I'm all for single payer because I watched an insurance company due exactly what single payer will do. Take two months to approve a medical procedure that was needed. Insurance companies only want to approve the lowest cost option and only explore more costly options as you go on. Let's start with a xray when an MRI or CT would give us a better idea. But before that let's prescribe some antibiotics and give it time
I should have used blue font. Of course you still believe it. You just showed your hand. You believe healthcare is a right to people you deem worthy of it. Kind of like how you support unions. Unless they disagree with you on an issue like vaccine mandates.No, that's not correct. The issue with the sudden onset of covid was the need to ration care. The health care access issue is financial, not availability.
It depends on whether or not they realize that they will be paying for it. With a current spike of 7.5% inflation, I am guessing that if they know... and that is the key... if. they. know...... who is footing the bills that they will be against it. IF the .gov can sell it as a tax on the rich - and you know that is the plan - then they will be all for it. The left will never pass on the chance to get in your wallet.How about the middle 50% now?
More likely or less likely to embrace a National Healthcare system?
You probably felt that way prior to Covid responses.
How do you think Independents in the middle feel?
Do you think this moved those in the middle closet to gun control or further away?
Thanks for posting the link to the poll.I think Quinnipiac, Gallup, and Pew polls Support for gun control just hit its lowest point in almost a decade - CNNPolitics indicate a predictable erosion for more gun control, a reaction to the general lawlessness overtly encouraged by the 'most progressive president and party ever!' Many are now informed that government cannot be trusted to execute their core responsibility to protect their life and liberties but rather show a fascistic zeal encouraging corporations to do the censoring they are prohibited directly. We've been told point-blank we're acceptable collateral damage for a Marxian vision.
The near complete abandonment of therapeutic development for a 'come back if you need intubation' approach, I think bears responsibility for many of the lives lost. It is an unprecedented dereliction of duty by medical chieftans in government, private sector and academia who adopted this early line and took every opportunity to shite upon alternative drug usages and fell into the vax gospel with automaton precision. The true believers and leftists with agenda won't be dissuaded; everyone else? - not so much. Those who'd run a nationalized system are the same who did that, lied about the virus origins, their involvement and accepted CCP declarations regarding the virus timeline and virility as fact. They attempted to quash internal dispute and control a narrative that served no one but their bureaucratic establishment.
So, Cool - Cold on gun control and single pay as distrust in government has Warmed considerably.
A new Quinnipiac poll also out this weekfinds registered voters split 47% to 48% between supporting stricter gun laws and opposing them. That's also the lowest support for stricter gun laws among voters since late 2015 in Quinnipiac's polling. In February 2018, it reached a high of 66% in their poll. A Pew Research poll back in Aprilthis year found a generally similar pattern.
I know what I’d spend my money on
Thanks for posting the link to the poll.
Wow. An almost 20 point drop in approval for stricter gun control (since Parkland).