leaving Howland as the only way to prove he's the heir to the throne.
It really comes down to whether Sam's book proving Jon's lineage is enough proof for Dany and everyone else. Is Sam still in possession of the journal showing Jon's lineage? If so, it could get destroyed by Dany/someone loyal to her, leaving Howland as the only way to prove he's the heir to the throne.
That also might lead people to rebel against her. She will have the North as an enemy for sure with no houses to support her with hers gone and the south being Lannister. Her best bet would be to give the throne to Jon, marry him and rule together blah blah.
lol can you imagine..
*noise of a crying baby
"Uh ned.. your trunk that you poked holes in and keep bringing into a tent with a wet nurse is crying... is your trunk ok?"
ned: Mind your own ****ing business Reed.

I suppose Reed would be the only person who would know. Unless Caitlin Stark didn't like Jon Snow because he was a Targaryen.
It really comes down to whether Sam's book proving Jon's lineage is enough proof for Dany and everyone else. Is Sam still in possession of the journal showing Jon's lineage? If so, it could get destroyed by Dany/someone loyal to her, leaving Howland as the only way to prove he's the heir to the throne.
he did steal a bunch of books from the Citadel. not sure if that was one of them?
I suppose Reed would be the only person who would know. Unless Caitlin Stark didn't like Jon Snow because he was a Targaryen.
i don't think she had any idea. no way she "hates" jon as much as she did unless she believed he was Ned's bastard. she made that story more believable with her disdain for Jon.

just too bad ned died before he could have that conversation about his mother. lol.

there really was only one play for Ned. keep it to himself. we all remember the stories told of what they were doing to the targaian babies and children after the mad king.....
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I've been wondering about them. They got put in the dungeon and nothing has been heard from them since. Are they just not important enough to have closure or is there something planned for them?
:Shrug: the daughter is dead by now and mom is still sitting right where we last saw her, slowly going mad from grief. Until the red keep is under new management, there isn't a lot of story to tell.

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