Heather Harrington on the Sports Animal makes my...

Well if I ran that show, I would give her a job. :dance2:

lol - no kidding. She can ask dumb questions all day long as far as I am concerned
1. None of the reporters ask very good questions
2. Even if they stumble upon a good one DD wont give a informative answer.
3. I would prolly watch HH read the dictionary
its called havin a nice workin enviroment...lol...wut u look like to look at her or jeff..pff...lol
She's a heckuva a lot smarter than that moron Dearstone. He should stick to Lady Vols play by play, where he does a fair job. His fake argumentative crap got old a couple of years ago but he continues with that incessant inane drivel. If they would get rid of Dearstone, Ms Harrington would be more than tolerable.

I agree, Dearstone is awful! Heather doesn't bother near as much as that buffoon.
Not sure if I can explain it but I feel like he stumbles with his words a lot. Plus, anytime there is a issue involving players, he always seems to side with the players. Kind of gets on my nerves.

Maybe I haven't given him a "Fair" chance. I'll try to listen to his show on the way home today.

He does stumble a bit with his words, like I said, he doesn't have a good radio voice. The substance of what he says is great though.

And yes he always does side with the players, but that's probably noticeable mainly because of all the full time radio guys in Knoxville talking UT football, he's the only one who played UT football. Its a trade off I'm more than willing to accept.

Not trying to talk you into liking him, if you don't like him you don't like him. I was just wondering what it was you didn't like about him.
Great, she played volleyball...who gives a damn. That's like me listening to football talk from a guy who played soccer....I don't care, your opinion means jack to me or any other man for that matter.

Hey now! I played soccer as well as football in high school. Most of my friends who also played soccer enjoyed football and knew a great deal about it.

And again, shes hot.
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I feel bad for him too but my head starts hurting if I listen very long. I have no idea how John and Jimmy know what he's saying. Kudos to them.

They probably learned to decipher him after a while. I can halfway get what he's saying. Hopefully whenever they hire new people they tell them of Roger before hand so the new people can be patient with him.
I don't dislike HH but she is not bright. However J. Pennington is the one that tops my list he will more than likely give me rebuttle on nexts weeks sports source as he spends majority of his on air time taking shots at fans for all of his hate mail. Dearstone sucks as well along with Hymes and Adams. You must be a D-Bag that hates the Vols to get a job in Knox market.
Does that megadouche Chris still call moron talk in the afternoon with his "take"? I hate that idiot! He's less knowledgeable than Jimmy.
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I was listening to Sportstalk one time and Chris comes on with his wealth of information. I immediately turned swithced to a CD and listened to at least 3 Ozzy Osbourne songs and I swear to God when I turned back to the radio the dude was still talking. Jim from Illinios is almost as bad. "Good afternoon guys!" Jimmy and John: "Good afternoon!" Jim: "Did you see the game between the Twins and the Padres last night?" Me if I were the host: "Who the f--- cares!"

Heather is delicious to look at that is for sure, and I would rather hear her talk than listen to Mickey sit there and go "Aahhhhhhhhhhh...........everytime someone asks him something.
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Sidenote, and I know this is wrong, but I would love to call in one day as "Roger," start off talking the way he does, and the launch into a tirade of profanities before they knew what hit them.
listen to Alex Anderson

This. His show is great. He knows his stuff, doesn't take himself too serious and likes UT. It sucks it doesn't come in that great in some parts of town and you can hear his producer talking sometimes but if you can get past that it is great.

I like how he will call people out too. He ripped Clay Travis today for saying James Franklin was a better recruiter than Dooley.

I like Josh and Will too but other than that 99.1 is not good.
She is one of the worst people on sports radio in the country, it's just awful.

Then again, I'm not quite sure why anyone would have a woman for sports talk to begin with....

Its a sign of the times....Every college game day, we have a female on the sidelines, giving gameday interviews and player/injury info. They remind me of the female roadcrew folks, the ones that are NEVER driving the bulldozer, but are holding flags and waving traffic around....I just tune them out as best as I can, like most commentators...(Imagine John Ward and some bimbo, instead of Bill Anderson....whew, rattles me timbers..):boobies:
I was listening to Sportstalk one time and Chris comes on with his wealth of information. I immediately turned swithced to a CD and listened to at least 3 Ozzy Osbourne songs and I swear to God when I turned back to the radio the dude was still talking. Jim from Illinios is almost as bad. "Good afternoon guys!" Jimmy and John: "Good afternoon!" Jim: "Did you see the game between the Twins and the Padres last night?" Me if I were the host: "Who the f--- cares!"

Heather is delicious to look at that is for sure, and I would rather hear her talk than listen to Mickey sit there and go "Aahhhhhhhhhhh...........everytime someone asks him something.
He ripped Clay Travis today for saying James Franklin was a better recruiter than Dooley.

I wish I could’ve heard that. CT should just go root for vandy as far as im concerned. He embarrasses the school. I think most of his behavior is self-serving and inappropriate.
I wish I could’ve heard that. CT should just go root for vandy as far as im concerned. He embarrasses the school. I think most of his behavior is self-serving and inappropriate.

He podcast his show on his site, that's how I listen most days so I can ff through commercials and not deal with the static. Doublearadio.com
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Sports talk is bad enough, but can't wait for Vol Calls. "hey coach, how's it hangin' yuk yuk." Kesling is a saint for putting up with that for years. Answering calls from Jethro in Bucksnort holler.

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