Healthcare Reform



Aug 29, 2006
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.
UHC? Crap (ask Canada)

next question would be why you don't purchase health ins on your own dime?
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.

How is it that you had no where else to go? Just curious.
It is the first visit to a Dr. or PA that is always the most expensive. After that, depending on your aillment it really shouldn't cost you more than $30 or $40. Unless you need surgery or your illness is life threatening, I suggest staying as far away from a hospital as possible.
im assuming you have great benefits

I do but I also pay for them. I paid for 8 yrs without ever going to see a Dr once (basically I could have bought my car with cash if I didn't have them). My wife and I put a good chunk of money toward them every month and it will increase big time when Kids start coming.

I could easily choose to not have them but to me the trade is worth it. A few hundred a month is worth the peace of mind
I pay $1200 a month for the family. I'd buy a higher deductible plan or get an HSA, but I am locked in for political reasons.
If I was single I'd carry a catastrophic plan and use INSURANCE for what it was meant to be....INSURANCE.
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.

it's highly unlikely your school doesn't offer health care at a very resonable price.
If I was single I'd carry a catastrophic plan and use INSURANCE for what it was meant to be....INSURANCE.

when i was unemployed i got blue cross for $40 a month which basically covered nothing minor, but covered me if i got cancer or hit by a car.
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.

im assuming you have great benefits

If you are a grad student there is probably some health service with the university you attend.

Second, why not go to a walk-in clinic and pay for the visit? I've done my time without insurance but it was so I could eat out more and drink better beer than Milwaukee's Best.
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.

Do a little more research and you will see that this number is very high. You will also find other much smaller numbers. I have found that most often the truth is somewhere in the middle.

As far as UHC goes, take a look at Europe and Canada and ask yourself if it is free and everyone is already paying for it, why would the people with means still come to America for treatment? Answer: Because they ration care and drugs and you have to wait in line (sometimes 4 to 5 months) to get treatment!
when i was unemployed i got blue cross for $40 a month which basically covered nothing minor, but covered me if i got cancer or hit by a car.

Same here - but I did this when employed as a contract consultant with no bennies. When I got sick I either sucked it up or went to a walk-in clinic, paid the fee and cut back on other activities (drinking in bars, eating out, etc.)
I am a 24 year old grad. student, work full-time but get no benefits where I work. I am uninsured, I was sick last week and had no where to go except emercency room. I noticed their were alot of people "sick". I was curious and asked a couple of them if they had insurance, and I got the same answer no. They were as was I using the emergency room as a doctor. So I went home and did a little research and 46 million and growing are uninsured in america. My question to you is what do you think of the "single-payer" universal healthcare system.

I take it you are not a grad student at UT. Most universities have a health care plan you can pick up, for a small fee. It's not great, but UT takes care of me.
As to the uninsured, that 46 million includes people that qualify for Medicaid, Medicare but aren't on there (insured but don't know it), illegal immigrants and people making $75K or more per year.
If everyone agrees that UHC sucks than what would need to happen to make health care affordable for the average joe or for the small business owner to provide it?

Would tort reform for medical malpractice help?
I had this while attending university of tennessee, but I transfered to university of toledo. I am not aware of a program here, but I had a child and my mind went elsewhere. My son is insured through medcaid. Thank you for all suggestions, I wish I had the money to have great healthcare, but unfortunatly I only make $13.00 hr. and have diapers and daycare to pay for on top of paying for some of school and all other expenses.
I had this while attending university of tennessee, but I transfered to university of toledo. I am not aware of a program here, but I had a child and my mind went elsewhere. My son is insured through medcaid. Thank you for all suggestions, I wish I had the money to have great healthcare, but unfortunatly I only make $13.00 hr. and have diapers and daycare to pay for on top of paying for some of school and all other expenses.

Check out Toledo's offerings for students:

The University of Toledo : Student Medical Center

Congrats on pursuing the grad degree under hardship. It will pay off for you. :hi:
I had this while attending university of tennessee, but I transfered to university of toledo. I am not aware of a program here, but I had a child and my mind went elsewhere. My son is insured through medcaid. Thank you for all suggestions, I wish I had the money to have great healthcare, but unfortunatly I only make $13.00 hr. and have diapers and daycare to pay for on top of paying for some of school and all other expenses.

Keep it up man, as VBH said, it will pay off in the end and you will be glad you did it.
I had this while attending university of tennessee, but I transfered to university of toledo. I am not aware of a program here, but I had a child and my mind went elsewhere. My son is insured through medcaid. Thank you for all suggestions, I wish I had the money to have great healthcare, but unfortunatly I only make $13.00 hr. and have diapers and daycare to pay for on top of paying for some of school and all other expenses.

not trying to sound like a jerk I promise (although you did start the thread :p) but why should my tax dollars go to pay for your healthcare when you put other things ahead of paying for it? I do believe your choices will pay off for you in the long run but for now I just don't agree that my money is best spent in the way you want. Guess I'm just a heartless bastage and believe choices have consequences
not trying to sound like a jerk I promise (although you did start the thread :p) but why should my tax dollars go to pay for your healthcare when you put other things ahead of paying for it? I do believe your choices will pay off for you in the long run but for now I just don't agree that my money is best spent in the way you want. Guess I'm just a heartless bastage and believe choices have consequences

Remember I pay taxes as well, these choices have caused me many nights of worry for my new family. Do I pay rent, buy diapers, pay for daycare, I pay roughly anywhere from 500-700 for books out of pocket or do I pay and I have called for insurance on just my self 200 a month. I am pretty healthy but was concerned when this cold lasted almost 2 weeks. I believe many Americans are being left with this choice, I don't think universal healthcare is answer, I do believe something has to be done to lessen the cost of health insurance premiums.

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