HBO's "Game of Thrones"

I don't think viewers of GAME OF THRONES are skittish about nudity/sex scenes. We also know that the murders aren't really happening but the nudity?? Arya is played by a girl who we watched grow up. I think that is what is uncomfortable. She may have been 11 when she started?? She looked about 8 years old back then.
They have children with relatives and are betrothed early enough where they monitor the first menstruation so they can get busy reproducing. An 18 plus old elite assassin also a virgin wanting to bonk for the first time didn’t rate on my show shock meter.
I’m sure it’s been said but does anyone remember Dany in a dream walking through a frozen destroyed kinds landing in season 1?

I think we see the night king at kings landing and the final battle between those left in the north and the night king.

This is a song of fire and ice after all.

That’s the vision that predicts her death in the North.
I dont think the Golden Company is there. That's a few months long journey that Jamie can do substantially faster than an army. He also left before they even showed up to Kings Landing so they are waaaaay behind. The distance is crazy. Of course they could sail but that too, would be tough to get there on time imo. 20190424_152155.jpg
Maisie Williams just turned 22 like last week. She was probably 10 or 11 at the time of filming for the 1st season. She’s also played a widely loved character, and one that has been anything but sexualized to this point. She’s been more of a tomboy. Friend zone’d and like a family member rather than the girl next door.

If you’re having trouble understanding why some people were a little uncomfortable with the scene then you’re just being willfully ignorant or naive, or you’re her age maybe, or your a creepy dude who just wants a peek under every girl’s skirt.

Personally, I was fine with the scene as it was. They didn’t go too far. I did take a small sigh of relief after it was over though. The scene served a purpose. It officially made her a woman in the show. No more chasing cats in King’s Landing or getting chased in the streets of Bravos. She has lost all her innocence and now walks into battle with dead people.
I'm interested to see what Cersei has up her sleeve. I mean, she (via Qyburn) already has the capacity to create undead soldiers herself. And Qyburn has/had access to a wight.

How will that play out with the Mountain? Will wights attack him seeing as how he's already undead? If not, is he essentially invincible? It would be hilarious if zombie Mountain just rampaged through the wights and WWs with no resistance.
I'm interested to see what Cersei has up her sleeve. I mean, she (via Qyburn) already has the capacity to create undead soldiers herself. And Qyburn has/had access to a wight.

How will that play out with the Mountain? Will wights attack him seeing as how he's already undead? If not, is he essentially invincible? It would be hilarious if zombie Mountain just rampaged through the wights and WWs with no resistance.
Being undead, would he be immune to control by the Night King?
Being undead, would he be immune to control by the Night King?

I think he will play a big role fighting the undead due to being undead himself/uncontrollable by the NK, but then he will be killed by the Hound.
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I'm interested to see what Cersei has up her sleeve. I mean, she (via Qyburn) already has the capacity to create undead soldiers herself. And Qyburn has/had access to a wight.

How will that play out with the Mountain? Will wights attack him seeing as how he's already undead? If not, is he essentially invincible? It would be hilarious if zombie Mountain just rampaged through the wights and WWs with no resistance.
Cersei should just join up, get turned into a white walker, and become the night queen. Then they can turn all of kind landing and the golden company into wights and take over the world. If the night king can produce a zombie elephant for her, she'll agree for sure. :p
I'm interested to see what Cersei has up her sleeve. I mean, she (via Qyburn) already has the capacity to create undead soldiers herself. And Qyburn has/had access to a wight.

How will that play out with the Mountain? Will wights attack him seeing as how he's already undead? If not, is he essentially invincible? It would be hilarious if zombie Mountain just rampaged through the wights and WWs with no resistance.

I'm more interested to see if Bronn stays loyal to the Lannister brothers or goes back to amassing gold/fortune by doing the crown's bidding.

Plus, I'm not entirely positive Cersei sanctioned that mission Clyburn sent him on since she wasn't part of that scene. I think Clyburn is trying to make moves behind the scenes towards the throne as well.

And I'm almost positive Jaqen H'ghar will make an appearance this season again in some form or fashion.
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suckers born err minute.........

I think...

Tyrion is actually a child of the Mad King (House Targaryen) and his mother (House Lannister) which gives him as much claim to the throne as Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen (child of House Stark and House Targaryen). Too many references have been given out in the previous seven seasons for him not to be potentially a Targaryen. When he killed Tywin Lannister, Tywin claims "You're no son of mine." Maybe metaphorical? Maybe literal? In an earlier scene Tywin also states he only took care of Tyrion because "he couldn't prove he wasn't a Lannister." Maybe there was some controversy or Tywin was actually related to his wife (cousin or something which would fit right into the GoT universe). Plus, outside of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion is the only one that's messed with the dragons and not gotten eaten.

My theory is Tyrion and Jon Snow are related via House Targaryen. Which is also why Tywin (other than her having boobs and a great backside) thinks highly of Daenerys. Which is also why he bonded with Jon Snow early in Season 1. There's a connection there by blood between the three characters.

Now, the wild card.... Arya (House Stark) and Gendry (House Baratheon) got together in Episode 802. Arya gets preggers from that encounter and now you have another child with the potential to lay claim to the throne since you now have two powerful Houses tied by blood as alluded to in Season 1.

Anyway, I think Tyrion hooks up with Sansa eventually, she pops out a boy which is now House Stark, House Targaryen and House Lannister. Child claims the throne since you have two of the most powerful houses in Westeros and the legitimate lineage of the royal lines in a single person. Sansa and Tyrion become the "new" Jamie and Cersei since Sansa already is getting a dark side to her.

And the cycle repeats.
I think...

Tyrion is actually a child of the Mad King (House Targaryen) and his mother (House Lannister) which gives him as much claim to the throne as Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen (child of House Stark and House Targaryen). Too many references have been given out in the previous seven seasons for him not to be potentially a Targaryen. When he killed Tywin Lannister, Tywin claims "You're no son of mine." Maybe metaphorical? Maybe literal? In an earlier scene Tywin also states he only took care of Tyrion because "he couldn't prove he wasn't a Lannister." Maybe there was some controversy or Tywin was actually related to his wife (cousin or something which would fit right into the GoT universe). Plus, outside of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion is the only one that's messed with the dragons and not gotten eaten.

My theory is Tyrion and Jon Snow are related via House Targaryen. Which is also why Tywin (other than her having boobs and a great backside) thinks highly of Daenerys. Which is also why he bonded with Jon Snow early in Season 1. There's a connection there by blood between the three characters.

Now, the wild card.... Arya (House Stark) and Gendry (House Baratheon) got together in Episode 802. Arya gets preggers from that encounter and now you have another child with the potential to lay claim to the throne since you now have two powerful Houses tied by blood as alluded to in Season 1.

Anyway, I think Tyrion hooks up with Sansa eventually, she pops out a boy which is now House Stark, House Targaryen and House Lannister. Child claims the throne since you have two of the most powerful houses in Westeros and the legitimate lineage of the royal lines in a single person. Sansa and Tyrion become the "new" Jamie and Cersei since Sansa already is getting a dark side to her.

And the cycle repeats.
very interesting. the first part of all that makes a lot of sense actually now that i think about it. the rest.....pretty thin lol. but good fun.
very interesting. the first part of all that makes a lot of sense actually now that i think about it. the rest.....pretty thin lol. but good fun.

The other wild card nobody is talking about is Dorne. I have this funny feeling we aren't quite done with Ellaria Sand who really isn't talked about in significant GoT characters coming back for Season 8.
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The other wild card nobody is talking about is Dorne. I have this funny feeling we aren't quite done with Ellaria Sand who really isn't talked about in significant GoT characters coming back for Season 8.
well, count me in that group....haven't even given that a thought lol.
The other wild card nobody is talking about is Dorne. I have this funny feeling we aren't quite done with Ellaria Sand who really isn't talked about in significant GoT characters coming back for Season 8.
I've been wondering about them. They got put in the dungeon and nothing has been heard from them since. Are they just not important enough to have closure or is there something planned for them?
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